Thursday, May 27, 2010

Marooning and Exhileration

*newspaper warning* hehe... First one this summer.

It is a good thing someone has time to write a blog post every once in a long while. hehe... ;)

Yeah, I thought K did a great job with the door. I still don't know exactly what "modge podge" looks like beforehand, but it seems the possibilities are endless.

The last couple days for me have been rather exhilarating!

Monday, the TCS team, minus me, went storm chasing in western Nebraska. They left around noon and left Mrs. T, Heidi, and me at the office.

About 10 minutes to five, Mrs. T looked at me and asked me whether I had a key to lock up the office. Umm... no... Then it dawned on us that Michael and Ben had taken the only two keys with them and they were 3 hours away.

hehe... So, we tried contacting the leasor but was unsuccessful reaching him to bail us out.

As 5:00 loomed, Mrs. T and Heidi went back to the house and fixed some supper and brought it down to the marooned one at the office.

Mrs. T called Michael and found out that he had lost his phone but would return as soon as it was found.

About this time, I just couldn't keep from laughing at how God had worked things out. :D

As you already know, God miraculously showed the team where Michael had lost his phone.

I was at the office that day until about 10 p.m. when Michael returned with a key to lock up. Before he came I was tempted to use whatever I could find and make a bed for the night. lol

The next day brought even more excitement!

The boys decided at about 4:00 p.m. that they were going on their first bike trip of the year. The evening's events were planned like this.

Josiah: We should go biking to the Platte again.
Ben: Let's go tonight!
Josiah: Great!!

Everyone returned back to the house at about 5:10 and with only a couple minutes warning, Heidi had an impressive array of delicious food packed in a cooler ready to go! You can tell she has had some practice in the past... ;)

Michael had previously arranged to visit a foreclosed house that had some old computer junk the realtors wanted to discard. We picked up Rance, and the three of us went in this house that had previously been owned by a cat lover and still wreaked!

We found an old mac computer that, if it worked, would sell for four grand! It was in pieces though and the chances were too slim that we didn’t bother rescuing it. Most of it, was just as it was advertised – junk!

After picking up Peter to come along on our bike ride and dropping off Rance, we drove to Josiah and Micah’s house and got ready to begin what would become a very memorable evening…

The bike ride began innocently enough. The only exception was that Peter’s bike was made specifically for BMX racing and was very low profile compared with the mountain bikes everyone else was riding. Consequently, Peter had a hard time keeping up. I was also lagging farther and farther behind.
I thought my recent 2.7 mile morning runs had given me the strength necessary to ride the 10.5 miles to the Platte River. I managed to keep up with Peter most of the time and appreciated everyone else who waited at stop signs for us that lagged behind.

After crossing 25th in Kearney, Michael declared that he wanted Peter to ride his bike and Michael was going to suffer on Peter’s tiny bike for the remainder of the trip. After a handle bar fell off while crossing the tracks, Michael handed me the water bottle and we were off again! Upon reaching Coal Chute Rd, I just really struggled keeping up with the crew and kept falling farther and farther behind.

It got to the point where I could barely see Michael’s bike ahead of me. I was crawling along as fast as my legs could peddle in the wind, yet I was gaining very little ground. Convinced I was just weak in the legs, I kept going and finally got to the Platte at least 10 minutes after everyone else.

The other guys had already shed their shirts and were swimming in the Platte when I got through the weeds and across the half submerged railroad tie bridge. Michael soon returned and declared it was supper time! After a nice dinner of apples, granola bars, peanut butter sandwiches, nuts, carrots, and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies everyone except me swam for at least 20 more minutes.

I put the food away and just relaxed after the long hard ride. I knew that I would have a difficult time riding back if I tired myself out swimming. About 8:05, Michael announced we had better begin our return trip. Knowing I would quickly fall behind again, I decided to start back while they were packing up.

Before I left, another interesting group of people came hauling flotation devices and a large 12 pack of beer. I was not disappointed we were leaving. J I got back to my bike and made sure it was in working order for the trip back. Feeling the rear tire, I found it was completely flat! No wonder I had such a hard time keeping up with everyone!

Micah also discovered that his front tire was flat. Great…. Unless we put two people on two bikes, a couple of us would need to find some alternate transportation. Michael resolutely decided he was going to run Micah’s bike all the way back. (Yes, the whole 10.5 miles.) I knew that I would not have the energy to run such a long distance, so Peter’s dad came and picked up Micah’s and my bike and Peter and me. We drove past Michael huffing and puffing down the road but he refused to ride along.
Michael continued running and Micah road Michael’s bike beside him all the 10.5 miles back to the starting place. Benjamin and Josiah rode leisurely back since they both still had fully functioning bikes.

After being dropped off at the T’s, I received a call at about 9:30 asking where Michael and Micah went. Oops! I told Ben that Michael was still running back. Ben wisely decided to pick them up in the van. By the time, they found Michael running, he was less than a mile away and said that he would persist and go the rest of the way.

Needless to say, Michael’s g-chat status the next day was the following: “I feel weird”. LOL!      


Sarah said...

lol, this was great! Sounds like Ben and Jo had it easy!

Rachel C said...

Haha! I heard about this! Too funny...:P