Friday, January 15, 2010

Who knew?

haha... Yep. Here I am again because my teachers are being too easy right now and have given me very little homework thus far. Last semester, by this time, I was running around like a sick horse attempting to accomplish all the homework! hehe...

Rance says that the next time he is in Grand Island, where I take the greater majority of my classes, he will have a chat with my teachers. lol This morning, I think K would join him because she was not pleased I stole her fun in the kitchen. haha... She procrastinated downstairs after the breakfast meal and lost her chance to clean the kitchen! haha... *gleeful look* Seems she will be right behind Rance in his pleas.

Well, that is all for now. Just thought I would provide a quick update.


Sarah said...

I responded to your comment on my blog. And hockey goes after photography.

Unknown said...

I know you did. haha... I didn't quite understand your last comment. But now it has clicked! *Ding Ding* Anyone home!! Sometimes I wonder.

Yes, I never claimed Benjamin is always wrong. lol He has me beat in many areas! hehe...

Amy said...

I KNOW the feeling Seth! I often wonder the same thing... ;)

Rachel C said...

haha...I'm sure that will change in a couple of weeks, Seth. ;)

Unknown said...

Yep. Me too. Although, in one class, I found out I won't ever have any tests and that my entire grade is derived from graded assignments. I was pretty excited when I heard about that. :)

How is school going for you so far this semester?

Anonymous said...

Amiable brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.

Rachel C said...

Yeah, I'd be pretty excited about that, too, but unfortunately, the only class that I have no tests in is journalism...but that's better than no classes, though, right? :)

So far this semester has been going fairly well...I'm working on an essay for Spanish class and a speech for speech team, and of course, science fair (since that's in only a couple of weeks), but for the most part, I'm enjoying school.

Besides not having enough homework, how's school going for you? ;)

Unknown said...

Hey Anonymous! I am so glad my blog was able to greatly assist you with your college assignment. You are very welcome! Please, come back again! :)

Unknown said...

The only reason that class is devoid of tests is because the latest version of Office broke the testing program they had been using. I was absolutely devastated to hear of that tragedy! ;)

I hope you do well in journalism then. It should be easier without any tests. What exactly do you do in journalism class? Is that mostly writing articles or something?

Yay for Spanish class!! hmm... My Spanish teacher would be ashamed of me now because of all that I have forgotten. What are you doing for your science fair project this time?

School is going... I still haven't gotten the right textbook in the mail for one of my classes. So I am getting farther and farther behind in that class. :( Oh well... I will find some way to catch up again. At least there are only four students in that class. One of them, I think, is a Christian, is married, and has several kids. Praise God!!

My Access and Excel classes are starting very slow, but this week are expected to get much more challenging and require more homework.

I don't know about my customer support class yet. It is all about customer relations and I haven't learned much yet because I have worked with Michael and gained much experience. I don't mean that to sound prideful or anything. Just to let you know.

Rachel C said...

haha...I bet you were just totally devastated about that! ;)

Well, my school's journalism class actually consists of both newspaper and yearbook. Usually, there are enough people signed up for both of these classes that each person is either writing articles for the "weekly" newspaper or working on their pages for the yearbook...

Unfortunately, only 6 people signed up this year (total), so we all kinda got stuck doing say the least, we've kinda forsaken the newspaper a little bit and are mostly trying to concentrate on this year's yearbook. Sorry, that was really long, but hopefully it makes sense. :)

Oh, I'm still working on the same science fair project as I tried to explain to you last time. I'm hoping that I'll be able to finish my experiment tomorrow so that I can complete my board before next week...:)

That's awesome if one of them is a Christian!!

haha...don't worry, I didn't think you were being prideful. Good for you! ;)

Unknown said...

hehe... Today I learned in my Customer support class that United airlines breaks guitars. :) Very useful knowledge, I know.

Yes, it makes sense. I have a friend that is a professional rambler so I have gotten a lot of practice! hehe...
I am sorry you have so few in the class. That will make the class more difficult.

So, if you are trying to finish the same science fair project this semester, does that mean that you didn't complete the project from last year? Or is this year's experiments just an extension from last year?

Yeah, it really is neat. I don't think any of my teachers are Christians however. At least their speech constantly violates the 3rd commandment. It pains me to hear them, but I really don't know what to do except pray. I probably need to work on visibly showing it hurts rather than making it seem irrelevant.

Rachel C said...

So what exactly do you do in your Customer support class? Oh, yes, VERY useful information. lol :)

haha, I think it's time to put your ability to decipher rambling to the test...;)

My science fair project never ended. We began our projects at the beginning of December. So, from that day through the next couple of weeks, science fair has been all we've been working on in class. (The first Science Fair is next week.) So yeah, I neither really had an incomplete or an extension...the time for our projects to be completed just isn't over yet. :)

I know the feeling. I really only have one teacher who constantly disobeys that commandment, but about half my class swears every day (with a couple of them, it seems like it's every other word.:( I absolutely hate when people swear; it bugs me SO much! I've never known what to do except pray, too. Sometimes people apologize to me after they use these words since they know that I don't like them, but it doesn't seem to do much good. :(

I guess for right now, all we can really do is pray for each other in these here's praying! :) Have an awesome day!

Unknown said...

That is a very good question Rachel. haha... This next Tuesday we are practicing yelling at eachother and acting like we don't know anything. hehe... Gotta love college! I know... it sounds like a lunatic rehearsal. hmm... Sounds like a great blog post!

Okay, lets see if my rambling deciphering degree holds any water. :)

This is how I understand your paragraph.

Your science fair project was begun last December but the actual fair isn't until next week. You have set deadlines to keep yourself from getting too far behind and to accomplish your project on time.

Yes, I will be praying too for my teachers and fellow students. I will pray for your science fair project.

Rachel C said...

haha...that sounds like fun! But how exactly do you Practice yelling at each other? Oh yeah, a blog post on that would be great! :)

Congratulations, you have just earned your Masters degree in Rambling Deciphering!! hehe...jk. You were pretty close, though! ;D

Unknown said...

hmm... Perhaps I should say "Hi!" back. ;)

Thanks for my masters degree. hmm... Now, I better work towards my doctorate!

Rachel C said...

LOL, the "hi" was just a test because the first time I tried to post my comment there was an error. ;)