Friday, October 23, 2009

My wedding story

This is a video taken by my blackberry, so the quality leaves a lot to be desired. The video begins right as C is informing her brother on the phone to be at the wedding today and bring his tux. :D This is after she has been denied confirmation from her father.

The point in the video when I burst into fits of laughter is when C is pointing at me to be both her groom and best man. :)

Update:  If you haven't yet watched the video, you must comment and let me know. It is no longer viewable because it has been removed from the public youtube channel.


Unknown said...

And the groom was to wear green, and a tie, and a wedding ring. The bride's dress was going to be white, but she had to double-check that with the groom: "Is your favorite color black, or white??" :)

Amy said...

Congrats on your wedding Seth!!!! ;)

P.S. Can you send an e-mail and invite me to watch? It won't let us otherwise...

Unknown said...

I didn't realize invites were necessary to view private videos. I did a little research and found out that you have to have a youtube account before I can invite you.

Since everyone that watches this video may not have a youtube account, I have been it viewable to the world! hehe...

Rachel C said...

Awww...that's so cute!;) How old is she?

Oh, I was wondering why I could watch it now but not before!;)

Unknown said...

She is 4 years old. :D She said that since her Dad said no, that she would wait six years. hehe...

Yes, everyone should now be able to watch it.

Lesley said...

Oh my! That is funny! She is so cute!

Yes, she'll need to let me know what time the happy event is so I can be sure to mark my calendar! And goodness! We have quite a lot of work ahead of us...let's see, with 6 years to plan it should be a wedding to remember!;)

Congratulations! You must be so happy! How do you look in green btw?;D

Unknown said...

We just decided the dating/courting, proposal and corresponding engagement and ring were too "old school" for us and set out to be different. Instead of the unnecessary preliminaries, we just dove headfirst! ;)

She is very cute with her curly hair. hehe...

She liked my green t-shirt with a pink pig on it with the caption "Pig Roast Run."

I asked her if I should wear a tie with the shirt, and she said yes. :D

Are you certain six years is enough time Les? lol

Lesley said...

Well you know...if you're gonna do something, you might as well just dive in! I have seen a wedding put together in a week. Yep, 7 days from engagement to ceremony. Wow! Kinda glad I wasn't planning that one!

Haha! My little bros love ties and wear them with T-shirts all the time on any day of the week! It's kinda cute.

I don't know. 6 years *should* give us sufficent time to plan. But you really can't rush the whole planning process....are you sure you don't want to wait 7 years?

Rachel C said...

I was thinking maybe they should wait more like 8 years. That should do it. ;D

Really, Les? 7 days...That's crazy?!?!

Unknown said...

My goodness, I would be 28! That's practically ancient!!

Lesley said...

Yep Rachel...7 days! No kidding!

Haha! I've learned better than to comment on what's ancient and what's not! I think perhaps the definition of ancient is relative...

Rachel C said...

Yeah, Les, I think I'm going to stay out of this one as well...Soo, new topic anyone?;)

Unknown said...

lol, what happened to your courage girls? hehe...

Very soon, I should have the commentary from our first day up on the blog. :) That should generate some discussion.

Rachel, how come I have been asking all the questions during the quest to learn more about each other? Don't you have any for me?? Or maybe this is a one sided adventure.

Rachel C said...

Yeah, I was thinking about that, Seth. I'm going to have to think of some questions for you...hmmm...might be a while...;)

Rachel C said...

Okay, Seth (and anyone who wants to answer). If you could be any animal in the world, what would it be and why?

And no, this question has no significance. :D

Michael Tillotson said...

LOL, I was told that Mr. Stober said 16 years, not 6. :)

Lesley said...

Oh, well, in that case...we have ample time to plan! No worries there flowers, white dress, wedding ring, green and it!:D

*ideas already swirling around in my mind*

Never mistake courage for common sense Seth! I've made enough not-so-intelligent comments in regards to people's age that I know better than to tread that ground! It's not lack of's just being smart! Right Rachel?;)

Rachel C said...

Haha! Exactly, Les!;)

16 years? That's not so bad, Seth.;) If it makes you feel any better though, my dad told me I can't date till I'm 30.:)

Lesley said...

Haha Rachel! I think my dad said 65 when I was your age! Never fear though...the age decreases the older you get. I think I'm down to about 35 now.;)

Unknown said...

haha... about the courage vs. common sense. I think you may have learned your lesson. Alzheimers must have worn off. ;)

Haha... Yes Rachel. Sixteen years is a long time to wait for her!

You can tell that your father loves you very much Rachel. He loves his little girl and doesn't want her to be caught in the wiles of the world.

He wants you to be protected and cared for. Slowly he will realize that he can't hold your reigns forever and gradually release his grip. Until the right guy comes knocking at your heart, he will do his utmost to keep you safe under his wing.

Lesley said...

That could be. However, I'm afraid I still suffer from short term memory loss. At least, I think I do...can't remember actually...

And the safest place to be, Rachel, is under your daddy's wing! Whether earthly or Heavenly...:)

Rachel C said...

Awww...thanks guys!:)

LOL, Les! Sometimes I think I suffer from short term memory loss also.;D

Rachel C said...

Okay, here's another question for you all: What was your 'dream job' when you were growing up, or did you have one? :)

Lesley said...

lol Rachel! You really want to know? I wanted to be a farmer when I was little.:D I really don't know why. That was just my idea of the perfect job for a while.

Then I didn't have one during high school and now I do what I do I am.:)

Rachel C said...

Really, Les? A farmer? hehe...that's kind of funny!:D

Lesley said...

Yep. A farmer. Crazy I know! I was an odd child I think.:)

You have to answer your question too Rachel! What was(or is) your dream job?

Rachel C said...

Alright, Les, but then you have to answer my first question too.:) And Seth, don't think this means that you can get out of it so easily.:P

Well, for as long as I can remember, I had always wanted to be a veterinarian. I love animals, especially dogs!:) Then, it was more of a vet tech (you don't need 8 years of college for that:). Now, I'm leaning more towards being a nurse (preferably for children). To be honest, I'd love to be a nurse on the mission field. Only God knows what I'll be, though, so I'm just going to try to listen and let Him lead me throughout my life.

Unknown said...

Your question depends a lot on what time period in my life it is referring to. I had big dreams very early in life.

I remember first wanting to be a BIG truck driver at an early age. I spent many hours playing with trucks.

Pretty much any book mom got from the library highlighted a new exciting profession. Then I got a firetruck as a present and wanted to be a fireman, same with policeman.

I thought the sirens and lights were just sooo cool!! Then I wanted to be a construction worker because some construction was being done outside our house and I was fascinated by the process. I remember spending hours just watching them work and mom having to yank my attention towards my boring chores.

But when we got our first computer, oh boy!! I was really excited and wanted to know everything about it. This was back in 1995 approximately.

Our uncle gave it to us as a Christmas present. I was 6 years old and absolutely adored Curious George and other fantasy characters.

My mom had to set a time limit on computer time otherwise I would be on there playing games for hours.

After I began helping siblings and parents with computer problems, I knew that I wanted to be just like my uncle and be a computer guy when I grew up.

That dream has since become reality. :)

Unknown said...

To answer your first question Rachel. I think I would like to be a hawk. The reason is so that I can fly, and have excellent eyesight. I have seen a hawk hunt before, and it is just incredible the height they are when they see a rabbit or other prey.

So if I had a choice in the next reincarnation, I would choose a hawk. ;)

What about you Rachel?

Lesley said...

Okay. I would be either a sunbear or a tree sloth.:)

My favorite animals are bears and of bears, my favorite are sunbears.

Then I really think tree sloths are cute too. I really don't know why...

So, I know that isn't a definite answer to your question but it's as close as I can get.:)

Rachel C said...

Hmmm... Maybe a dog. After all, they are man's best friend.:) Plus, they have excellent hearing. It amazes me how my dog can be sleeping in another room, but as soon as I open the fridge door a slight crack, she's wide awake and comes running.

hehe...when I was little I used to always want to be able to fly (like Peter Pan, you know?:)) Really good eyesight would be nice too. Too bad dogs don't have better eyesight. I guess it's good, but not that good.:P

Tree sloths are cool, Les, but I don't think I've ever heard of a sunbear before.

Lesley said...

Dogs are nice Rachel. I have quite a few furry admirers myself!;) I didn't know you had a dog. What kind?
You will have to look up sunbears sometime. They are really cute! The zoo in Omaha has a couple and they are my favorite animals to go see. They'll even wave at you sometimes.:)

Rachel C said...

We have a beagle. Dogs are the best!
I'm definitely going to have to look up sunbears sometime. Awww...they wave?:)

Unknown said...

Dog's really Rachel! Cool. We have a dog, but she is old and going downhill fast. She is a black lab/golden retriever.

As a pup and up until a couple years ago her favorite snack was the neighbor's cats. She lacked the intelligence of some dogs, but did have excellent hearing.

I remember seeing her lounge around on one side of the house, and I would quietly say her name on the opposite side, and she would come running!

Tree sloths and Sun bears are totally better than squid. (attempting to convince himself) lol

I hadn't heard of sun bears either! But then, I haven't been to the Omaha Zoo in prolly 8 years. Yes, it was the year before the desert dome was completed. That was a long time ago!

I liked the monkeys and chimpanzees the best, but I don't think they had sun bears back then.

Rachel C said...

Really, Seth? Wow, I don't think my dog's hearing has ever been quite that good! However, even though she's getting up there in years as well, her favorite 'snack' is still cats. It drives me insane how all of our neighbors cats wander into our yard (or right next to our yard) and just sit there and watch my dog howling away at them and wishing she wasn't tied up. She has broken her rope a few times, though, chasing after a cat that got too close.:P

Well, I've never been to the Omaha zoo, but I looked sunbears up, Les, and they are so cute! God's creativity amazes me over and over again!! I'd never be able to think up so many unique and different animals!

Whenever we would go to a zoo, some of my favorite animals to see were the gorillas and giraffes. I'm not sure why; they're just cool.:D

Lesley said...

They are just adoreable Rachel! Sometime, if you come over this way, let me know and I'll take you to see the sunbears!!:D

You're going to have to make a trip to Omaha too Seth! There's a lot of new things to see since 8 years ago. However, I do think the sunbears were there that long ago. They've been there as long as I can remember....and I have a long time of remembering.

Unknown said...

They prolly were there way back then. But, since the Omaha zoo is soo large! we only got through the rain forest and the penguins. Oohh... the little penguins are sooo cute too!

Yes, Rachel. If you haven't been to the zoo yet, as a Nebraska citizen, you ARE OBLIGATED to visit. Just like you are obligated to go to at least one husker game and are obligated to LOVE corn. ;)

Lesley said...

And visit the Capitol and Morrill Hall at least once a year.;)

Yes, the penguins were Dylan's favorite when he was little. I like the Macaroni penguins the best!:)

Unknown said...

umm... correction Miss. Every loyal lincolnite knows it's 'Elephant Hall'. ;) But, yes.

Macaroni penguins?? I will have to look them up sometime. Are those the small cute ones that play in the fountains?

Rachel C said...

Wow, I see as 'a Nebraska citizen' I'm going to have to go to quite a few places!;) I DO like corn, though, and amazingly enough, I've been to a Husker game.:)

That'd be fun, Les, but I have no idea when I'll be in Omaha.:P

Macaroni penguins??? Well, like I said, I guess I'm going to have to add the penguins to my list with the sunbears.;)

Lesley said...

lol you two! Okay...

Morrill Hall, Elephant Hall...whatever. It's all the same thing.:)

Macaroni penguins are the ones with the yellow tufts fur?...sticking out of the sides of their heads. Very interesting. Yes we'll add them to the list to see!:)

And you have to make a trip to the UNL Dairy Store. But that's best to do in the summer when you can walk the trails.

I still have never been to a corn that would be fun! I have, however, been to a Husker game. Several in fact. Even tailgate parties!(I'm really not a fan of football Rachel which is almost a dangerous thing to say in this state!;))

Angelica said...

Oh, wow. That's hilarious, Seth!!!

I have NO clue what animal I would want to be. Maybe a cat :). Or a... shark. jk

Rachel C said...

Oh, yeah, I definitely know what you mean, Les. To tell you the truth, I'm not a huge football fan either. Now, baseball on the other hand, I enjoy watching-and it seems that just about everyone in my class makes fun of me for it-true story!:D

Oooo...a corn maze would be fun! Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever been to one either.

A shark, Angelica? hehe...:)

Unknown said...

Watching football has never been life or death for me. Playing football on the other hand, is loads of fun! Baseball, I will play, but I don't particularly relish playing or watching it. Sorry Rachel!

I have heard corn mazes are fun, but I haven't actually done one before. I remember doing the hay bale maze at the state fair though. :)

I have also mowed my own mazes in our field, mostly for Kayla, but Dana and my parents navigated it too.

Have mercy on me Angelica, and don't gobble me up next time you are a shark! Please... *begs on his knees* ;)

Rachel C said...

Okay, yeah, Seth, I love playing football too-it's just watching it on TV where I start to get bored.;)

Lesley said...

I hear ya girl!;) Though I don't much care to play it either. Call me weird but for some reason I just don't relish getting hit on all sides over a ball. Ultimate football I can tolerate better since there is less physical contact. But ultimate frisbee is still the best!:)

Rachel C said...

Oooo...ultimate frisbee is fun!