Sunday, September 6, 2009

Teenage conclusion and celebration

Well, the last few days of my teen years have been rather uneventful and most memorable. Let me begin with a few events from Thursday.

Thursday morning beginning about 11:30, I drove my car to Big O tires to have my tires replaced. The original time estimate was about 1 hour. Since I didn't want to wait there unproductively, I contacted Mrs. Tillotson and asked if someone could come and pick me up. She tentatively said yes, and attempted contacting people. Benjamin was called at least 3 times, he didn't answer, K was called several times, she didn't answer.

Benjamin was washing windows just a few miles away from Big O. Finally, Mrs. Tillotson came and picked me up. Just as we were about to leave, Benjamin drives past in the van. Grrr...

We went back to the house, ate lunch and Kristin drove me back to Big O to pick up my tires. I saw my car was still in the bay with the mechanics. I sighed, and sat down in the waiting room. I sat there for quite some time quite content but a little frustrated.

After a few consultations with the mechanics about additional necessary repairs, they finally announced my car was finished around 3:30. So much for one hour. lol The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.

Friday morning I was determined to understand my confusing accounting course by having Rance as my tutor. In his words, he was "determined to shoot Seth if he doesn't learn accounting and wastes my time in the process :)"

With this in mind, I wandered to my car, started it, but wasn't going anywhere very fast. To my dismay, my car was obviously leaning to the right. I exited, and found my front, passenger tire was completely flat! I located my jack, and attempted to replace the tire.

It had a terrible time getting the tire replaced. First, my car didn't leave enough clearance to insert the jack, then I couldn't figure out how to use my jack, so I borrowed the neighbors jack and finally got the drivers side jacked up.

With that accomplished, I retrieved several hand weights from the garage and gradually moved the jack to the correct side. If Ben and Michael had been there, I would have had a reason to lift up my car, but they were both gone.

I had a few more minor difficulties, but I finally got my donut mounted. By that time, it was 11:30 and Algebra class was scheduled in a half hour. With all the weight on that puny little tire, it resembled a balloon being squeezed ready to burst at any moment. I didn't trust it, and decided to ride on two wheels instead of four.

With everything that had happened so far, I just laughed when I located my bike and found the back tire totally flat. lol! Thankfully, it held air for long enough to get to school and back. But it felt almost flat when I finally returned.

I decided to bring my car back to Big O and have the problem diagnosed. Considering my donut's appearance, I crawled across town at less than 25 mph, taking mostly side streets. Upon reaching Big O, I described my problem to the mechanics.

Nearby, two young ladies exclaimed that they had the same problem. They had new tires mounted on thursday, and today one of them was flat. Another guy piped up, that he had new ones mounted on Wed. and already had a flat. Obviously something was wrong!

I was assured that it would be a free checkup and replacement if necessary and given a 30 minute estimation. This time I was prepared, I had brought my business textbook to study while I was waiting. Fifteen minutes later, my tire was remounted and I was all ready to leave. So much for being productive!

Inquiring about the problem, I was told that "the tire core was loose" whatever that means. lol I was relieved that it wasn't my fault this time. :)

The next day was my birthday. I woke up Saturday morning with a long list to accomplish. It wasn't my plan to leave the house until much later in the day. But, after breakfast I received a perplexing txt message from Lesley requesting that I take a break and walk out to the driveway.

Not wanting to come out unprepared for an ambush or something, I exited the side door and made my way to the driveway. At first, I didn't see anything unusual. Everything was in its proper place. But, then I saw it.

Gazing across the street I burst into fits of laughter. My car had been mysteriously redecorated with hot pink window paint, glitter, and numerous hearts. Unfortunately the dew had smothered the writing, but the message could still be read. Here are some pictures of the damage.

The Tillotson's also made me some delicious non-tillotsonized (unhealthy) beef stroganoff and lemon cake for lunch. Just in case I forgot my age, I was also given 20 rather curious presents. It was a very broad assortment of items. Among them were: rubberbands, taco seasoning mix, notebooks, jalapenos, calculator, hot chocolate, highlighters, baked beans, giant paper clips, etc. It was fun unwrapping them all.

Well, that is my story! A big thanks to all who participated and made my 20th birthday unforgettable! Thanks! :)


Rachel C said...


Love the pictures of your car. =)

Btw, those gifts sound great! ;) lol

Lesley said...

Lol Seth!:D So you burst into fits of laughter...wish I could've seen it! Smart by the way, exiting out the side door! You must have experience getting ambushed. So glad you had a great 20th!:)

*high five to K* Way to go girl!;)

Haha! The rest of your weekend sounds quite amusing. Productive and un-productive as it was. So glad Rance didn't have to shoot you. I would have been a pity for you to have missed your special birthday! :)

Lesley said...

I just had to laugh re-reading this! I used your suggestion and enlarged the the butterfly on the antannea! I hadn't seen that before. Or the glitter really. Very cool! I laughed.:D

And did you happen to get pb in your 20 presents? Surely they didn't forget the pb!;)

Rachel C said...

Haha, Les! Yeah, from what I've heard I don't know how they'd be able to forget the pb. =)

Lol, I hadn't noticed the butterfly either. That's really funny! I love it! :)

Amy said...

*Kristin & Amy look at each other and wink*...

So much for giving credit where credit's due!!! ;)

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Oh Amy, should I be thanking you for this little operation too? If so, THANKS!! It truly brightened up a day that was promising to be rather dull.

Ashley Hoover said...

Happy 20th Birthday Seth! Looks like a memorable one! ;)

Lesley said...

Haha! You had a hand in this too Amy? I had no idea!:)

Well, I'll see you all in about a week. I'll miss all the comments and probably have a lot to catch up on when I get back.:D

Rachel C said...

Have fun, Les! We'll miss you. :)

Lesley said...

Awww..*warm fuzzies*...I feel loved.:D

Rachel C said...'re welcome, Les! You should. :P

Unknown said...

I am gone for whole weeks at a time on a regular basis. It's not that hard! lol

Wow, I may be getting used to writing short comments. This is strange territory.

Unknown said...

Yes, it was quite memorable Ash. Thanks to your kind sis and her comrades! I am sure you knew of their plan long before it happened. :)

Rachel C said...

Lol. Oh, it's hard, Seth. Believe me, it's hard. jk!! :P

I know, all of a sudden you have all of these short comments like 'normal' people. ;) I'm just kidding-I like your newspapers! :)

Rachel C said...

Btw, Seth, what happened to your "interesting visitor", Ron? Did he actually leave the state?

Unknown said...

That is my assumption Rachel. But the only basis I have is the fact that we haven't seen him for quite some time.

Rachel C said...

Hmmm... He certainly is strange.

Lesley said...

Hey ya'll! I couldn't believe you all got to 18 comments without me!:)

And no Seth...I don't think Sis knew. I tell her nearly everything but not all. :) Though, I didn't know Amy was part of the plot. So apparantly I don't know everything either! lol.;)

Rachel C said...

Hey! How's it going, Les?

Lol, it was actually only like 7 comments since you'd left. :)

Lesley said...

Now that's not a very good account of yourself you guys! Really, what would you do without me?;)

I'm coming home I should be able to liven things up a little. Though, I know most of the gang is really busy right now.

Oh, it's going well Rachel. I had tons of fun! A little too much maybe.:) room full of guys to teach to be gentlemen. I was happy!;)

Rachel C said...

That's good, Les! I'm glad you're having fun!

Yeah, I wish I could go tomorrow, but my town's fall festival is also tomorrow, and I kind of have to go to that. Plus, I'm not homeschooled anymore. :) But, hey, I think it would still be fun to go to. :P I'd like to see their skit; it looks funny.

Unknown said...

Yeah, well. Achemn.... Rachel made a good account of herself on the other blogs... Good grief girl! You really need something else to do. She even read the rest of my blog posts, since she commented on my first one ever written.

Thats too bad about the room full of gentlemen Les. Now, that would have been a story to tell. It sounds like it was too easy for you. :)

Rachel C said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lesley said...

"Too easy" for me? Why take the harder path when the easy one is right before you?;)

Unknown said...

Hmm... Because if you can accomplish the harder path without difficulty, the easy path becomes a piece of cake. Besides, why waste an opportunity to practice your skills? ;)

Lesley said...

I've never known the harder path to be accomplished without difficulty. Where, pray tell, are these found? I'd rather take them from now on! :)

Perhaps there are some skills that I'd prefer to not to practice.;)

Unknown said...

Haha... Locating the paths is half the enjoyment. But, once they are found, you will reap the benefits quite rapidly. :)

Lesley said...

Hmm...this is all sounding like quite the ex-po-tition. Better dig out my hiking shoes. Oh wait, I don't have any. *searches through closet* heels, flats, sandals, flip-flops, dress shoes, slippers, walking shoes, running shoes, boots....hmmm...any suggestions?

Unknown said...

The heels would be the best choice. Believe me, they will add quite the adventure! Or maybe the slippers. Hmm... its a tossup. :)

By the way, what is the difference between walking shoes and running shoes? Just the tread?

Lesley said...

Umm...not sure exactly. I think running shoes have more support for your feet so it's less hard on your knees. But I don't know for sure.

Rachel C said...

Well...I have running shoes, but I don't really know either. :) Definitely better support like you said, Les, but otherwise I'm not really sure what else.

Unknown said...

So it must be the tread and more support. I wonder which I have. I use them to run, walk, skip, crawl and I don't notice a difference. hmm...

Lesley said...

You use shoes to crawl? I've never seen shoes built for knees!;)

I suppose you can use either running or walking shoes for either purpose. Unless you're a die hard runner who's a purist about their shoes.

Unknown said...

I actually think it would work quite well. Wouldn't you say so Rachel? I mean, all I would need is some boots with strong laces. Here are some detailed instructions next time you want to try it yourself. :)

Step 1. Bend downwards and fasten boots to knees.

Step 2. Tie laces around the knee with double knots. And begin crawling!

Its that simple! ;)

Rachel C said...

Oh yeah, that's definitely a foolproof plan! :P

Lol, have you actually tried this, Seth? ;)

Angelica said...

Sounds a little hard... To keep the boots on, I mean. :)

Lesley said...

Well, you get points for a great plan but does it really work? That is the real question.:)

Rachel C said...

That's what I was wondering, Lesley! ;)

Angelica said...

I think you should try it, Seth. If you haven't already :)

Rachel C said...

Yeah! *Chants* Seth, Seth, Seth... :)
(unless, of course, you already have tried it.) :P

Unknown said...

No, I haven't actually tried it. I was thinking of improving the design with suction cups or something to keep the boots on more securely. :)

Perhaps I should try it sometime. I mean, I never know how well it would work or necessary improvments until the original prototype has been fully tested. ;)

Lesley said...

Well, let us know what your testing results are! Just make sure you fasten the suction cups to the right side of the boots or you'll be sticking to the sidewalk! On second thought...that would make an amusing story!:D Maybe you could fasten them on with elastic and know, like kneepads.

Rachel C said...

Yes, this should be interesting. :)

Lesley said...

You know what else would be hard...the Stilleto Run. Seriously, women compete in a run wearing heels that are at least 7 cm high and no more than 1.5 cm wide. Talk about painful!

Rachel C said...

No way! That would be terrible! How do they not trip and hurt themselves?! (Well, maybe they do...)
That's kind of funny, though, because it would probably be enough of a challenge for me just trying to walk in them-I can't imagine running.

Lesley said...

I know Rachel...I was thinking the same thing! I simply can't imagine what they could find motivating enough to make such an endevour worth their while!

Angelica said...

No kidding, Les!

Angelica said...

Oh, BTW, nice car, Seth :). How long did it stay like that?

Unknown said...

Yikes, some women actually run races in high heels! Maybe they better add a twist and try running races with high heels and skirts! That would be downright miserable!

I find that rather humorous after attending a wedding where the bride was fairly "fashion conscious" and required her brother to wear some square toed shoes that looked incredibly uncomfortable! From what he told me, my initial assessment was very accurate.

But, if he would have dared take those shoes off during his sisters special day... that would be the end of him! ;)

Rachel C said...

Hehe! Yeah, don't make a bride mad. ;)

Unknown said...

Oh, Angelica. I don't believe I answered your question. My car remained that way for all the neighbors to admire for approximately 27 hours. ;)

I would have kept it longer, except I went to Lincoln that Sunday and wouldn't have been a safe driver being unable to see through my windows.

Lesley said...

Haha! Yeah, trow in the skirts and that could get quite difficult!

Ouch! Those shoes sound like they hurt! The poor guy. *note to self* Be nice to your brothers on your wedding day!

Yay for being a safe driver! As my dad reminds's the most dangerous thing you do!:)

Angelica said...

Okay, but then you didn't mind driving around Kearney like that? :) Or you didn't go anywhere?

Lesley said...

Oops! I meant to say "throw". Better double check better next time!

Rachel C said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Angelica, I think you need to find a suitable avatar to ornament the rather bland, "angelica said...". Anyone else agree??

I was actually pretty swamped that Saturday with school that I didn't go anywhere. So sad. It could have been fun watching peoples reactions. :D

Lesley said...

If you do Ag, I have a feeling it will be a picture of a pink I right?;)

Rachel C said...

Aww...You should, Angelica! It would look pretty. I take it you like pink roses? ;)

Angelica said...

Well, the story with the pink roses is slightly long... So I'll shorten it down to this:
Dad gave me a bouquet of pink roses once, and I wanted to preserve them, so I took a picture of the center of each one and they are probably my favorite pictures I've taken of inanimate objects. *gasps for breath* I managed to use only one sentence :).

The picture probably would be a pink rose... I just have to decide which one :).

Angelica said...

*DING!* Just me again :).
Seth: Whenever you try your crawling shoes, have someone video tape... It would be beneficial to all of us... and hilarious :). Plus, then we'd have proof you did it :).

To Les: I think I commented on some of Kristin's older posts, too. I bet you can't find all of those!

Angelica said...

To Seth again: Should I tell her that I don't remember which ones I commented on??? :D

Lesley said...

Haha! I'm not even going to try to find them...there are simply not enough hours in my day! I'm sure you had very profound things to say, though, that would be quite beneficial for me to read!;)

Unknown said...

To Angelica:
Ahh.... I liked your very lengthy story behind the pink roses. I would have run out of breath too! jk

Really, I would have liked to hear the non cliff notes version. :) grr... *hits head*

Ah ha! So now you are dinging at me. I thought that was only the OMS. hehe... I am sure they would be glad to include you in their little game.

Ahh... it seems Lesley has decided to de-funatize your game Angelica! That was what provided so much enjoyment! hmm... What else do you think we can do to Lesley Angelica? Surely you have some good ideas!

No, Lesley, you are not listening to this conversation between us. This is top secret. ;)

Rachel C said...

LOL, you guys! Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. ;)

Lesley said...

I'm sure Ag, would've given you the non-cliff notes version except that she's still working on editing her newspaper before she publishes it.;)

"De-funitize"...that's funny! Oh wait, I didn't see that. *looks away, starts whistling and twiddling thumbs* Oooohh noooo, I have no idea that I have spoiled Ag and Seth's fun and that they are having a top secret conversation and are planning ways to waste my time and lure me away from pressing matters! Neither do I know that Rachel knows of their plot and is keeping such a diabolical secret to herself...nope, I don't have a clue!;)

Angelica said...

Good, Les. Great start. Let's just keep it that way :).

To Seth: Oh, boy. We could come up with some great ideas :P.

Lesley said...

*Still not listening*

Rachel C said...

Good, Les. Keep it up. ;)

Unknown said...

Just to let you all know. I have turned off my spam filter that requires comment approval for posts while I am gone. So, you may now comment on whatever post you want, and it should appear instantaneously. :)

Lesley said...

Ooohh girls! While the cat's away, the mice can play huh?;)

Have fun with the guys Seth!

Rachel C said...

Haha! Exactly, Les! ;)

Yeah, have fun, Seth! :)

Rachel C said...

So, Seth, when are you going to try out your "crawling shoes," or did you give up on that idea? ;) Don't forget to videotape it if you do. :D

Unknown said...

If I did it, we don't have a working video camera, so it wouldn't be documented except with photos. Really, now, do you think I would even do that? I know you are all cheering for me, but I would look so silly! :D

Rachel C said...

Haha...You would look pretty funny!;) I still think it would be fun to try though.:)

Lesley said...

And Einstein looked silly when he couldn't tie his shoes, and Edison looked silly when he couldn't get the lightbulb right 'til the hunderdth-something time, and the Wright brothers looked silly trying to get their contraption off the what's wrong with looking silly? You just could be genius!;)

Rachel C said...

She's got a point there, Seth.;)

Unknown said...

She does have a point I would agree.

But there are several important distinctions that separate her examples from mine.

In the cases of Edison, and the Wright brothers, they had a purpose behind their silliness.

They recognized a need, a purpose to build the first plane and find the correct filament for the light bulb.

In my case, I don't have a purpose or a need to fulfill that would adequately compensate for me being silly.

It has been argued that the people that have lost a limb could benefit significantly from this experiment.

But I would counter this argument with the reasoning that if they have already lost the leg, than the knee is also gone. Since this experiment requires a knee, it would not benefit these people.

One final argument to refute. ;)
It has also been argued that since their legs have been amputated, the extra large boots would be necessary to support them.

This is a valid point, but it averts the original question. Yes, the larger boots would be necessary but those already exist and does not depend on my experiment.

It is impossible to believe both the first and second arguments. Either one stands and the other is negated, or both fall. So choose wisely! ;)

Rachel C said...


Angelica said...

Oh, come on, Seth! :) You really should try it out, you know! Think of all the people it will benefit! I mean, sure, people are able to get around without it right now, but then again, people used to be able to get along without computers, cameras, etc.. Now that we have them, however, they enrich our lives and make things a whole lot easier, right? How do you know that this won't work the same way?

Unknown said...

Oh that's a simple question to answer. Thanks!

Look at it this way. With electronics, "enriching" our lives meant placing them practically everywhere.

With shoes on the knees, "enriching" our lives means...

Letting your imagination complete the equation. ;)

Lesley said...

Wearing them practically everywhere??? I'm totally lost in this line of, I don't know, is it reasoning?

Rachel C said...

I'm with you, Les. I have no clue!

Unknown said...

You identified a portion of the picture. Now add everyone wearing them everywhere, and you have the right idea. Just think of the absurdity!

Lesley said...

I get your point. However, I can think of many other things that are higher on the 'absurdity' list...

Rachel C said...

Yeah, I've seen weirder things than people walking around with shoes on their knees...;) I know what you mean though, Seth.

Angelica said...

Well, Seth, think of all the tunnel explorers who will thank you! I mean, when you have shoes on your knees, it won't wear your knees out as fast, right? So won't THEY like it? They're going to be crawling around anyways, so they may as well be as comfortable as possible, in my own opinion.

Angelica said...

Oh, and by the way, babies will thank you for it, too :).

Unknown said...

Angelica, I have a question for you but first I have to say that you are very persistent!

*thinking you were a difficult child* A stubborn one like me. ;)

My question is how long do you want me to argue? I can concede right now if you wish, or I continue refuting your arguments. The choice is yours.

Lesley said...

Oh please! This has become so pointless! Let's call a truce and be done with it already!!! Can it just rest in peace now?? Pretty please?!

Unknown said...

Exactly Les. That is why I said that I will concede and agree that many people will benefit from my experiment. If that is what Angelica wants anyway.

If a truce is sufficient, that will work for me too.

Lesley said...

It doesn't matter to concede, I'll concede, we'll call a truce, wave a white flag of surrender...ANYTHING!!! Let's just put this book on the shelf and leave it there!:)

Rachel C said...

Hmmm... *Sensing a little frustration here* ;)

Angelica said...

Okay, Okay!!! :P

Yes, I think they're a little frustrated. I just wasn't sure yet if he was actually going to try it or not... Just try to have a working videocamera around, could you? If at all possible? :)

Angelica said...

If you do it, I mean :).

We'll call it a truce.

Unknown said...

Hooray!! *shakes hands* The truce is official!

Yes, Angelica, if I do it I am sure that Michael and Ben will be sure to document it as best as they can. We do have our video cameras on our blackberries, but the quality is very poor.

Rachel C said...

YAY!!! :)

Lesley said...

*huge sigh of relief* So glad we have that taken care of! Now it can just stay on the shelf and we won't even have to bother to dust it!

Angelica said...

Shall we pick a different subject? :)

Lesley said...

*confett!!* Yay Seth! You've made it to 100 comments! Your first blog post ever to do so I believe!:D

Rachel C said...

Woohoo!!! YAY!!! Congrats, Seth!:)

Unknown said...

Yippee!! Wow, I never thought "tissues" would be needed for my blog. ;)

Now shall we see if we can break 150? No, I didn't say that! Cross out that sentence! :D

Lesley said...

lol!!! You get the colored ones for pretty confetti...:)

Oh but you did say it! And since you didn't care enough to delete it...

Angelica said...

You may regret that, Seth :)

Rachel C said...

lol! That you might, Seth.:)

Rachel C said...

You know, if we're trying to get to 150, we sure haven't gotten very far since yesterday.:D

Here's #106

Rachel C said...

Hey, was there a lot of snowfall by any of you? For a while it was snowing pretty hard near us, but it all melted almost as soon as it touched the ground.:(

Lesley said...

No, all we've gotten is rain. Which is okay...I went for a walk in the rain the other day and enjoyed getting throughly soaked!:)

Rachel C said...

Haha...walks in the rain are fun!;)

Unknown said...

Walks in the rain must be a girl thing. Seems every girl on these blogs highly enjoys them. ;)

For some reason getting soaked to the skin is not everyone's cup of tea. hmm... Strange Is it not?

Well... I am a guy, and I happen to relish those opportunities too!

Rachel C said...

Haha! Yes, very strange!:D Really, Seth? I always just figured it was a girl thing...:)

Angelica said...

Really, Seth?

Angelica said...

Oh hey, and BTW, Seth, I never did get a chance to watch the video about your wedding :). I somehow never got around to that.

Lesley said...

Has anyone noticed that whenever Seth says something, everyone's first response is "Really?". I find it funny. Do we really not believe what he says or does he just suprise us that often?:)

Haha! Yes, getting throughly soaked is not everyone's idea of a good time but I've enjoyed it since I was a little girl.(though perhaps I still am a little girl in some ways...) Maybe that's why I loved swim team so much. Perhaps one day I'll be reincarnated as a fish?;)

Unknown said...

haha... Yes. It is a true statement. I think Kayla said it best, "Seth! You are soo weird!!" lol

My Dad just didn't understand why, during thunderstorms, my favorite place to be was outside watching the lightning, hearing the thunder claps and getting drenched, or why I love jumping on our trampoline in the rain. ;)

I will make the video watchable again until Wed. or until you inform me that you have watched it Angelica. hehe...

Lesley said...

Outside during storms is the best! Why miss all the action? People think I'm crazy because I enjoy tornados.:)

Rachel C said...

Haha...I noticed that too, Les! I'm not sure why...:)

Okay, even though I like storms, I'll admit that my favorite place to be during one is inside watching the lightning, etc. We've had some pretty close calls while out driving in them...too scary for me.:D

Unknown said...

Oh... Rachel I am sorry you would rather be inside. Les and lightning?? Two L words. Surely they mix together quite naturally and calmly. Close calls? NEVER! :D

You already know about our close call with lightning, when Michael's window burst in his car. If it was lightening anyway. That, we can't prove. If you don't know about it Rachel, there is a blog post from this last spring on that has pictures.

If I remember right, I wrote a documentary on my blog too. ;)

Rachel C said...

Yeah, happens sometimes.:) Don't get me wrong, though, I love being outside during a thunder and lightning; it's just sometimes I prefer being inside, where I have less chance of getting hit.:P

I remember hearing something about that, but I didn't realize Michael's window actually burst!

Angelica said...

I haven't yet analyzed my feelings about walks in the rain :).

And I agree with Rachel. I love thunderstorms (especially at night, when you can be in bed and just listen, and see the lightening light up the window), but most of the time, I'd rather be inside.

Really? The car window burst? I'll have to find that post. ;)

Lesley said...

Oh yes. Les and lightning has a nice ring to it. Very soothing and calming...I ought to try it sometime.;)

"Analyzed your feelings" Ag? When did you start using big words???

Haha Rachel! A friend of mine was visiting one year and she and her dad were driving down the interstate during a good 'ol NE thunderstorm and she told me she was just sure they were gonna die and that it was her last night on earth. I told her to wait til she had experienced a tornado!;D Once you've lived in NE a while you'll grow used to NE thunderstorms and find them exciting too!

Unknown said...

*Thief!* Yeah Angelica, since when did you articulate your musings using such colorful vocabulary?

Haha... that's funny about your friend Les. Tornadoes are best experienced when one is a few hundred yards from the circulation. Very fun! ;)

Angelica said...

That's a "big" word??? I guess it came from writing stories, or something. And spelling was always my favorite subject... That and Spanish.

Angelica said...

And it's much easier to use them when writing then when talking :).

Rachel C said...

lol! Yeah, Les, I guess it's just one of those things that takes time...:) Maybe when I've lived here a little longer, I'll not freak out about seeing lightning just a few feet from me.;)

Really, Angelica? Cool! Those are two of my favorite subjects too!

Well, I don't know if it's really a 'BIG' word, but it's a pretty big one.:)

Lesley said...

Well I wouldn't be so sure of that Rachel. I have heard of a time when SOMEONE who has lived here their whole life was 'freaked out' by lightening hitting just a few feet from them....;)

Rachel C said...

Oh really? And who might this SOMEONE be may I ask, Les? ;D

Lesley said...

Oh well...I have heard this SOMEONE called by many names and have heard it said that their name and lightening has a nice ring to it when said together...;D

Rachel C said...

lol, Lesley!!:D

Rachel C said...

BTW, I like your new profile picture, Lesley. It's a beautiful photo! Did you take it, or did you find it online?

Lesley said...

Haha Rachel! No, I'm not that talented at photography.:) I found it online somewhere.I thought it was time to switch to a more fallish picture.:)

Rachel C said... never know, you might be.:D Me, on the other hand, not so much...I kinda wish I was sometimes.;) I do like the fallish looking picture, though. :)

Rachel C said...

Hmmm...looks like I might need to help this post along if we're really going to reach 150 comments...:)

Rachel C said...

Let's dad and I installed our new dryer today. :) That took a while! I think I can wait 'till we have to do that again. :P

Rachel C said...

...I'm really excited for Thanksgiving! One of the best holidays ever...

Rachel C said...

Ummm...we helped put up Christmas decorations at our church today. I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but sometimes that happens with advent being so close. :)

Rachel C said...

Yeah, that's about it...

Rachel C said...

Only 12 more comments to go, but that's it for me right now (and I'll bet that the world thanks me for finally being done). ;D

Angelica said...

I forgot about that goal... Hmmmm, let's see. Oh, here's a question. What is everyone's favorite thing about Thanksgiving?

Oh, and for anybody who's interested, I got my braces off last Monday. Yippee!!!

Rachel C said...

YAY for Angelica!!! I'll say it again: Congratulations, girl! :) favorite part of Thanksgiving? Well, the food of course! haha..jk..although the food is really good. ;) I'm not sure actually, I just kind of like Thanksgiving in general. I mean it's a day set aside for giving thanks (to God)... Seriously, how cool is that??!! :) Also, it usually means getting together with family/relatives. That's easier said than done, if you know what I mean. :P

I'm excited; we're leaving today to have Thanksgiving with my grandparents in MN, and then we're going to SD to visit relatives we haven't seen in about 5 years. :)

What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

Unknown said...

I am back, for now anyway...

Thanks Rachel for your valiant attempts to reach "my goal". hehe...

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite celebrations. Not only do I get 3 days off from school, (YAY!!!) but I also can step back and review what the Lord has accomplished through me and without me the past year. :) Both are my favorites!

The puzzle has many pieces. God has already begun assembling it. The puzzle is complex but isn't tainted because the Designer is perfect!

Well... only nine more comments!

Rachel C said...

hehe...You're welcome, Seth. :) I don't think it worked very well, though. :D

Well, eight more to go!

Rachel C said...

C'mon we're almost there...:) Just a few more comments.

Unknown said...

hehe... Only 6 more to go! Yes, you are right we need to finish this goal. hmm... What shall I ramble about. Ooh, I know I can talk about my day. hehe...

Today I spent the morning and half of the afternoon working on building amortization schedules of mortgages. Fun stuff!

The other half of the afternoon I spent studying for my test on logarithms tomorrow. YAY! It scares me when I have absolutely no clue what I am doing and have to use the answer key for every problem to decipher the solving process. grr...

Praise God though that my teacher was kind and merciful to us and allowed us the back of one sheet of paper for notes to be used with the test.

To be continued...

Unknown said...

Then tonight Kearney had their annual Christmas walk downtown. That was fun!! :) I spent an hour walking downtown with K and H. We walked into several neat little decor and antique shops.

It was a little disappointing that K and H rushed from store to store, and I was often playing catch-up. But oh... well... Kearney has some neat little shops!

The temperatures were right around 18 degrees so we tried to spend most of our time indoors.

Well, that is my filler for a couple comments. Your're turn Rachel!

Rachel C said...

Hmmm...what can I talk about...

Well, we had a short pep ralley today at school, and I took pictures for yearbook. That's always fun. :) It was funny because the game was tug of war (is that how you spell it??), and they made our principal and some of the teachers play. It was really funny! :D


Rachel C said... older brother has a b-ball game tonight so I'm going to that. And that's pretty much it. ;)

How did your test go today? Hopefully well!

Aww, it sounds like a fun time...even if it was a steady 18 degrees. :) I think it was only like 9 degrees when I got up this morning. Yikes! Although, apparently snow is in the forecast, so that makes it better. :D

3 more comments!

Unknown said...

Your prep rally does sound fun! hehe... I think its tug-of-war, but I am not certain.

How did my test go? hmm... I think I can count on one, possibly two, hands the number of problems I actually got completely correct. I haven't seen the results yet but I think I bombed it! grr...

It just means I will have to work even harder and ace the last regular test and the final! :)

I hope you don't freeze at your bros baseball game! It is chilly out there. Winter has begun.

Two more comments to go. *tosses it back into Rachel's court*

Rachel C said...

Tug-of-war looks right to me, but I just looked it up to make sure and the dictionary said that it's spelled without the hyphens, so I guess we both learned something new today. ;)

You never know; you might not have bombed it. Usually when I think that I've bombed a test, I actually end up doing quite well and (unfortunately) vice versa. Even if you did, though, I'm sure the next one will go better. I haven't gotten to full-blown logarithms yet, but I've heard they're terrible! I hope my Algebra test goes alright on Monday. :) was actually a basketball game (inside:). But if it had been a baseball game, I don't think I would have survived it in this weather. :D

Has it snowed by you yet? So far we haven't gotten any down here. :(

One more comment to go!!!

Unknown said...

Yay!! Final comment to round off this very memorable blog post. I am going to finish it by saying I AM ALL FINISHED WITH SCHOOL!!! YAY!!! Or at least until the 11th of January. Yippee!! :) :)