Monday, August 17, 2009

Interesting visitor

Well this week is off to a great start. It is my last week before school begins again and I have already had a very interesting experience. One of those things that doesn't happen every day.

This guy has been coming into our shop regularly. His name is Ron Haubold. We have assisted him with his I-pod, and his two computers a number of times. Anyway, this time he relates to me quite a narrative. Hold on to your hats folks! Here we go...

He starts out by saying that his lawyer is using ancient software and should be convinced to upgrade. He then hands me an external enclosure for a desktop hard drive and launches into his story.

Either Friday or Saturday night, Ron was parked behind our shop in the alley hijacking our wireless internet. He explained that he couldn't connect anymore at the library and had to get his Photoshop working. So while he was sitting there in his car, a neighborhood cop drives up and asks him what he is doing. Ron mentions that he is updating photoshop, and the cop notices that the right seat in Ron's car is missing. Ron explains that he took his seat out to haul boards from Menards to his house and hasn't put it back in yet. The cop goes back to his car and radios to another cop. Once he comes, they end up taking his license away. They leave after promising him that he can do whatever he wants now.

Ron, in a loud voice, announces that he is fed up with Kearney and wants to leave the state as soon as possible. He tells me that he is going to pick up his police report and high tail out of the state without his license and go to Prom-e-tary Lake, KS to fish. (spelling??)

He had already found renters for his apartment in Kearney and would have to vacate in the beginning of September.

I cautioned him to obey the law and legally go through the hoops to obtain his license again. If he was caught without his license he would most certainly go to jail. But I really doubt he will heed my advice.

Apparently he has been in trouble with the law before after leaving the scene of an accident back in MO and having his license terminated. He explained to me all the details of that ordeal too, but that would be another newspaper.

What struck me the most out of this experience is that Ron told me all this knowing that I could easily go to the police station and have him apprehended when he drives without his license. I mean, he told me where he lived, where he was going, what kind of vehicle he was driving, and mentioned he would be hauling his boat which equaled a total of 28,000 pounds.

In addition, he told me that once he gets out of the state he will go from county to county asking for a new drivers license until they give him one. If necessary he will lie and change the last letter of his last name to T if they refuse to give him one with his real name.

Well everyone, this will be the last week of frequent blogging. I will try to keep you all updated with my life with at least one post every other week, but it will be toned down rather drastically. I doubt I will be writing long newspapers for quite awhile. So some of you can heave a great sigh of relief and the rest of you may mourn greatly. ;)


Lesley said...

What an odd character! Why do you think he would tell you all that? Hope he's just upset and not off in the head. Maybe he will heed your will be sad if he doesn't.

*Sniff, grabs a box of tissues* Perhaps I should go pull out my black clothes...

Seriously though, we will miss you around! Try not to be too much of a stranger!:)

And may the LORD bless your efforts this school year!

Rachel C said...

That would be really weird! It is interesting though that he would tell you pretty much everything that he's going to do.

To Les-
Haha! Black clothes-nice:)

Ashley Hoover said...

what a strange fellow.

*plays taps* we will never forget you Seth! :)

Lesley said...

I'd say you have some friends who mourn your loss Seth!

Shall we write him a eulougy girls?;)

Unknown said...

Yes, he is an odd character. The only reason I can come up with is a common friend.

He and I both know a civil rights attorney in Lincoln. I know him because he goes to my church, and Ron knows him for business reasons.

haha... You girls! Kleenexes and black clothes. Really now! Is an eulogy really necessary?? I may still be living after Monday, you just will rarely have proof.

To Les:
Thanks for your blessing Lesley. I will continue to do my best. I hope my classes are much more difficult this year!

I never understood busy-work until I went to college!

To Rachel: I have one question that maybe you can help me out with. I know Lesley recommended my blog, but how did you get the address?

By the way Rachel. If you ever have nothing to do, you can read some of my other past posts. Some of them are a little humorous. Having nothing to do is a requirement though! If you thought for a second that my 800 some word newspapers were long on K's blog. Think again!

To Ash:
I fail to understand the game "taps". Would you please enlighten me?

Lesley said...

Seth! Taps is not a game! *shakes head in bewilderment* You're getting a Marine for a brother and you don't know what taps are? "Taps" is a song played at military funerals.

Well, we could still write you a eulogy. Wouldn't it be nice to see what people have to say about you?:)

That's a bit unusual....most people wish their classes were easier. I'd say your view of it is a good one though! Perhaps I should also say, May your classes be a productive use of your time!

I have a question, Rachel and Seth...have you two met each other?

Unknown said...

Really? So that is what taps is. Yeah, I have a lot to learn about marine life.

It may be nice to see what everyone says about me, but it might make me cry. haha... That would simply be tragic!

If it is the Rachel that is Addie's friend and went to CYIA this year. Then yes we have met on two occasions. :)

Lesley said...

That would be the Rachel.

Glad to have provided you your thing learned for the day.:)

No! You cry?! Impossible! No, maybe've got a sensitive, romantic side. :D

Rachel C said...

To Seth-
Yep, that's me!:)

Addie actually gave me the address to Amy's "ChildrenforChrist" one and from there I found Kristin's blog, which in turn led me to yours:)
(I just pressed on your picture on one of your comments and it gave your profile, blog, etc.) So yeah, that's basically it.:)

I already read a couple (the ones when you were "keeping house" for the T's:) They were hilarious! I can relate to the whole garden thing-my Mom makes me water like constantly (so it seems) and she's really particular about how I do it although not nearly as organized and well-planned as the T's garden:)
With the food, that made me laugh even harder b/c it reminded me of my dad-we usually just leave him some hamburger helper (with the hamburger already cooked, of course):)

Lately I have had a lot of time on my hands (until tomorrow when school starts).

Oh, btw, your newspapers on K's blog WERE long, not nearly as long as these ones, but still long:)

Lesley said...

Happy first day of school Rachel! May you gain knowledge and stand for the Lord this school year!

Haha! I'm sure your dad appreciates it! My dad is actually a fairly good cook. But, 12 years in college and medical school will do that to you.:) He makes the best manacotti and omlets you've ever had! And pb cookies are his specialty. I remember being astonished the first time I saw him make them. Until then I had no idea he knew how to cook!:)

Lesley said...

Btw Seth, does your phone still buzz every time someone gets on your blog? I was just thinking if it did with all the goings on lately you're getting quite a massage!(provided you carry it around in your pocket.:))

Rachel C said...

Thanks Lesley! I'm really going to need it. I'm praying that the Lord will help me take a stand for Him this year, but sometimes it's so hard to do that in public school.

I probably don't give my dad enough credit with his cooking skills-he can make toast and ramen:) just kidding, he's actually a decent cook, he just doesn't do it very often.:) My older brother can be a really good cook for the most part though-unlike me:)I take more after my dad!:)

To Seth-
Does your phone really do that? That's kind of funny.:)

I hope everyone has an awesome year. May the Lord bless you all in your work!

Btw, I think K's trying to ruin our fun on her blog:)

Amy said...

I didn't bother reading all of the this may sound totally random, but you will be missed Seth! You posts are always so funny! ;)

Lesley said...

I can imagine how hard public schools must be! But He gives us the courage we need when we are faithful to Him.:)

I've been trying to get my brother to learn to cook some things but can't seem to get the point across. I keep telling him he'll end up a poor batchelor housesitting and won't know what to do!;)

Unknown said...

hmm... I figure since it is my blog and all, I had better have some say here.

To Lesley:
Yeah, me cry. Ludicrous! Most guys have a romantic side, some are just better hidden.

To Rachel:
Ahh... thanks for the explanation. I didn't remember that I had published my blogger profile. But now I remember that I only published the basics and haven't filled out the specifics.

I am glad you were able to get some amusement out of those posts. There are more of them, but again, you have to have time.

To Lesley:
Wow, a father that can halfway cook! Incredible. My dad can grill really well. Those pb cookies sound rather delicious.

Let me describe to you what happens when visitors come to my blog.

1. If my analytics software is running, it will ding with every click on my blog, unless it is me. :)

2. Once someone is on my blog it will tell me where they are located (approximately) what computer they are using, how many times they have been on in a specified period of time, and detailed graphs that provide which posts they visit most. It will also make a note if this person left a comment.

3. If G'talk is running. I will get a popup on the screen that tells me that a new comment has been made. And in a couple seconds my phone will vibrate also saying a new comment has been written.

At any time, I can prevent any of this from happening.

To Rachel:
Yeah, K has a way of doing that sometimes. lol I will try and catch up to everyone here soon.

Read the previous comments to Les if you want to know about my phone.

To Amy:
I am glad I will at least be missed. lol Although, it seems like I might see you in person in a week or so. That should be fun!

Lesley said...

That gizmo phone of yours just has all the bells and whistles! No wonder you are always so well informed!

I see you had another late night...sorry about that!

Yep! Those cookies are rather delicious, in my totally unbiased opinion.:) I'm getting the impression that pb is one of your favorite foods...

Have fun with Seth, Amy! And vice versa....this should be interesting!;)

Ashley Hoover said...

Ok, i guess i haven't visited here in a while! I had to get all caught up. And since Sis already answered your question about taps i have nothing else to say. ;)

Unknown said...

hehe... Lesley. I don't know if you misunderstood, but the last part of the third step is the only thing that happens on my phone. The rest is on my computer.

I wonder why you think that Lesley? Are you saying that it is more than a coincidence that I like peanut butter malts and pb cookies too? Well that is absurd! :)

Lesley said...

Oh....well then yes, I misunderstood. So your phone isn't that fancy of a gizmo after all.:)

I definitely think your love of pb is not random! Joshua made pb balls today...haven't had one of those in was good! Sorry you missed them.;)

Unknown said...

No, it is a pretty dumb machine. It won't do my laundry or make me food. Pretty much useless in my opinion. ;)

I like the pb milk balls. Those are soo good. lol Well I will have to make them sometime. I know they are rather simple.

Is Josh the one that you are attempting to convince to learn how to cook now? Or is that a different brother?

Rachel C said...

Mmm... You guys are making me hungry with all this talk about peanut butter balls & cookies!:)

Lesley said...

Haha! Yeah...pretty useless when it comes to the practical necessities of life. That's where a special someone comes in handy.;)

No, I'm trying to convince Dylan. Joshua is pretty good in the kitchen and enjoys cooking. He makes some killer granola! Dylan however has yet to see the necessity.

Unknown said...

Yeah... Well that would be correct, but I don't want to leave everything for this special someone!

Ahh... Well Dylan knows me, maybe you should have him read my bachelorhood stories. If that doesn't convince him, I think it is a hopeless cause.

Lesley said...

How considerate of you Seth! I'm sure your special someone will appreciate that!

Hmmmm...perhaps. We try to tell him. Though in his defense, he does make the best tapioca pudding and can make grilled cheese. So I guess if he's content to live on that he won't completely starve.

Rachel C said...

Okay, so I really don't have anything to say, but I felt like leaving a comment. :)

Hope everything goes well for you this school year, Seth. May God bless you.

Unknown said...

Ahh.... Rachel. Thanks for the comment. This post was getting pretty lonely.

Rachel C said...

I'd say! ;) JK

Lesley said...

Hmm....well maybe we should get a conversation going on here 'til you post something new Seth!;)

Rachel C said...

Sounds like a plan, Les. What should we talk about?

Lesley said...

Well Rachel, we could talk about how Seth took all the girls shoes and wired their tent shut except neither of us was there so we wouldn't have much to say.

So, we could talk about....hmmm...not sure. Now where is Seth when you need someone to give you a topic to discuss?!

Rachel C said...

He did what?!? Now THAT sounds like an interesting story. ;)

Hmmm...let's see... How was the picnic Saturday? Did a lot of people show up? Are you planning on teaching any Good News Clubs this school year?

Lesley said...

Haha! Yes well, it was very original.:)

The picnic was good...what little of it we were there for. We got there late because another girl riding with us was in an accident on the way over so we had to pick her up. Then we dashed off to the picnic and left early to make it to the Wissmann's musical. So were were only there for like and hour or two. Us girls ate nearly three packages of sour straws on the way and then had ice cream when we got home. It had been that kind of day.;)

No, I'm not teaching any GNC's this year. I teach nearly every day after school so it doesn't fin in my schedule. How about you?

Haha! I suppose we could send each other an e-mail now that Seth's blog isn't "lonely" anymore!;P

Rachel C said...

Uhoh, was your friend hurt? I hope she recovers quickly.

Yeah, one of those kinds of days. :)

No, I'm not teaching any. I have CC practice everyday after school plus truck loads of homework, so I really don't have much time.

Haha! Yeah...

Just out of curiosity, what do you teach?

So, is it Sept. 19 that Seth was planning for this "party?" or was that happening or what? I'm really kind of lost... :)

Hope you're having an awesome day!

Lesley said...

She's fine Rachel...Praise God! It really could've been a lot worse than it was.

I teach piano. I have 19 students this fall so far. Not nearly as many as Kristin's 30!:)

Well I don't know what Seth is planning but the girls are putting together a homeschool conference for the 19th.

Haha Rachel! At 8:35 last night my day was pretty much over!;)

Lesley said...

BTW Seth, did Ron ever move?

Rachel C said...

I'm so glad your friend wasn't hurt. God is so good!

Yeah, Les, not as many as K (she's crazy, I don't know how she does it! :), but 19 is still a lot. Haha! That's kind of funny because I'm actually taking piano lessons.

Sorry, I don't know why I thought that was funny... I'm kind of tired right now so don't mind me if none of this makes sense... ;)

Okay, I thought there was a home-school thing at Addie's, but I wasn't sure.

Let's see... it's only 4pm this time, so I guess I can wish you a great day. ;)

Yeah, Seth, I was wondering that same thing about Ron.

Unknown said...

Wow, I totally missed this conversation on my "own" blog. Yikes! Its funny because the last comment was three days before umm... Lesley had her cronies redecorate my car. lol

Yes, as far as we know. Ron has skipped town.

Rachel C said...

Haha...really, Seth?!?!