Sunday, February 28, 2010

The sad death of anonymous comments...

Well, my blog was getting far too much comment spam from anonymous users. I had two choices, one, prevent anonymous users from commenting; or two, force everyone to type in a word verification. I elected for the former because I hold a strong disdain for those word verifications and don't want my blog viewers to suffer. :) hehe...

So, I am sorry, but you may no longer comment anonymously on my blog until further notice. Gone are the days when each anonymous comment was a fun guessing game. *crying* :(

Creation meditation

I was driving home this last Thursday, when the Lord showed me a biblical gem I hadn't ever gazed at yet. Have you had one of those moments recently? During my prayer, I was going through His story and giving glory for all the promises God had fulfilled.

I had just finished meditating on the fall in the garden when I realized an implication of the curses God pronounced on ALL of his creation he formally called "very good". After God made everything, and  before sin entered the world, every living creature lived in harmony with one another.

The Tillotson's recently finished going through Isaiah as a family. In this book is a glorious picture of what the creation was and will be.
"The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them."      Isaiah 11:6
But after the fall, God pronounced a curse that extended to all living creatures, not just men, women, and serpents. This is quite obvious when we watch films of lion predators stalking innocent antelope. But what is not quite as obvious is that God didn't leave the world to chaos after the fall. After the fall, an awareness was suddenly awakened in every creature that told him which creatures were now his tasty meals. This was not chaos, but a well ordered consequence of man's choice.

As I thought about this, it made we want to praise God even more for how even when we failed, He didn't set the earth spinning and leave it alone but instead sovereignly ordained the intricate details sin had now permitted. Isn't that neat! My face just beamed more and more just thinking about it!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Just a little social engineering :)

Social engineering is defined by this website as "Using various social skills (such as lying or conning) to attempt to get someone to hand over a password, access code or simply access to a computer."

Sound like fun! Well, for my information security course I was given a very interesting assignment. The goal of the assignment is to test the school's security policies. One of those policies protects grade report disclosure from any unauthorized individuals. Here is how it played out.

I drove to the Learning Center in Kearney, got out my phone and contacted my evening college advisor. Here is an unofficial transcript of our conversation.

Seth: Hello, is this student services in Kearney?

Lori: That depends on what you are looking for.

Seth: I am (my father) and would like to request a grade report for the fall 2009 semester for my son Seth.

Lori: You would have to call the registrar office in Grand                           Island.

Seth: What is their number?

Lori: (fumbles around) Okay, here it is.

Seth: And they will be able to provide this information?

Lori: Only if the student has signed a student records release form. You must call the registrar office and talk with them.

Seth: But, you just mentioned a form, what was that form                           again?

Lori: Oh, the student records release form.

Seth: Yes, so if I contact the registrar office, I will get the                           information?

Lori: The grade report?

Seth: Yes

Lori: No, the student still must sign the record release form.

Seth: Okay, thank you.

Lori: Yep

****End of call****

After this call, I waltzed into the Learning Center and announced to the poor, confused, advisor that she had performed her job well. hehe... At first, she was befuddled and didn’t understand why my father would have called her seconds before I came bursting into her office. 

She half expected my father to come right behind me in a fit of rage and even thought of sending an email to the registrar office in Grand Island informing them that a furious father would be contacting them soon. lol!

But, after reassuring her that everything was fine, we laughed heartedly together.

This weekend I drove to see my family near Lincoln and have been having a great time! Thursday night we surprised my dad with my presence and even had Dana and Joe come without him knowing. We celebrated his birthday with a special home made meal of dad's choice. 

The first course was Jello salad. The main course consisted of hash browns, barbecue chicken, and corn. For dessert, Dad chose home made chocolate ice cream. All was very scrumptious!

Today, I performed my usual computer maintenance checkups. I also went sledding with Kayla and played ball tag in the dark with Mom and Kayla. It was meant to be Kayla's 30 minute PE time for the day. That was fun! But poor mom, she had a difficult time keeping up with Kayla and myself. Kayla's 11th birthday is coming up really soon. My... is she growing up fast!

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Dad and I have a men's bible study at Zion early, then we are moving a church family, and then after lunch I am going to climb the wall at the UNL Recreation center with Joe. Yay! :)

Well, that was my excitement for the week. These are the consequences when my teachers don't give me enough homework. Pretty brutal I know. 

I had better get some sleep tonight and stop blogging. haha... Goodnight! :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Valentines Post

Happy Valentines day everyone! And an interesting day it was. ;)

Valentines day is one to remember the ineffable love our Lord has shown to us. It is a day to remember the blessings God has done in the past and look forward to His plans for our future. Those of us that don't yet have a sleeping beauty, :) or prince charming :) can rejoice that God will bring them in His time. That is a threshold that should only be crossed once.  In the meantime let us strive towards purity and reflect on Romans 12:9-13.

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.  Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Profit Scrutiny and the Gargantuan Deception

I just wanted to share an excerpt from an email I received today from The Patriot Post.

"Pop quiz: What billion-dollar multinational receives hundreds of millions in tax dollars even though it is enormously profitable?
If your thoughts turned to defense contractors, you would be right about the purpose -- killing -- but wrong about the recipient. The answer, in fact, is Planned Parenthood.
According to its most recent annual report, in fiscal 2008, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the nation's largest abortion provider, had annual revenue of more than $1 billion. Of this, about 34 percent was made up of government grants. In other words, almost $350 million of American taxpayer dollars supported the work of Planned Parenthood from October 2007 to September 2008.
And, according to tax records from the same time period, this 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization had a net income $85 million greater than its expenses. That looks suspiciously like a profit....
The enterprise of abortion in America is big business. It turns a profit, and for the American taxpayer, the bailout of a financial behemoth -- one engaged in an activity most Americans find troubling -- is obviously unnecessary. Even without pondering such moral questions as 'When does life begin?' and 'What is happening in a woman's body that abortion stops?' the fact that this billion-dollar industry needs no tax support should be enough to stop taxpayer handouts." --Jeanne Monahan of the Family Research Council

I, for one, had no idea Planned Parenthood was a "non-profit" organization. That is ridiculous!

The very name "Planned Parenthood" screams their agenda. It is not the parents anymore, it is a heavily government subsidized industry that decides which babies are "qualified" to possess life.

The phrases Planned Parenthood frequently spout revolve around providing an alternative for "unplanned" pregnancies. The very idea is absurd and I am astounded that many evangelicals today have bought this idea. Pregnancies are never unplanned except in the rare case of rape and incest. Without the physical union between male and female, procreation is impossible! It is always planned.

One could make the valid argument that en-vitro fertilization is another option; but I would argue that the massive expenditure would indicate even more planning is involved.

Obama himself made the argument that he doesn't want his daughters to be punished with a [GASP!] baby if they make a mistake. Yes, that is the person we have elected to lead this country.

"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34

We must pray for Obama and our other leaders that their hearts might be turned towards their creator and not towards His creation. God is still on his throne!

Planned Parenthood has slaughtered millions of babies using their lies being spread all across this country. Whatever you do, don't believe them!