Monday, February 1, 2010

Profit Scrutiny and the Gargantuan Deception

I just wanted to share an excerpt from an email I received today from The Patriot Post.

"Pop quiz: What billion-dollar multinational receives hundreds of millions in tax dollars even though it is enormously profitable?
If your thoughts turned to defense contractors, you would be right about the purpose -- killing -- but wrong about the recipient. The answer, in fact, is Planned Parenthood.
According to its most recent annual report, in fiscal 2008, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the nation's largest abortion provider, had annual revenue of more than $1 billion. Of this, about 34 percent was made up of government grants. In other words, almost $350 million of American taxpayer dollars supported the work of Planned Parenthood from October 2007 to September 2008.
And, according to tax records from the same time period, this 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization had a net income $85 million greater than its expenses. That looks suspiciously like a profit....
The enterprise of abortion in America is big business. It turns a profit, and for the American taxpayer, the bailout of a financial behemoth -- one engaged in an activity most Americans find troubling -- is obviously unnecessary. Even without pondering such moral questions as 'When does life begin?' and 'What is happening in a woman's body that abortion stops?' the fact that this billion-dollar industry needs no tax support should be enough to stop taxpayer handouts." --Jeanne Monahan of the Family Research Council

I, for one, had no idea Planned Parenthood was a "non-profit" organization. That is ridiculous!

The very name "Planned Parenthood" screams their agenda. It is not the parents anymore, it is a heavily government subsidized industry that decides which babies are "qualified" to possess life.

The phrases Planned Parenthood frequently spout revolve around providing an alternative for "unplanned" pregnancies. The very idea is absurd and I am astounded that many evangelicals today have bought this idea. Pregnancies are never unplanned except in the rare case of rape and incest. Without the physical union between male and female, procreation is impossible! It is always planned.

One could make the valid argument that en-vitro fertilization is another option; but I would argue that the massive expenditure would indicate even more planning is involved.

Obama himself made the argument that he doesn't want his daughters to be punished with a [GASP!] baby if they make a mistake. Yes, that is the person we have elected to lead this country.

"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34

We must pray for Obama and our other leaders that their hearts might be turned towards their creator and not towards His creation. God is still on his throne!

Planned Parenthood has slaughtered millions of babies using their lies being spread all across this country. Whatever you do, don't believe them!


Rachel C said...

That is soooo sad!!! :( "Children are a gift from the Lord," and in no way should be called a punishment! (Although it says in the article that President Obama also called his own children 'miracles' but still...)
Sadly, a lot of people view babies this way.:( Honestly though, I don't know how anyone could actually abort aka (for the most part) selfishly murder and destroy their own flesh and's just so cruel.

You know what gets me, though? The fact that there are so many animal rights activists (I love animals and don't think they should be mistreated, don't get me wrong), but isn't human life sooo much more important than an animal's life? Yet *some, not all, mind you* of these people probably abort some of their own children but scream bloody murder if someone so much as *yells* at an animal. It's just not right!

Sorry, I kind of went on a rambling rant there for a second...;)

Unknown said...

It is very sad. Yes, children are miracles and gifts from God.

One thing I have learned Rachel, is that if people are told one thing enough times, they begin to believe it. It is called brainwashing. Eventually, they not only believe it but despise those that believe otherwise.

Our country has gone through two generations since Roe vs. Wade. The third generation is now being raised. The last generation was taught to believe that an unborn baby is only some unwanted tissue. They didn't believe it was their own flesh and blood.

Our generation is being taught the same lie, but is taking the immorality one step further. Now, they are recognizing the unborn but are denouncing them as mere punishments.

It is very cruel. I am saddened that a new internet TV show is further desensitizing Americans about abortion.

About your second point. Yes, Animal rights activists are a little on the strange side! Human life is infinitely more important. There is one very important distinction. Humans have souls! :)

Yes, dressing up your pet with bow ties, shirts, and shoes is a little much I think. ;)

hehe... Its okay. I don't mind if people use my blog to rant. I know what you mean. At the rate we are going, animals will have more legal "rights" than people. Perhaps I better start training to represent my pet in court. :)

Rachel C said...

I find it interesting that the woman who was for abortion in Roe vs Wade now makes commercials speaking out against abortion. I haven't seen one for a while, though...we certainly need them. :(

A couple of weeks ago, a paper/magazine was handed out at our school called iCare..., basically telling the (true) facts about abortion, including some personal stories from mothers (and fathers as well) who agreed to abort their babies. I thought it was very powerful.
There were many interesting stories that I'm not going to share here, but one thing that really stuck out to me was a timeline simply entitled "Save the Humans..."

*NEWSPAPER WARNING* This is going to be really long, but I wanted to share it.

"Day 1: Fertilization-The sperm joins with the ovum to form one cell. This one cell contains the complex genetic makeup for EVERY detail of a new human life--the child's sex, hair and eye color, height, skin tone, etc. From that moment on, nothing new is added but oxygen, nutrition, and time.

1st Month (1-4 Weeks)- The first cell divides in two and cell division continues as the newly formed individual travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. Over 500 cells are present when this tiny embryo (the blastocyst-which is the stage at which many researchers want to destroy the embryo in order to harvest stem cells, which are the building blocks of life.) reaches the uterus 7-10 days after fertilization. Foundations of the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system are already established, and by day 21 the heart begins to beat in a regular fashion with a blood type often different from the mother's. Muscles are forming, and arms, legs, eyes, and ears have begun to show.

2nd Month (5-8 Weeks) *This is just a quick summary as this post is already very long and is probably not of much interest to you or anyone else reading it* But anyway, by 6 weeks, brain waves can be detected, and the brain is controlling 40 sets of muscles as well as the organs. The jaw forms, including teeth and taste buds. The baby begins to swallow amniotic fluid and sometimes hiccups. The stomach begins producing digestive juices, and the kidneys begin to function. Fingers and toes are developing. At just 7 weeks, the chest and abdomen are FULLY formed. The baby now looks like a miniature human infant."

I'm going to end there, but the other 7 months are also very interesting...

Isn't scary how all these people are trying to scam others, telling them lies about how the baby isn't actually a baby and won't feel a thing? Yeah right!! If by the 7th week, that much has formed already, can you imagine the pain of partial-birth abortions?!?!

Once again, sorry about using your blog for my ramblings, but it blows my mind how so many people believe that garbage given to them about pro-choice and abortions.

Rachel C said...

As for training your pet to represent you in court, yeah, you might want to do that. ;) You'll never know when you might need to with the way our country is heading. :(

haha! Yeah, dressing up your pet with bow ties, shirts, and shoes is a little ridiculous. ;)

Unknown said...

Wow Rachel! I had no idea after just 1-4 weeks was when the blastocyst was formed and is what the scientists want to destroy.

I thoroughly enjoyed your *newspaper* by the way. It just further proves that it is not just a blob of tissue after even a few weeks after conception.

I am very thankful that you are passionate about this issue Rachel. Your voice is desperately needed.

Do you know who distributed that magazine? Was it Life Choices here in Kearney?

Rachel C said...

I'm pretty sure it was some of the Gideons who distributed it at my school, but I don't really know where they got it. I do know that the website is icare... is an advertising supplement for the Human Life Alliance (HLA). It talks about it on their website.

Hope that helps!