Saturday, May 15, 2010

So, you need a piano hauled?

This morning I had the day all planned out. But then God through some rather interesting twists in the day. It is further proof that life around the Tillotson's is hardly ever boring! lol

After finding another antique piano for K's studio at a garage sale, Michael got on the phone and the conversation went something like this...

Michael: Hey! Do you like hauling Pianos??

Victim: Uh, umm... yeah... SURE!!

So  that is how it went and off we went to round up a truck or trailer and a bunch of guys.

We hauled the piano and hired a couple human tie downs. :) Luke and me signed up for the job.

I felt like I was riding one of those convertibles in a parade waving at everyone. Most people whizzed past us wanting desperately to lose us. They weren't the only ones... ;) Some were kind enough to wave back.

We got the piano all delivered.

There it is, all secured in the back of the trailer.

The ordeal required much contemplation and careful consideration from many brilliant minds! :)

After it was all said and done, a suggestion was made to manually pull the trailer a couple miles back to its owner. Sadly, it didn't happen. It would have been fun!


Unknown said...

umm... the pictures are being fixed. Apparently my brilliant idea of composing a blog post in Gmail popped like a lead balloon. ;)

Anonymous said...

Another piano . . . another piano ?????!!!!!

Amy said...

Fun times! :D I LOVE the antique piano. It goes really well with Kristin's decor. :)

Ha! I didn't know you had Woopra Seth. :D

Addie said...

I assume this all happened Saturday after I left?!?!? Another piano?!?!? Is Kristin going to keep the first one she bought? :)

Unknown said...

To Amy:
Yes, I have Woopra. There is a reason I was the one who gave you two the suggestion to try it on K's blog. ;)

To Addie:
Yes, K wanted more than one piano and Michael found an ancient one in good condition.

Right now there are two pianos in her studio, and unless I have been misinformed, both of them are staying. :)

Rachel C said...

LOL! I can't believe I missed that! We left too early, Addie...jk! :D

Haha...this reminds me of when my dad was in the back of a pick-up holding onto a basketball hoop while being driven down the highway...I wasn't actually there, but the way he tells it is hilarious!! :P

Teddy said...

That was really fun!!!

Want to do it again??

Unknown said...

Wow Rachel! That sounds quite frightening holding a ten foot basketball hoop while driving at highway speeds!

Of course I would do it again Luke! But, I think the girls have learned their lesson and would keep their distance next time. ;)