Sunday, July 26, 2009

A new commenting method and discoveries

One frustration I have with blogger is the inability to read the original post and comment on certain parts at the same time. I have changed the blog so that the comments now open in a separate window that can be maneuvered or made to split the screen. I am not sure I like it yet, but I am giving it a test run.

haha... I also have made two very interesting discoveries about blogger.

1. I can send blog posts in the past! Look at my previous blog post which was actually posted tonight.

2. I can now edit anything and everything anyone says, comments, or otherwise.
muhhahahaha... Better watch out people!


Lesley said...

Uh oh! I'm not sure I like that evil laugh! Now you can twist people's words...yes girls, we better watch out!;)

Michael Tillotson said...


Unknown said...

I can even change the name of the person commenting. haha...

This could be really fun. *searches for his first victim*

Lesley said...

Oh no! We're doomed! =0

Lesley said...

I like the new comment feature btw! Now we can read your newspapers while we comment so we make sure we cover everything! Very handy!

Unknown said...

Yep, you are all caught and ready to be manipulated. hehe...

I believe Rance said it best though, "We only do it because we have nothing better to do. In reality, it's a waste of time."

Meaning, you all better hope Michael keeps me preoccupied enough to prevent such idle foolishness. :D

I am glad you like the new commenting feature Les. I like it too. It is beneficial to see all the previous comments and the "newspapers" all at the same time. I think it's a keeper. :)

Lesley said...

Haha! I'm sure Michael will find things for you to do. And then, school starts soon so that will keep you occupied as well. So, maybe we don't have much to fear....yet. :)

And what happened to everyone anyway? Why am I the only one commenting on your blog anymore?

Unknown said...

Yeah, I think you are safe for the meantime anyway.

I don't know what happened to everyone. Amy was around, but she was scared off, and K hasn't dared comment in quite some time.

I guess it just proves that me, my newspapers, or both, are too frightening for them to handle.

Lesley said...

Haha! Or maybe they just have more of a life than we do... :)

Unknown said...

hehe... Yeah, that is probably it. Although, I miss their delightful comments.

Lesley said...

Yeah, I do too!