Sunday, January 10, 2010

Essential color modifications and marathon ending

A little different look for my blog before I begin school tomorrow. I am taking 12 credit hours again with the following classes. The first three are held as a live lecture at the Grand Island campus. Yes, I will actually have a live instructor in the room!! Amazing! The last one is strictly an online class that requires a lot of virtual discussion board chatting before an 'A' can be obtained in the course.

Advanced Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel)
Advanced Databases (Microsoft Access)
Customer support
Information Security Management

So, this means that the marathon blog posts are over again for awhile. Depending on how busy I am kept with school work, I will try to write a blog post occasionally updating you all about me and my life. I am really excited that I am finally taking strictly computer courses and don't have anymore MP's to waste my time. :) (Meaningless prerequisites) Well, they weren't all meaningless. Algebra was quite useful and Accounting has taught me some very essential skills.

I had planned to design my own blogger template during Christmas break, but for some reason I didn't find the time. So sad! Well, that is all from me for awhile. So long everyone!!

Oh, I thought I would add a video for your enjoyment. It is my little sister Kayla and some fun we had over Christmas break.


Amy said...

hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! That was sooo funny!!! :)

Rachel C said...

LOL...that was great!! =)

I hope your classes are going's always nice to have a live instructor in the room. haha...:)

Rachel C said...

Btw, I like the new blog look! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks all! So glad you liked the video. Now you understand a little about my family. hehe...

Yeah, Rachel. I thought the blog needed a new color scheme. So sorry I wasn't able to design my own. Perhaps, during the summer I will find time to squeeze it in. hehe...

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