Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day!

I am rather exhausted today from staying up late crafting a harmless virus for the tillotsons here. I must say it was rather enjoyable. BSOD's and automatic log off scripts run on command truly made my day! You should try it sometime... Comment if you want the recipe. :)

In other news, Google has a new feature for GMAIL. It is called Autopilot. It will automatically scan your incoming messages and send a reply based on your pre-defined preferences. Details here.

Google has been real busy the last several hours and has even produced the world's first Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity. This is a high tech machine that possesses artificial intelligence.

But this what Google would say to be "harmless" has some plans up its sleeve.


Anonymous said...

You know, it would be really bad if nobody was listening...

Seth said...

And why do you say that? I think it could be a blessing.