Friday, March 27, 2009

Purpose and selfishness

The complete purpose of this blog is rather complex, but I will spend a little time explaining a few of the reasons.

The first is just feeling left out. These days pretty much everyone has a blog, a facebook, a myspace, and at least three email addresses.

The second reason is that this blog is a reward that I promised myself after climbing one of those tall hills and saying "I did it"! Except this hill was rather elementary compared with most. It was simply a reward for typing at 40 wpm the common phrase involving a fox and a dog. (I always hated typing as a child.) But now thanks to, I am not "pecking anymore," excepting the numbers. I haven't gotten those down yet.

The third reason is because I need to improve my communication, listening, and typing skills.

Someone asked me onetime why I didn't have a blog. Before I answered, I asked her whether she wanted the truth or a clever fabrication. (Have you ever asked that question before?) Of course she wanted the truth first and then was curious what the clever lie would have been.

"The security deception"

If she would have requested the lie, I would have simply stated that it was because I was deathly afraid of predators and the security of the blog. I would have said that writing my life out for anyone to find could be disastrous. However all this is completely bogus. There are ways to get around a blog knowing your true identity yes, but if someone wanted to go to those lengths, they have got to be dedicated. Typically these people know you, and it doesn't take long to narrow down who your anonymous visitor was. If I was worried about security, I could secure this blog so that only people that I allow can read and comment on my posts.

The truth.

Since she asked for the truth, I said something along these lines. If you are at all like me. I prefer to hide behind questions rather than revealing myself through answers. I am very selfish in this way. So the truth would be that I didn't want my life exposed to the entire world. But then I got to thinking about two specific things. One was a song by Derek Webb. I don't remember the title, but it talked about having my whole life, thoughts, actions, words, and deeds played before the world on national television. Talk about humbling! Just think about that for a minute. Every person that you have ever offended even in your private thoughts would know it all! I would be totally exposed.

Then I thought about what I should be hiding, and Christ's example on earth. If it solely concerns me, I don't see any logical reason why I shouldn't use every opportunity to expose myself. I mean, if I can't hide anything from God and He still, for some unknown reason, loves me, why should I hide behind facades? If people don't like us they way that we are, then why bother with impressing them with another fake personality? It is absolutely pointless. We are called to love, and I don't know about you, but lying to someone about the REAL me is hardly loving them.

Anyway, that is all I have for now, I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Rachel C said...

Good thoughts, Seth!

Angelica said...

Good reasons, too :)

Unknown said...

Thanks to both of you.

Lesley said...

Score #3! *Ding, ding, ding* Do I get a prize?:)

Angelica said...

Were you trying to find all my comments Les?

Unknown said...

Yes she was desperately searching for your comments Angelica. After I mentioned that you had commented at least three times, she just had to find ALL of them. :)

You know, you could have a lot of fun with this and hide comments for Les to find. hehe... now that would be amusing!

Lesley said...

Haha! Yes, but I would first have to know they are hidden in order to hunt for them.:)

Angelica said...

True, Les, but that's an added bonus... You get to go through all Seth's posts and try to remember how many comments used to be there. :)

Lesley said...

You forget that there are only so many hours in my day and as much as I'd love to re-read some of these blog posts, I have my hands full just keeping up with the current ones! So, perhaps someday when I've retired, I'll go back through and hunt for them. Only then there will be so many more to hunt through and I prolly won't have the energy at that age, so I prolly won't even attempt it. SO...if you want me to find them, you might as well tell me where to look. Otherwise, chances are I won't see them.:)

Rachel C said...

lol, Les! I found one on K's blog, Angelica. :) I didn't think to look on Seth's though. ;)

Angelica said...

Which one, Rachel?

Rachel C said...

How many were there, Angelica? :)

Anyway, I found the one that's on K's very first post.

Angelica said...

Uuh, good question, Rachel! :)

Rachel C said...

Haha! I take it you don't know either? :)

Rachel C said...

LOL, Angelica! I love your random question on your profile!:D

Angelica said...

Thanks, Rachel... I'm not sure what the real reason is, though :P.

Angelica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel C said...

Haha...I don't think anyone really does.:P

Angelica said...

True... :)

Rachel C said...

BTW, Dutch Blitz is a really fun game, especially when you have a bunch of people playing (who know what they're doing). ;)

Angelica said...

Yeah, I think it's probably my favorite game. If not my favorite, it's right up there :).

Unknown said...

Another name for dutch blitz is "Nerds" right? If so, than sorry to burst your bubble, but I really do not enjoy that game. My hands just can't move fast enough. My mind goes on overload. People that like to win, enjoy playing me. :)

Angelica said...

I have no clue, Seth. The only name I know it by is Dutch Blitz. Really? You're not fast enough? How much do you play it :)?

Unknown said...

I haven't played it for a long time. It's the game that is kinda like solitaire right? Except that it is played with multiple people.

Nerds is one of Dana's favorite games. Up and Down the River, or Seven up Seven down, is one of my favorite card games.

So whenever we played cards together, both of us had to play both games even though we didn't enjoy it.

Angelica said...

I see. Yes, it's sort of like solitaire. I've never heard of either of the other games, though :).

Unknown said...

They are actually one in the same game. The real version involves betting with money, but we discarded that component.

It is a really fun game, if you like mind games. ;) I would love to teach you sometime.

Angelica said...

Depends on how hard they are...

Angelica said...

Most of the time, though, I like them :)

Unknown said...

Its a simple game to learn, don't worry.

No, the mind exercises are not too difficult especially if you are good at probability and statistics.

I am not good at either, and struggled more learning it than some people.

This is funny that we are blog chatting. hehe...

Angelica said...


Yes, it is kind of funny :).

Unknown said...

Anything else you want to talk about? hehe... I am ready for anything!

Angelica said...

Uuuuh, nothing in particular. :)

Angelica said...

I have to get off anyways. 'Talk' to you later!

Unknown said...

lol! Okay, bye Angelica. Nice talking to you! *Next* :)

Angelica said...

Ha ha... :P

Rachel C said...

Whoa, the comments went up fast! Last time I checked it was at like 20!!

Haha! My dad's the same way, Seth. He claims that he can't think and move fast enough at the same time.:) Of course, he says that about most card games.:)

I've never heard of the game you like, Seth, but considering it has to do with probability and statistics, I'd probably not be very good at it. That kind of math's not my strong point.:P

Sorry I missed the blog chatting. :D

Lesley said...

Well, I'll join the girls and say I enjoy playing Dutch Blitz. I've only known one guy who was good at it. You know him Seth...Scott K. He beat everyone all the time!

Next time we're all together we'll have to see just how good everyone is at Dutch Blitz.:)

Rachel C said...

My uncle's really good at Dutch Blitz, but otherwise, I don't really know any other guys that are 'good' at it either.

Haha...that would be fun, Les!:)

Unknown said...

Well, the next time we get together you all can take great satisfaction after soundly beating me. ;)

And maybe I will also think about trying the shoe experiment. ;) You all are just too convincing.

Rachel C said...

You should, Seth. :P

Angelica said...

You really should, Seth.

Oh, and I was wondering if you would explain all your sound effects that occur when someone gets on your blog again. I think you wrote that up once, but I'm not sure where, and there are an awful lot of comments to go through to try to find it. :)

Rachel, you and I should blog chat sometime!!! That would be fun! Seth or K would probably let us borrow their blog :).

I forgot, Les, that Scott played Dutch Blitz. I guess he would, though, because his whole family does, right? Are they all pretty good?

Wow, Seth. Your comments are becoming shorter! When I was reading through some of the older posts, there were plenty of newspapers to wade through ;). I guess I haven't read through your latest post yet, either :).

Lesley said...

Yes Ag, the whole Kratzer Klan is scary good at Dutch Blitz. I've never been able to beat any of them. Well, I don't know about the Mr. and Mrs. but the siblings are good!

You know, Ag and Rachel, you could just e-mail each other rather than take up space on the blogs. Plus that way you can talk about whatever you want without the whole world seeing. Just a thought. A rather good one if I do say so myself.:)

What makes you say we'd find it satisfying to beat you Seth? That makes us sound cruel! I'm not denying we *might* enjoy it, however, we would sympathize I'm sure. And really, it would be fun to get a bunch of people playing at once!:D

Unknown said...

Angelica, I don't have time to explain all the sound effects again right now, but Les might be able to tell you. If her trap has holes again (lol) , than there is only one other way. Learn how to harness the power of Google and force it to only search my blog for the comment you desire. It works great!

Preston and I wrote a joint document that explains how to use Google most effectively. I could send you a link to view that document if you desired. ;) It's amazing what Google will do!

Yes, email is a good thought. But I prefer IM over email any day if I have the time. Since you both have Google accounts, just plan a time to chat from your G-chat embedded Gmail!

You can even store your chat history in Gmail and always be able to turn their words against them. hehe... Its fun!

Yeah Angelica, better read the latest post. This past weekend, I wrote a lot of newspapers to make up for all the weeks I was crazy busy!

A lot of people find it very satisfying beating me in games. Its a good question though. One I don't care to reveal my answer. Sympathize?? Yeah... right. Evil laughter is all I envision. ;)

Lesley said...

Do I detect a bitter sarcasam in that comment??? *shakes head* Are you really that sore of a loser?! Better remember to bring a box of tissues...

Unknown said...

haha... very funny Les. No, I lose all the time. It's normal for me. It doesn't bother me hardly at all. It would be like saying waking up every day, or eating food hurts my feelings. ;)

Rachel C said...

Blog chatting would be fun, Angelica, but e-mail works just as well for me!:)

Seth, I'm not even going to pretend like I have the slightest idea of what G-chats and Gmail is!;) can't be that bad at it, Seth.:)

Lesley said...

Well that's good to hear Seth. Guess I can leave the tissues at home. Unless...we all end up laughing so hard we cry...hmm...better pack them just in case.:)

Well then, if it's okay with you Rachel, since I have your e-mail I'll just give it to Ag and she can send you hers. Does that sound okay?

Rachel C said...

Works for me, Les.

BTW, you had better bring the never know what you might need them for...;)

Lesley said...

So what? Now I'm going to cry?!

Rachel C said...

Not necessarily, but it never hurts to bring tissues along, right?;)

Lesley said...

Tissues are always handy things to have around. They're useful for all kinds of things...wiping away tears, killing spiders, making parachutes and confetti out know...all those things you do with tissues.:)

Angelica said...

Hmmmmm... *tries to decide whether or not she will regret this*
Could you send me the link, Seth :)? I ought to know better, seeing how it's you and Preston... I assume you mean Preston B? Oh well...

Angelica said...

Oh, and Les, could you send me Rachel's e-mail address?

Unknown said...

Sure thing Angelica. Don't worry. We wrote the document and taught the material to debaters of all ages. It should be very self explanatory. The specific steps may not be completely accurate but the basic concepts are still relevant.

Angelica said...

Okay, thanks. I'll try to read it... maybe tonight.

Rachel C said...

Hmmm...The Document. I don't know why, but that sounds kind of scary for some reason; like it's top-secret or something.:D It just has that authoritative ring to it.;)

Yeah, Les, tissues can be quite useful at times! :D

Rachel C said...

Sorry, but 56 comments was bugging me.:P

Btw, have you read it yet, Angelica?:)

Angelica said...

If you mean "The Document", then yes I have :)

Rachel C said...

Yeah, that's what I meant.:) Is it worth reading? *wink* ;)

Unknown said...

haha... Angelica. (no pressure) hehe... Don't be afraid to say that it was a complete waste of time. I won't be offended. Really! :)

Angelica said...

Yes, Rachel, it was worth reading. It wasn't a COMPLETE waste of time ;) jk.

Angelica said...

It really was quite helpful. I will say, though, that I was a little wary at first, seeing that you and Preston wrote it ;).

Rachel C said...

Haha...Angelica! Hmmm...maybe when I have time I'll read it.;)

Angelica said...

You should, Rachel. :)

Rachel C said...

Okay!:) I haven't read it yet, but I probably will get to it eventually...;)

Rachel C said...

Okay, so I started reading through "The Document", and I've decided that next time I 'try' reading it, I should have a dictionary handy.:D jk!

Seriously, though, it actually is pretty helpful.

Rachel C said...

Sorry, but 66 comments was bugging me. :D