Friday, June 12, 2009

Oops... stop breathing... You are polluting the environment!

We can rejoice now, along with Al Gore, and members of the EPA that Carbon Dioxide may be considered a pollutant in our atmosphere.

Anyone that has taken 4th grade science would understand that our atmosphere is made up of over 75% carbon dioxide. Less then 25% is oxygen, and any drastic proportion changes would exterminate all life here on earth. :)

Yay! So what will this mean for us? This means that the EPA would have the power to control our carbon dioxide output. They could come to your house and cite you for having too many vehicles, too few plants, and even too many people!

When will the government control end? It is time to stand up and fight against BIG government while we still own the air we breathe!

The EPA cannot carry out their new regulations until Americans have given their input. Here is a chance to voice your opinion, by sending an email to the EPA.

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