Monday, March 30, 2009

Ahhhh...... so sweet!

Yesterday I took my bike ride down to the lake to do some reading. Looking down the hill I noticed a couple embracing. I watched for a few seconds, and then continued down the road. Looking for refuge from the biting wind, I paused on a log jutting out of the river. After a few minutes the couple left and I went over to find shelter behind an outcrop of land. As I crossed where they had been, I noticed a sweet message the guy had written. He had taken the time to break sticks and form the message "Marry me?" Beside that was a heart made with white rocks. I thought that was sooo neat!

Unfortunately, I didn't stop and take a picture, and later I heard a bunch of obnoxious teenagers utter nasty insults about the message. I knew then that the once beautiful message had been destroyed and probably had been twisted and ridiculed.

I really wanted to hurt someone listening to their banter! But, it did remind me of the way Christ was mocked and ridiculed. I thank Him for his sweet love letter to us that we can treasure for a lifetime.


Lesley said...

Aww..I don't know why I happened to run across this post. I hadn't seen it before. What a sweet story with such a sad ending! Nearly made me cry...especially when I read the last paragraph. How true!

Rachel C said...

Awww, that's really sweet! That's extremely annoying though that those boys did that! It's so sad. :(