Monday, March 30, 2009

Ahhhh...... so sweet!

Yesterday I took my bike ride down to the lake to do some reading. Looking down the hill I noticed a couple embracing. I watched for a few seconds, and then continued down the road. Looking for refuge from the biting wind, I paused on a log jutting out of the river. After a few minutes the couple left and I went over to find shelter behind an outcrop of land. As I crossed where they had been, I noticed a sweet message the guy had written. He had taken the time to break sticks and form the message "Marry me?" Beside that was a heart made with white rocks. I thought that was sooo neat!

Unfortunately, I didn't stop and take a picture, and later I heard a bunch of obnoxious teenagers utter nasty insults about the message. I knew then that the once beautiful message had been destroyed and probably had been twisted and ridiculed.

I really wanted to hurt someone listening to their banter! But, it did remind me of the way Christ was mocked and ridiculed. I thank Him for his sweet love letter to us that we can treasure for a lifetime.

Those complaining vistors jk

So a certain person, which I will call anonymous 14, has brought to my attention a couple flaws on my blog. The first is that I don't have a name or a picture. Since this blog is public and can be read by the world, I will refrain from writing my name, but I will post a picture!

The second complaint was that my posts take an eternity... to read and resemble a newspaper. Well I hope that this newspaper is more informative than the media. I see anonymous 14's point and attempt to be less wordy.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

FASFA and breadsticks

This past week I received a letter informing me that I had been randomly selected to comprehensively verify my FASFA. Yay! me. Thankfully, the information that they required was not too extensive or too difficult to locate. But it still required extra information. A friend reminded me that I should be very grateful that I don't have to worry about lying on my application.

Yesterday evening, I bought pizza for Vanessa (one of my new sisters) and me to share for the weekend, and I witnessed a rather ridiculous dissatisfied customer at Valentinos.

While I was waiting for my pizza, a rather heavy set man came in and picked up his order. After being given the order, he asked the cashier whether the breadsticks were round discs, or whether they were square. She responded that they were the square ones. This infurriated the man, and he demanded that he be given the round breadsticks. Frightened, the cashier called the manager. The man calmed down some, and explained that he had lived next to a vals in Lincoln, and that every other one he visited had the round breadsticks. The manager suggested that he be given a gift card for $5. But the man would have none of that, and this went on for awhile until he finally agreed to be given $5 off on his second pizza.

After witnessing this experience. I began to think of the ways in which I am very set in my ways and wouldn't budge. Since I am one that usually embraces change, this become quite a mystery to me. One thing I have noticed over the years is that I have very strict guidelines for writing papers and essays. The grammer, the sentence structure, and overall appearence must be a certain way before I can accept it. This can be good, but it also can be bad especially if I am using my "perfect" method to correct and critique others. This is definitely one area in which I need to be humbled.

Various sin patterns that I have would definitely be more important than document formatting. Such as my pride, the idols in my life, and selfishness. These are things that I am not always willing to let go of. There are times when I don't even realize that they exist. These are the times when our Lord's help is absolutely essential.

Well I have a history test to complete, and a couple more testes to study for, so I hope you all have a happy Saturday!

P.S. So far my blog readers is less than or equal to zero. That is fine with me. My ramblings are prolly not interesting enough.

Friday, March 27, 2009

When I have time...

Don't worry, the next time I have a few hours to kill I will drastically customize the blog from this rather bland prototype.

Purpose and selfishness

The complete purpose of this blog is rather complex, but I will spend a little time explaining a few of the reasons.

The first is just feeling left out. These days pretty much everyone has a blog, a facebook, a myspace, and at least three email addresses.

The second reason is that this blog is a reward that I promised myself after climbing one of those tall hills and saying "I did it"! Except this hill was rather elementary compared with most. It was simply a reward for typing at 40 wpm the common phrase involving a fox and a dog. (I always hated typing as a child.) But now thanks to, I am not "pecking anymore," excepting the numbers. I haven't gotten those down yet.

The third reason is because I need to improve my communication, listening, and typing skills.

Someone asked me onetime why I didn't have a blog. Before I answered, I asked her whether she wanted the truth or a clever fabrication. (Have you ever asked that question before?) Of course she wanted the truth first and then was curious what the clever lie would have been.

"The security deception"

If she would have requested the lie, I would have simply stated that it was because I was deathly afraid of predators and the security of the blog. I would have said that writing my life out for anyone to find could be disastrous. However all this is completely bogus. There are ways to get around a blog knowing your true identity yes, but if someone wanted to go to those lengths, they have got to be dedicated. Typically these people know you, and it doesn't take long to narrow down who your anonymous visitor was. If I was worried about security, I could secure this blog so that only people that I allow can read and comment on my posts.

The truth.

Since she asked for the truth, I said something along these lines. If you are at all like me. I prefer to hide behind questions rather than revealing myself through answers. I am very selfish in this way. So the truth would be that I didn't want my life exposed to the entire world. But then I got to thinking about two specific things. One was a song by Derek Webb. I don't remember the title, but it talked about having my whole life, thoughts, actions, words, and deeds played before the world on national television. Talk about humbling! Just think about that for a minute. Every person that you have ever offended even in your private thoughts would know it all! I would be totally exposed.

Then I thought about what I should be hiding, and Christ's example on earth. If it solely concerns me, I don't see any logical reason why I shouldn't use every opportunity to expose myself. I mean, if I can't hide anything from God and He still, for some unknown reason, loves me, why should I hide behind facades? If people don't like us they way that we are, then why bother with impressing them with another fake personality? It is absolutely pointless. We are called to love, and I don't know about you, but lying to someone about the REAL me is hardly loving them.

Anyway, that is all I have for now, I hope you all have a wonderful day!