Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A txt'ing wonder

This is from Neowin.net. It is one of the websites I regularly visit for technology news. :)

"MobileCrunch is reporting that an anonymous AT&T subscriber in the US sent 662,000 txt messages in August and received a 12,000 paged paper bill."

If you have time, you should watch the 5 minute video below that actually shows the bill and the phone he used. Pretty ridiculous...

Reading youtube comments, this person claims to have not used any automated system to receive or send txt messages and also claims that he didn't send any messages to more than one recipient!! Yes, he had unlimited txt messaging. *sigh of relief*

Please...Please... with all your txt messages, don't try to surpass this nut! :P


Lesley said...

Oh my! What a month! I'd hate to have seen what the price tag would've been without unlimited texting!=0

Rachel C said...

Whoa! I can't even imagine that! 12,000 pages?!?! How is it possible to even send that many text messages in a month? :P

Unknown said...

People have done the math, and he would have to have sent about 1 txt ever 6 seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If he allowed for sleeping a few hours each night, that would reduce it to one every three seconds or so.

Remember, that total includes both sending and receiving.

Lesley said...

Total craziness! Don't people have a life?! Really, that makes all the blog commenting not seem quite so bad.:) I'd recommend he just CALL whoever he's txting! It would save a ton of time and paper!

Unknown said...

No kidding! I wonder how many pieces of paper come from one tree. hmm.... Lets ask google. A very rough estimate would be about 90,000. That would mean that he was sent 13% of his own special tree all nicely packaged for him.

Lesley said...

Hope the guy plants a tree to replace all they'll end up using on his phone bills! That's more and one tree a year if he keeps going at the current rate! Whoa!

Rachel C said...

Oh, Wow! That's a lot of trees. :P

Lesley said...

He must not be an enviromentalist! lol!:D

Rachel C said...

Haha!! Guess not, Les! :)

Angelica said...

I just now read the post and the comments :). That's pretty amazing!!!

Unknown said...

Good to see you found my blog too Angelica! You will find it rather bland lately compared with K's. :)

Lesley said...

I think she's been reading it Seth, just not commenting. Of course, maybe she was just waiting for a post with shorter sentences and words the rest of us can understand without having to have a dictionary on hand!;)

Unknown said...

Lol, this post was remarkably short and had maybe two or three "big words." ;)

I hope you have had a chance, Angelica, to read some of the rest of the posts. You may get a laugh from some of them. :)

You may comment on older posts, but the comment won't appear until I have approved it. This is just a security measure to prevent comment spam.

Lesley said...

I know...it's quite shocking! Really Seth, I do believe your standards are slipping here a little! haha...jk.:)

Angelica said...

Yes, I have been reading yours about as long as I've been reading K's. I'll look through some older posts...

Angelica said...

The newspaper length articles had nothing to do with my not commenting. I didn't have anything to say :)

Rachel C said...

That's alright, Angelica, but I'm glad you have things to say now. :)

Unknown said...

Yes, very curious in my opinion. Angelica was the silent listener for several months and only just recently "suddenly" has mountains to say! :) Am I the only one that finds that perplexing?

Unknown said...

I am glad you found many of my older posts Angelica. Now, you understand the reasons that birthed this blog and my life the past summer.

I am so sorry for leaving you speechless after my newspapers. ;)

Lesley said...

Perplexing yes, however I'm not sure I'd call it "mountains" to say. She doesn't say much in her comments, do you Ag?:) Of course, she didn't really know any of you all that well until recently so maybe that had something to do with it...

Perhaps you'd care to explain, Ag?;)

Angelica said...

Well, I don't say much in person, either, unless I know the person well... But, yes, I didn't know any of you well, so I kept quiet. Plus, for some reason, I wasn't sure what you would think, Seth, because I didn't know if you even knew who I was ;). Does that make it more clear?

Rachel C said...

I understand, Angelica. Don't worry, though, I honestly don't know any of you very well either. I think I've met Seth twice-both times very briefly I might add. :)

Angelica said...

Yes, I think that now that I've met all of you, I will be commenting quite a bit more than none :).

Rachel C said...

Hey, Seth, why do you have the "comment checking before showing" on every post but this one? Just wondering. ;P

Unknown said...

Seems I am a little behind. This blog is so much easier to track! I had a monster to conquer the last couple days, and it was gobbling up my time at an astonishing rate!

Thanks for your explanation Angelica! Really, I wandered into unknown and dangerous waters on K's blog without knowing very many people. It was very enjoyable! You should try it sometime!

I hope you know think that worrying about what I would think about you talking was silly. hehe...

Yes, there is a legitimate concern if you just comment on some random blog. That can get you in trouble! But K's blog was not random.

I had known the T's for awhile, and figured that all the blog guests would be very nice individuals. I must say, it was quite an adventure getting to know all of you better.

You are right Rachel, I hardly know you. We have seen each other twice, and I hardly know anything about you. Perhaps, we should work on that! I will start with two simple questions. What is your age, and how many siblings do you have?

From what I remembered from Choir, Angelica, I thought your two eldest sisters were quiet too, but since then my perspective has been widened quite drastically. I now see how wrong I was. :D I was also rather shy back then too, and wanted to keep my distance from that host of scary girls who sang so beautifully!

To Rachel:
I actually have comment checking on every single post, but the time just hasn't expired for the latest post yet. After thirty days from the original posting date, it will make me approve every comment. This prevents automated comments from spammers from being published automatically.

Lesley said...

Look girls! A newspaper!:)

I won't attempt to answer your whole newspaper but did want to say that I had to laugh at your comment, Seth, about Sis and I being quiet. I will say that was a very true statement about us back then. We didn't say much except to Catherine and Noelle...mostly Catherine. Though I will say that while I didn't get to know Dana real well, I did find her a lot of fun! Talk about social...wow!:D However, since choir days, you add a few years of maturity(I hope!), CYIA, teaching and life in general and you don't have much of a choice but to step out of your comfort zone and talk to people. So...you weren't entirely wrong.:)

Rachel C said...

I know, right, Les! ;)

Haha! Well, Seth, you obviously haven't read K's blog in a while, or you would know the answer to your first question.:P I'll tell you anyway, though. :) To answer your first, I'll turn 15 next Tuesday. For your second question, I have two brothers-one older and one younger.
Alright, now it's your turn. :)

Oh, I see. I didn't realize about the 30 day expiration. :)

Les and Ash were really quiet?! Somehow I find that just a little hard to believe. ;) Although I really don't know either of you very well so I probably can't talk much. :) I know what you mean though, I'm actually considered really quiet. I've been working on it, though, and these last couple of years I think I've come out of my shell a little bit (I hope!) :)

lol, Seth! "I figured all of the blog participants would be nice individuals." That made me laugh for some reason. :P

Wow, I think I'm starting to write my own newspapers! :D

Lesley said...

Careful Rachel! You'll be using words we'll have to look up in the dictionary next!;)

That's funny! You and Seth are opposites in your siblings!:D

For the record, Ash is quiter than I am. Though, I always made her do things first when we were growing up so you'd think it'd go the other way. Hmmm...not quite sure what happened there.

Rachel C said...

lol, Les! I don't think you'll ever have to worry about that. :P

Angelica said...

Wow, Seth... You really should start a newspaper :).

Ash & Les really quiet? :) When were you in choir?

Angelica said...

Oh, and in answer to the second paragraph, sentence.... 4, I think. I could, but I'd have to find one first :)... Let's see... :)

What kind of monster?

Unknown said...

hehe... more catching up to do. K's blog is soo daunting right now!

Yeah Les, Choir, and debate pretty much knocked out of me whatever shyness I still had by the time I graduated. Especially debate! Shyness and debate just don't mix!

To Rachel:
Ahh... Yes, our siblings are opposite. I have two sisters. One of them 2 years old than me, and the younger one is 10 years younger than me.

Next question, *might be more difficult* If you were driving down the road with Obama and Ronald Reagan, and you could ask them each one question, what would it be?

Nice publication there Rachel! Not quite a front page article, but its getting there. Keep improving!

To Angelica:
Yes, Ash and Les were really quiet. But then I said the same thing about Eliza. hehe... That was amusing.

I was in choir from age 12 to age 17. (I will let you do the math.) My 18th year had me struggling to finish highschool and debate my last year. That was so much fun! Ahh... the good old days. :)

Hehe... Angelica. Numbering the paragraphs and sentences. Nice! But you stopped at naming the exact number of letters and characters. Better hurry, or you might fail your test!

The monster possessed many facets Angelica. He was armed with snares, and booby traps! His chief weapon were the tunnels and twisty trails that formed the maze I was required to navigate. Yes, he was quite the formidable beast!

Angelica said...

Uh-huh :)... Was the said monster a school project?

BTW, I'm working on getting a picture... If I had any clue what I was doing, it would help tremendously :P.

Angelica said...

Okay, did this work???

Angelica said...

Apparently not :)

Angelica said...

How 'bout this?

Angelica said...

HURRAY!!!! IT WORKED! (Sorry, Seth :). I spent about... 10 min., maybe, trying to figure it out, so I'm happy :P)

Angelica said...

Well, I COULD have counted the letters, etc., but I wanted to try to figure out how to make a picture appear :)...

Angelica said...

Oh, hey Les, since you didn't answer my question on K's blog (maybe you just didn't know it was there)... :) How did you know that I read Seth's blog, but you didn't know that I read Kristin's blog?

Rachel C said...

Hmmm...."might be more difficult" was a slight understatement. ;) I'll have to think about this one...

Well, for Pres. Obama, I would ask him what exactly he's going to do that would be GOOD enough for him to win the Nobel Peace Prize. I still can't believe he won it after being nominated for it 11 days after his inauguration! That's almost as bad as last years...or maybe it was a couple years ago... (when did Al Gore win)?

I'm not sure what I would ask Reagan yet...

Rachel C said...

I like your picture, Angelica!

Lesley said...

Okay wow. You've all been busy today!

To Ag:
I didn't know your read either blog. Nice picture...I knew you'd pick one like that.;) Haha! Numbering the sentences is nearly as bad as counting cars on the interstate!;) Just hope that doesn't mean you were bored!

Way to conquor the monster Seth! It must feel good to have a formidable foe vanquished!:D Now let's just hope you don't have any others for a while yet...

BTW...is that question just for Rachel or is it an everyone question?

Rachel C said...

I don't know, Les, but I hope it's an everyone question. This should be interesting...:)

Btw, I forgot to say that first of all if I ever was driving down the road with them (not that I ever would be!:), it would probably be a really awkward conversation! ;P

Rachel C said...

Okay, I'm confused. What's this whole monster thing?

Lesley said...

lol Rachel! That would be awkward! Haha... Well, I'll wait to hear from Seth to see if that question is an open one before I tell you what I'd say.;)

Rachel C said...

Haha, Seth! Eliza quiet? :D

Unknown said...

Yes, Angelica. The monster was one of two comprehensive accounting problems required for this course.

Yay! for Angelica!! You deserve a pat on the back for adding your own avatar all by yourself in ten minutes no less! I can think of people that would have given up long before then! It shows you have perseverance. Congrats!! :)

To Rachel:
Yes, that question was designed to dig deeper into how your world view was intertwined with the leaders of popular culture today. I think it worked! Although, I still am waiting for the second portion of the question to be answered. :)

Take your time though, I obviously took my time with my response. ;)

Yes, I thought that Obama winning the Nobel peace prize was pretty awful. If he keeps up this pace, in a couple years the whole nation will be bowing down to one tyrannical ruler!

While this question was originally meant for Rachel because I know her the least, anybody else can offer their own input.

And who knows? Maybe I have an opinion too. :D

Rachel C said...

I know. I'm kind of scared of the direction our nation is turning!

Hey, it's only fair if you answer your own questions, Seth. ;)

Ummm... I think I'm going to take you up on that offer because I still have to decide on a question for Ronald Reagan...;)

What do you mean you THINK it worked? Hehe... Just kidding! ;P

BTW, since you haven't answered the question on K's blog yet, I guess I'll ask you here... You still haven't confirmed what your favorite cookie is. ;)

Lesley said...

So I can answer the question too huh? Hmm....this will be interesting. Let me decide what my questions will be and get back to you.

I like your question btw Rachel and will be looking forward to reading your question for Ronald Regan!

And yes Seth...you should answer your question too!

Rachel C said...

Alright, I think I finally have a question! :D

"If there was one thing during your presidency that you could change, what would it be and why?"

I realize that it's not a great thought-provoking question, but at least it's something, right? :P

Okay, time for a fun question!
I'd ask him what his favorite flavor of jelly beans was. :) Just kidding but I would be curious to know...:)

Unknown said...

lol Rachel. :) Good first question. I know you weren't around during his presidency, but surely during the infancy years one would remember and have a solid opinion. ;)

Lesley said...

Oh yes! Of course an infant would have an opinion of their own. They are great thinkers and no doubt have quite a few thoughts on may subjects.;)

Okay...here's my two questions:

To President Obama I would ask; What do you want to be remembered most for by prosterity?
(his answer would determine what he values the highest and what a person values tells a lot about them!)

To President Regan I would ask: What do you see as America's greatest area of apathy since your presidency?
(America sadly has gone downhill since Regan and I would find it fascinating to know where he would see the biggest change)

Rachel C said...

Great questions, Les!

And yes, Seth, I knew many things as an infant. ;) Haha! Yeah right!;P

Rachel C said...

*A quiet whisper* Hello...? Anybody there...?


Unknown said...

Nope, Sry. No one is home. Knock again tomorrow. ;)

Rachel C said...

Hey! Seth's back. How was your trip? Oh, wait. Is it tomorrow yet? ;)

Unknown said...

Haha... the trip was excellent! More than slightly disorganized, hectic, and a little chilly, but all in all it was a lot of fun.

If time, during fall break the next couple of days I will try to post several posts describing the trip. ;)

Lesley said...

Glad you all made it home in *mostly* one piece! Looking forward to an account of the trip...I'm sure it's amusing!:D And pictures too? You are going to post pictures aren't you!?

Rachel C said...

Oooo! I hope there are pictures! :) Glad you had fun, Seth!

Unknown said...

I should have a few pictures too, but most of the pictures will be on the TCS.net blog. If they happen to miss any important ones that accent my story, I will be sure to include them. :)

Rachel C said...

Oh good! Pictures are the best! ;)

BTW, you still haven't answered your question. :P

Unknown said...

You are right Rachel. There are a lot of questions that I haven't answered. ;) That doesn't mean I don't have answers, I just need to find the time to pry them out of my mind and write them down. grr...

It is fall break after all, but my cousins unexpected visit this afternoon prevented any blog posts today. Sorry!

Rachel C said...

That's okay. Just take your time. After all, you're supposed to relax on your time off, right? ;)

Lesley said...

Relax?! Whatever is that? *going to the dictionary to look it up* I can't remember a time I had off to just relax! Even during vacation...;)

Rachel C said...

Haha! I figured someone was going to say something about that. You're so right though. I guess that's what I get to look forward to! ;)

Lesley said...

Yes you do Rachel! But enjoy the time you have now! Don't be in a hurry to 'grow up'....it will come along fast enough! Make the most of where God has you in life now...make it count!:)

Rachel C said...

Oh believe me, Les, I'm in NO hurry to 'grow up!' :) I am trying to make it count though. It's hard sometimes, but I know God has a plan and will help me accomplish it in His time.

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear that Rachel. There are a boatload of things that I wish I would have done differently or not at all, and thousands of seconds that I wasted.

Rachel C said...

I know what you mean, Seth. Already there are so many things that I wish I could go back to and change. Just today at lunch I wish I had said something, but I never seem to know what to say...I feel like I let God down a lot if you know what I mean.

Lesley said...

But isn't it amazing Rachel, that even though we're not perfect, and yes, we mess up and make mistakes, the God we serve IS perfect?! He is always right there to pick us back up again and give us the strength to stand, the words to say, the courage to make those right decisions.

I'm reminded of the words to a song..."How refreshing to know You don't need me; how amazing to find that You want me"...God doesn't NEED us, He is perfectly capable of doing whatever He wants without the 'help' of anyone. Just think if He *did* need us! What a burden that would be since we're so imperfect! Yet what's so amazing is that God still WANTS us! He delights in us, He longs for us to spend time with Him, to KNOW Him! He wants to use us in spite of ourselves and our shortcomings! It's so amazing to think of!

So...tomorrow is another day! Learn from the mistakes of the past and use them to help you in the future. And as far as never knowing what to say - sometimes actions speak louder than words and your life can be a radiant testimony all it's own. Yet, for those times when words are needed, you can be sure He will help you know which are the right ones.

And just one other thing Rachel...remember that God's love for you is unconditional. No matter whether you 'let God down' or say all the right things, He loves you just the same! His love is not based on your actions or lack there of. He could never love you any less. Isn't that amazing?!

Okay...sorry. I feel I've preached a sermon...praying for you Rachel!:)

Rachel C said...

Thanks, Les, I really needed that right now! Thanks for everything you do. You don't know how encouraging it is to know that someone is praying for you.:)

I pray that I NEVER forget that we serve an awesome God!!! I'm SO glad He loves me even with my faults. I love Him soo much!!

Oh wow, this is so cool! That song you mentioned...it just came on...and I'm listening to it right now! ...When I'm weak, You make me strong...so I'll stand on Your truth, and I'll fight with Your strength by the power of Christ in me...I know I'm nothing on my own, but the power of Christ in me makes me strong...how refreshing to know You don't need me...but how amazing to find that YOU WANT ME...!

I'm not sure what this is from exactly, but have you ever read "An Intimate Message From God to You?" It's not a book; it's just an excerpt from something, I think. It basically just takes verses from all over the Bible about how God feels about us. How He knows everything about us, made us in His image, loves us, etc., etc. It's really cool! One of my favorite lines is "...I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love (1 Jn. 4:16)... And it is My desire to lavish My love on you...Simply because you are My child and I am your Father... (I Jn. 3:1)

I know that I never have to doubt His love for me. It amazes me so much! I mean seriously; He allowed and sent His only Son to die on a cross (the worst punishment there was back then!) all because He LOVES us and cherishes us and wants us to be with Him FOREVER! I'm so glad to be a child of God! May the Lord use me and all of you for His glory.

Sorry, this is really long. Hopefully it all makes sense.:)

Lesley said...

There have been SO MANY times Rachel when I have been so grateful resting in the knowledge that someone is praying for me! It is one of the most precious priviledges we have as brothers and sisters in Christ to lift each other up before the throne!

I have never read that book but I do like the excerpt from it that you shared! Perhaps I'll have to read the book sometime. Who is the author?

Amen to your last sentence Rachel! Couldn't have said it better myself!:)

Unknown said...

Here are my long overdue questions.

To President Obama:
What do you hope to accomplish by copying the canadians and the UK's heathcare system when canadians are already coming to America to avoid months of waiting for expensive treatments?

To Ronald Reagan:
You successfully lead this country during peacetime, now that we are at war, how would you turn the American morale to support the war instead of demote their allegiance?

Lesley said...

Good questions Seth! Now I just wish we had their answers!

Rachel C said...

That's exactly what I want to know, Seth, especially the first one.:P I just don't understand President Obama's thinking!

Rachel C said...

Hey, Les, thanks for your comments!:) It's not actually a book. My dad found it on a website. It's basically just a tool that you can use for Bible studies, youth groups, etc. If you wanted to read it, you could probably find it by just searching "An Intimate Message From God to You."

Rachel C said...

Okay, Lesley, I tried searching for it...and found it!:) There are a couple different versions depending on what sites you find, but it's pretty much the same.

Lesley said...

Thanks Rachel! I will try to read through it soon.