Monday, January 25, 2010

Lunatic Rehearsal

I have a very interesting class entitled "Customer Support". This class has been foundational in understanding that  United Airlines breaks guitars. That is all I learned the first day. hehe... The second day, I learned that my personality type is INTJ. If you have never taken a similar personality type test you wouldn't know the meaning behind the letters. Well, here it is.

I - 20% Introverted

N - 25% Intuitive

T - 25% Thinker

J - 67% Judging

That is me all summed up in 4 letters! :) If you want to take the same test, the one I used is here. It is completely free.

The lunatic rehearsal refers to my customer support class tomorrow. We have been learning about different types of customers and how to relate with them most effectively. Some of those customers are very angry, abusive, or think they know everything. There are other customers that know next to nothing and would give the answer "No" to the following question: "What do you see on your screen?" lol We are given strategies on how to answer all these customers most effectively and put them at ease.

Tomorrow, we get to role play these situations with our peers and get to yell at each other and pretend we know nothing. Sounds like a blast right? I say, bring it on!! :D


Sarah said...

Hahaha! I'm ESFP... 100% E.

Unknown said...

Wow, we are totally opposites! That is funny.

Rachel C said...

haha, I don't know what I am. :D

Thanks for explaining, Seth. Your class makes more sense to me now! :)

Rachel C said...

Okay, so I figured out that I'm most similar to IFSJ. It's kind of funny... I'm like a mixture of the two of you. ;D

Unknown said...

I would have guessed that you were more of a thinker Rachel.

Unknown said...

I edited the post to include the link that I used and I am curious which test you all took.

Rachel C said...

Oops, I took it on the one you did and it said it was the same as I got before just in a slightly different order. :)

According to this test, I was placed as the following:


So, yeah, I guess that's me...;)

Unknown said...

Very nice Rachel!

We are both judging but everything else is pretty different. That is neat!

How did the Science fair go for you?

Rachel C said...

Well...I made it to the next level (which is regionals for us-Thurs. was the local fair). So I guess that's good. Unfortunately, I didn't really want to go on. Seriously though, I don't even know how I made it to regionals..I thought I had done terrible. Anyway, I'm going to have to continue to improve my SF project.

Sorry about the rambling, but since you have your masters in rambling, you should be alright. ;D

How did your lunatic rehearsal go on Tuesday?

Sarah said...

I did the Human Metrics test. I just did it again and it showed ESFJ but I think I'm a P, not a J.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Rachel! While you didn't necessarily want to continue, it shows you have done really well!

I know exactly how you feel. I remember a speech and debate year where my partner and I barely moved on to regional competition.

I really didn't want to advance, but I also didn't want to discourage other debaters coming behind us and didn't want to disappoint parents or other competitors.

So, keep it up and don't let your science fair project fall by the wayside. Keep improving!

Oh, my lunatic rehearsal was really enjoyable! hehe... I first was told to act the part of a furious customer. hmm... I think I failed miserably. Audibly yelling at someone is against my personality.

The second time, I was the tech support and another student was supposed to be the complainer. hmm... I didn't sense any emotion in her voice.

The third time was really fun! I got to play the role of a talkative customer. hehe... I didn't let the tech support get even a question in until after I had rambled about my amazing new job, and my lunch, and how Pepsi blue was the absolute best. hehe... I could play that part again.

I normally do not qualify as being very talkative, but apparently I can act the part. lol

Yeah... that was a long explanation to your short question.

Unknown said...

Was the J percentage fairly low then Sarah? I don't know you very well, so I wouldn't be able to tell you.

I hardly remember you from that one time I stayed at your house two years ago. Sorry!

I am sure your recollection of me is much clearer! :P

Rachel C said...

haha! Well, I'm glad you had fun, Seth!

It's kinda fun pretending to be furious with someone, but I'm not very good at it because I usually start laughing in the middle of it. =)
Not letting someone else talk can be fun, too, sometimes. ;)

Sarah said...

Haha Seth. I think it was relatively low.

Unknown said...

Yeah, Rachel. It is only fun pretending to be furious. Having that attitude in real life would be an awful life to live.

I would much rather be always joyful, but I fail with that resolution almost, if not, every day. :(