Sunday, December 12, 2010

Godly masculinity update!

After a move, a rush to get the semester school done, and numerous family activities, I am now getting back to blogging. The direction of the next blog post will be, what I think, is my greatest enemy as I strive to imitate Christ and His holiness.  It will be written from my perspective and will include the struggles of Godly men throughout bible times.

Hint: This adversary is an extremely formidable foe. It came upon Adam before he allowed Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, it came upon Samson before he seriously compromised his nazarite vow, David before he committed the despicable with Bathsheba, and Solomon before he was drawn astray by his many foreign wives. Its inanimate nature expresses itself quite animately in my life everyday.

An extensive biblical analysis on my greatest enemy is coming up next...

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