Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fantastic Hamburger Helper

haha... So, you know that I have been mostly alone the past week or so. Well, the T's left us, Vanessa and me plenty of leftovers to keep us eating food for a long time. Well, today we finally were running out so I decided to make some food for lunch. hehe... Don't worry, you don't need to run and hide this time. :)

I had been given a package from the homeschool group in Lincoln that contained some hamburger helper and macaroni and cheese. I had also been given for my birthday some taco seasoning mix, diced jalapenos, and beans. Sounds like a meal right? Well... not quite. :)

I first cooked up the macaroni and cheese and made it my appetizer. You surely can't go wrong with microwave macaroni and cheese cooked on the stove. hehe... It was very tasty.

Then I examined the hamburger helper box and found that it required 1 lb. hamburger. Imagine that! I hurried downstairs and found a package of at least 2 lbs. beef or venison. I am not sure which. Since it was frozen, and was way more than required it was time to make some recipe modifications. hehe...

I had a difficult time getting the paper wrapper off the meat but finally succeeded except for a little corner stuck in a crevice. I worked for several minutes with a spoon, a fork and a knife but could not, for the life of me, get it dislodged. Finally, I gave up and decided that a few milligrams of paper wouldn't hurt me. :)

While the meat was browning, I consulted the directions and decided to double the recipe. The puny little packages of seasoning and pasta was not going to be enough for 2 + pounds meat! I found some spaghetti downstairs and mixed several hand fulls with the pasta. I then measured approximately double the water and milk required.

The meat was about done and it was time to make it all happen! I dumped the water and the milk mixture into the pan along with the pasta and the puny package of seasoning mix. The ratio of meat to seasoning wasn't right, so I dumped the taco seasoning mix in with it. Stirring it awhile, I found the ratio of meat to pasta was still not even and put in more spaghetti. Now, I was getting somewhere! :)

While I waiting for the mixture to boil, I decided to fetch the jalapeno's and beans and dump them in the pan too. I mean, why not? After I had done that, the drastically modified hamburger helper smelled delicious!! After tasting it, my stomach agreed with my sense of smell.

There are still leftovers, so if you want some, come on over! hehe...

So, that wasn't too hard! hehe... Really, that was all the exciting things that happened this week. Everything else was normal. Sorry, for the disappointment. :)


Amy said...

I just ate supper... ugg. :)

Unknown said...

Hehe... See everyone! If Amy doesn't approve, it has to be good! Beware any of my concoctions that Amy gives five stars. It was prolly only the aftereffects of the drug. ;)

Rachel C said... sounds kinda gross, but I'd probably try it. :) I like trying *new dishes*...haha. ;D

Unknown said...

haha... well if you are around me, the new dishes are endless!

Sarah said...

Oh yes, I heard about this when we were there. :P

Unknown said...

I don't doubt it Sarah. lol! haha... I think this is your first comment on my blog. Welcome! hehe... :)