Friday, June 5, 2009

A return to SLED

Several weeks ago I authored a post that was entirely about articulating the pro-choice position and leading its followers down the path to a sense of moral absolutes.

Today I received an email that was requesting women who had received abortions to tell their story and "uncover" the tremendous lie. This request was coming from no other than the United Stated Supreme Court! Is it just me, or will Roe vs. Wade soon be heavily scrutinized again and, by God's grace, overturned!!

I would like to explain an acronym that I was first taught while competing in NCFCA Speech and Debate.

Level of Development
Degree of dependency

This acronym represents the four most common objections people make when attempting to justify a fetus as non-living. All four of these objections can be reduced to their ridiculous conclusions rather easily.

Size is the first objection. When this objection is presented, a couple approaches can be taken. The former is more humorous and and the latter is much more convincing.

All of these objections have a logical comparison. One question that can be asked, would be, "So, are you saying that midgets, because of their size, are less valuable and should be killed?" Another more convincing way asks whether a premature child because of its size, should be killed immediately upon birth?

I think you know where this is headed. Similar questions can be asked with all the other objections. Let me explain one more.

One of the more common objections would be degree of dependency. I will explain that one. I would first ask, well... when a baby is born, can it survive on its own? The answer is obviously no. It needs a nursing mother, it needs shelter, it needs someone to love and care for it. So then, because it can't survive on its own, should we kill all new born babies?

The rest of the objections are relatively self-explanatory. :)


Amy said...

*ding* Just Amy!!! ;) Thought I would say HI! We have NO wireless internet so Ash, Les, Kristin and I all drove into town to see how everyone is doing.

Unknown said...

haha... You found internet. Nice job! Thanks for checking up on us poor guys here. It sure is pretty boring around here.

Unknown said...

Oh and Hi OMS! (outstanding monotony supporters) lol Hey Kristin, Ash, and Les.