Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Divided the Movie" Watch it today until September!

Divided The Movie
The release of this very well researched documentary is worth a quick blog post. This documentary answers many questions such as the following:

  • Has traditional youth ministry reunited or divided churches?
  • What is the history behind youth ministry?
  • What is the biblical prescription for youth ministry?
  • What should be the role of parents and youth ministers in the life of teens?

It features speakers such as Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis, R.C. Sproul Jr, Voddie Buchham pastor of Grace Family Baptist Church, Doug Phillips of Vision Forum, Kevin Swanson pastor of Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church and founder of Generations Radio, Scott Brown director of National Center for Family Integrated Churches and numerous youth pastors and youth leaders across the country. I highly recommend it!

It is from the perspective of a young man seeking answers as to why so many of his peers have left the church and abandoned their faith. I hope you enjoy it, and please comment below after watching it. :)

Remember, it is only available to watch for free until September, 2011!

Note: Click on this button to enable full screen viewing.

If you are having trouble watching the video on this blog, you can also watch it on Vimeo here.

Have a great day, and don't forget to leave a comment below.


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