Sunday, February 28, 2010

Creation meditation

I was driving home this last Thursday, when the Lord showed me a biblical gem I hadn't ever gazed at yet. Have you had one of those moments recently? During my prayer, I was going through His story and giving glory for all the promises God had fulfilled.

I had just finished meditating on the fall in the garden when I realized an implication of the curses God pronounced on ALL of his creation he formally called "very good". After God made everything, and  before sin entered the world, every living creature lived in harmony with one another.

The Tillotson's recently finished going through Isaiah as a family. In this book is a glorious picture of what the creation was and will be.
"The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them."      Isaiah 11:6
But after the fall, God pronounced a curse that extended to all living creatures, not just men, women, and serpents. This is quite obvious when we watch films of lion predators stalking innocent antelope. But what is not quite as obvious is that God didn't leave the world to chaos after the fall. After the fall, an awareness was suddenly awakened in every creature that told him which creatures were now his tasty meals. This was not chaos, but a well ordered consequence of man's choice.

As I thought about this, it made we want to praise God even more for how even when we failed, He didn't set the earth spinning and leave it alone but instead sovereignly ordained the intricate details sin had now permitted. Isn't that neat! My face just beamed more and more just thinking about it!

1 comment:

Rachel C said...

I love that verse in Isaiah! It certainly offers an *amazing* picture! I guess I never really thought of God making a well ordered consequence of man's choice instead of leaving the world to be completely destroyed in its own ruin and downfall. Thanks for the insight, Seth! :)