Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A txt'ing wonder

This is from Neowin.net. It is one of the websites I regularly visit for technology news. :)

"MobileCrunch is reporting that an anonymous AT&T subscriber in the US sent 662,000 txt messages in August and received a 12,000 paged paper bill."

If you have time, you should watch the 5 minute video below that actually shows the bill and the phone he used. Pretty ridiculous...

Reading youtube comments, this person claims to have not used any automated system to receive or send txt messages and also claims that he didn't send any messages to more than one recipient!! Yes, he had unlimited txt messaging. *sigh of relief*

Please...Please... with all your txt messages, don't try to surpass this nut! :P

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Teenage conclusion and celebration

Well, the last few days of my teen years have been rather uneventful and most memorable. Let me begin with a few events from Thursday.

Thursday morning beginning about 11:30, I drove my car to Big O tires to have my tires replaced. The original time estimate was about 1 hour. Since I didn't want to wait there unproductively, I contacted Mrs. Tillotson and asked if someone could come and pick me up. She tentatively said yes, and attempted contacting people. Benjamin was called at least 3 times, he didn't answer, K was called several times, she didn't answer.

Benjamin was washing windows just a few miles away from Big O. Finally, Mrs. Tillotson came and picked me up. Just as we were about to leave, Benjamin drives past in the van. Grrr...

We went back to the house, ate lunch and Kristin drove me back to Big O to pick up my tires. I saw my car was still in the bay with the mechanics. I sighed, and sat down in the waiting room. I sat there for quite some time quite content but a little frustrated.

After a few consultations with the mechanics about additional necessary repairs, they finally announced my car was finished around 3:30. So much for one hour. lol The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.

Friday morning I was determined to understand my confusing accounting course by having Rance as my tutor. In his words, he was "determined to shoot Seth if he doesn't learn accounting and wastes my time in the process :)"

With this in mind, I wandered to my car, started it, but wasn't going anywhere very fast. To my dismay, my car was obviously leaning to the right. I exited, and found my front, passenger tire was completely flat! I located my jack, and attempted to replace the tire.

It had a terrible time getting the tire replaced. First, my car didn't leave enough clearance to insert the jack, then I couldn't figure out how to use my jack, so I borrowed the neighbors jack and finally got the drivers side jacked up.

With that accomplished, I retrieved several hand weights from the garage and gradually moved the jack to the correct side. If Ben and Michael had been there, I would have had a reason to lift up my car, but they were both gone.

I had a few more minor difficulties, but I finally got my donut mounted. By that time, it was 11:30 and Algebra class was scheduled in a half hour. With all the weight on that puny little tire, it resembled a balloon being squeezed ready to burst at any moment. I didn't trust it, and decided to ride on two wheels instead of four.

With everything that had happened so far, I just laughed when I located my bike and found the back tire totally flat. lol! Thankfully, it held air for long enough to get to school and back. But it felt almost flat when I finally returned.

I decided to bring my car back to Big O and have the problem diagnosed. Considering my donut's appearance, I crawled across town at less than 25 mph, taking mostly side streets. Upon reaching Big O, I described my problem to the mechanics.

Nearby, two young ladies exclaimed that they had the same problem. They had new tires mounted on thursday, and today one of them was flat. Another guy piped up, that he had new ones mounted on Wed. and already had a flat. Obviously something was wrong!

I was assured that it would be a free checkup and replacement if necessary and given a 30 minute estimation. This time I was prepared, I had brought my business textbook to study while I was waiting. Fifteen minutes later, my tire was remounted and I was all ready to leave. So much for being productive!

Inquiring about the problem, I was told that "the tire core was loose" whatever that means. lol I was relieved that it wasn't my fault this time. :)

The next day was my birthday. I woke up Saturday morning with a long list to accomplish. It wasn't my plan to leave the house until much later in the day. But, after breakfast I received a perplexing txt message from Lesley requesting that I take a break and walk out to the driveway.

Not wanting to come out unprepared for an ambush or something, I exited the side door and made my way to the driveway. At first, I didn't see anything unusual. Everything was in its proper place. But, then I saw it.

Gazing across the street I burst into fits of laughter. My car had been mysteriously redecorated with hot pink window paint, glitter, and numerous hearts. Unfortunately the dew had smothered the writing, but the message could still be read. Here are some pictures of the damage.

The Tillotson's also made me some delicious non-tillotsonized (unhealthy) beef stroganoff and lemon cake for lunch. Just in case I forgot my age, I was also given 20 rather curious presents. It was a very broad assortment of items. Among them were: rubberbands, taco seasoning mix, notebooks, jalapenos, calculator, hot chocolate, highlighters, baked beans, giant paper clips, etc. It was fun unwrapping them all.

Well, that is my story! A big thanks to all who participated and made my 20th birthday unforgettable! Thanks! :)