Sunday, June 28, 2009

Some people may call it a bad day... Me? I just have to laugh.

I am sorry all, but this blog post is rather lengthy. It is rather humorous though, if you care to read it. :)

In most peoples lives, the days events begin soon after waking up, but on this day, it began just after midnight.

We were driving home just after our latest storm chase. Radar announced heavy precipitation ahead. That night we had driven to Bassett, NE, about 40 miles from Valentine, NE. On the way back, the rain came down hard! Michael attempted to drape garbage bags over the broken window, but it wasn't working very well. Soon after, the left windshield wiper flew off into the wind. :) Consequently, Benjamin's visibility was drastically reduced. Thankfully, Michael found it again a few yards behind us, and used his fist to pound it back in place. A mile later, it flew off again. Michael found a hammer this time, and pounded it back on. The rest of the trip was mostly uneventful.

Earlier that day, I had decided to leave for Lincoln at 6 A.M. Saturday morning, so after only getting 4 hours of sleep I left Kearney at about 6:15.

Quick commercial:

Have you ever been tired of interstate traffic? Well I have the solution for you. Start your long trip shortly after, or before the crack of dawn, and I guarantee over 70% less traffic or your money back. That's right, call right now, to receive your packet and learn how you to can avoid most interstate traffic for good!

Seriously, from the Kearney on road ramp, to the York exit I saw a grand total of 18 vehicles going eastbound on I-80. It was sooo lonely! For those who do not know, that is about 70% of the two hour trip to Lincoln.

The days plans were pretty simple. Drive to Lincoln, go to a church bible study/breakfast at 8 A.M, go to my cousins wedding in Iowa, and drive back to Lincoln.

Shortly before Lincoln, I remembered that I was counting on wearing my only black shoes to the wedding. Only one problem, the day before, one of the shoes had literally bit the dust. See picture below. :)

The breakfast ended at 9:30 and we were planning on leaving in one hour! I had two options, acquire some strong glue, or buy comfortable fitting shoes pronto!

We decided upon the latter choice, and began at shopko. Shopko had only expensive grandpa looking shoes, so we went to Koals. Koals had a much wider selection, but the only two that fit my price range were all out of stock in my size. *sigh* I sighed heavily, said a quick prayer, and purchased some more expensive ones.

By this time, it was 10:30, we still weren't at our rendezvous point to meet our other passengers, and I wasn't yet dressed for the wedding.

I then found out how well I think in the morning after 4 hours of sleep. My socks were too short, my shirt was stained, and my pants had glitter all over them from who knows where. I shrugged, and piled into the car and we headed off to Orange City, Iowa.

My disheveled appearance was partly remedied by rolling up my sleeves to hide the stain. The glitter, however, was another story. I tried rubbing it off, I tried shaking it off, nothing worked, I was stuck being the "pretty one."

My cousins wedding was supposed to begin at 3 P.M. We arrived 3 minutes late, only too find members of the wedding party leaving mumbling something about forgetting some detail.

Before I go any farther, I just want to say that this wedding was an organizational nightmare.

The actual wedding did not begin til about 3:30. Once seated, the beginning of the ceremony went without a hitch. The grandparents were seated, the parents, the "who gives this man to be married..." When it came time for the message, my uncle had it all prepared. The one detail that was overlooked was a stand for his notes. It was quite difficult to refer to his notes, use hand gestures, and pull out his bible at the same time. Needless to say, the message was wonderful and straight from Romans.

When it came time for the vows, I was quite surprised. Instead of the traditional repeating them after the pastor, my cousins had memorized them and added Ruth's promise to Naomi when she refused to return to Moab. I really enjoyed their recitations.

Then came time for some special music and the lighting of the unity candle. Walking up there together, they lit the candle together. It went out. They tried again, this time it stayed lit. Holding hands, they waited. Behind them, the candle again flickered out. They ignored it, and gazed at each other lovingly.

With the special music finished only two things were left. The pronouncement was the usual. Then after granting Jesse permission to kiss his bride, he grabs her and gives her a bear hug! haha... everyone laughed. Embarrassed, he then kisses her.

They then walk out of the room, and the ushers begin the mass exodus. Seriously, the ushers motioned for the first group to exit with exaggerated hand motions that remind me of cattle herding. Hurrah! Hurarah! Before one row was finished they would motion for the next row, so that by the end we were almost stepping on each other trying to keep up!

If you think that was a disaster, wait til you hear about the refreshments!

Everyone was out of the sanctuary in record time, and waiting for refreshments. Three tables had been set out. On the outer two tables were two punch bowls, and the middle table held the "main course".

Nowhere were signs, or any obvious right way to snatch the snacks. So people lined up, on both sides of the tables going opposite directions and running into each other somewhere in the middle. It was absolute chaos! On top of all that, the middle table had chips, dip, nuts, and a relish tray but only had napkins for the guests! There weren't any plates until quite a bit later but still very few. The ones that did manage to get a plate were held in high esteem and treated like gods and godesses. jk Not quite, but you get the idea.

Anyway, the bride and groom were almost non-existent. One could find one of them at any particular moment, but finding them both together was a rarity. After finally finding both of them, and giving them our blessings and farewells, we headed back home.

Upon arriving home, we were excited that the company Roca hired to replace the water lines in our town was all finished. My parents hadn't had water since last thursday! We turned on the faucet and nothing but air came out! Seeing a note on our front porch, we found out that the company had neglected to connect about 25 houses in the town, and we were one of them!

A message on the answering machine directed us to a neighbor that was willing to share her water with all the people that had been neglected. So we hauled all the buckets we owned down to their house.

We were living like pioneers! Hot water had to be boiled for the massive dish pile, showers had to be taken elsewhere or neglected, and buckets had to be filled and ready for bathroom use.

A wise person once said that "you don't understand the necessity until it is taken away." (Or something to that effect) That is very true.

The last consequence of my 4 hours of sleep was my neglect to bring shorts. I mean, what was I thinking? Its summer, and all I brought was two pairs of jeans! How silly can I be?


Lesley said...

Wow Seth! What a day! I was laughing reading all about it!:D That wedding sounds bad! At least from an organazational aspect. But, if it's any consolation, I didn't notice any glitter when you stopped by.;)

And did you really count the cars on the interstate?! Only you would do that. You must've been really bored!

Ashley Hoover said...

wow! it must be like a month since i've been on here...and lots of catching up to do!

I agree with you on the traffic Seth. 5:00 is even lonelier. :)

What a fun wedding, um, tell me the name of the organizer and I'll remember to find another. :)

Ashley Hoover said...

Oh! and i like your spanish greeting there! i in no way want to be picky or anything but it's actually Buenas tardes... with an "a". :)

Seth said...

To Les:
I am glad you enjoyed it Lesley. It was an organizational disaster, but I would say that the decorations were mostly homemade and well done. :)

The reason you didn't see the glitter was because I hid in the shadow near your door. In broad daylight, I resembled a twinkling star. :)

Yes, I did count the cars. I was soo bored. I drove my dad nuts sending him messages while driving down the interstate. :)

To Ash:
Hey Ash! Long time no see... Last time I heard from you was when you unexpectedly came for a visit.

I actually don't know who organized it, but I am sure your evil twin would be delighted to plan your very own wedding disaster for you.

I stand corrected! I told your sister this, and I will tell you too. You don't have to apologize for correcting me, because I make plenty of mistakes. :) I will get the greeting corrected immediately!

Seth said...

One question Ash or Les. Are all the greetings, Buenas Tardes, Buenas Noches, and Buenas Dias have that "a" instead of the "O"?

Sorry, I am already losing my Spanish I learned in highschool.

Lesley said...

You are so mean Seth! Just don't ask me to do your wedding or it will be an event you'll never forget!

JK, I would certainly hope that any wedding of my planning would be free of all disasters! No promises mind you...

Perhaps you with the whole glitter thing you were just taking the verse "shine like stars in the universe" a little too seriously. ;)

Buenas Dias definitely has an 'a'. Otherwise it's Dios which means God. Not positive on the others. Sis is the expert around here.:)

Ashley Hoover said...

I thought I was expected...maybe just not by you. ;)

Um, not to confuse you but I hold the reputation around here for being the evil twin. :) Sis is way to nice to be able to plan a disaster of a wedding, now me....

Well, actually Sis, you are right in saying "Dias" should have an "a" BUT... in the greeting "Buenos Dias", "buenos" needs an "o" because it's "el dia or los dias", masculine. The other greeting "Buenas tardes & buenas noches" are correct. :)

*buzzz....* ;)

Lesley said...

And that's why I said Sis was the expert...

Seth said...

To Les:
Thanks. Sorry, better insults just come with more knowledge about you. haha... jk Now that I know two wedding planners, I will have you and her fight it out, if the time comes.

I would hope that those Canadians know how to control weddings better than healthcare, otherwise your adoption of their ideas would be disastrous!

As far as the glitter goes, I think you are right Les. K and H denied any ownership of the prank, but that just means they had one of their cronies do their dirty work. :)

I knew about the "Dios" and the "Dias" but that's where my Spanish knowledge abruptly halted.

To Ash:
I am never told anything around here. Its good, because I feel at home that way. ;) K told me about an hour before u arrived that you were coming and the purpose of your visit.

I have the evil twin down now. But if you get such a nice nickname, then your benevolent sis should have one too. Something catchy, nice is just too normal. sry.

By the way, I have the greeting all corrected now. Thanks so much for being picky. It was most appreciated!

Lesley said...

Well, as the saying goes, two heads are better than one so maybe we won't have to fight.
And so far, there has been nothing said whatsoever about healthcare so I think we're okay there.:)

When you come up with my nickname let me know. It should be amusing to see what you come up with.:)

Ashley Hoover said...

how about coconut??? ;)

The greetings look good Seth! If the occasions should present itself, I might be picky again. :) Hmmm, maybe if I'm ever going to be in the area again I'll let you know since no one else does... ;)

Seth said...

To Les:
Sadly, the other person is very independent and probably wouldn't accept your advice or assistance. :(

I will let you know when a suitable nickname comes to mind. It may take time, but one will eventually come.

I find it amusing that you always respond first, and Ash is next. There was one exception back when I first borrowed "Come What May".

To Ash:
Thanks again for the corrections. Feel free to be picky to your hearts content. ;)"I am going to regret that invitation later."

Well... thanks. I am glad someone will tell me whats going on every now and then. Its going to be pretty boring in Kearney while the T's are gallivanting across the northern states.

Lesley said...

Well then, I think in order to prevent a fight you should just pick is simpler that way!

There sis...I commented first...your turn now!;)

BTW Seth, she usually comments after me because I always check the blog and then tell her she should.;)