Friday, February 26, 2010

Just a little social engineering :)

Social engineering is defined by this website as "Using various social skills (such as lying or conning) to attempt to get someone to hand over a password, access code or simply access to a computer."

Sound like fun! Well, for my information security course I was given a very interesting assignment. The goal of the assignment is to test the school's security policies. One of those policies protects grade report disclosure from any unauthorized individuals. Here is how it played out.

I drove to the Learning Center in Kearney, got out my phone and contacted my evening college advisor. Here is an unofficial transcript of our conversation.

Seth: Hello, is this student services in Kearney?

Lori: That depends on what you are looking for.

Seth: I am (my father) and would like to request a grade report for the fall 2009 semester for my son Seth.

Lori: You would have to call the registrar office in Grand                           Island.

Seth: What is their number?

Lori: (fumbles around) Okay, here it is.

Seth: And they will be able to provide this information?

Lori: Only if the student has signed a student records release form. You must call the registrar office and talk with them.

Seth: But, you just mentioned a form, what was that form                           again?

Lori: Oh, the student records release form.

Seth: Yes, so if I contact the registrar office, I will get the                           information?

Lori: The grade report?

Seth: Yes

Lori: No, the student still must sign the record release form.

Seth: Okay, thank you.

Lori: Yep

****End of call****

After this call, I waltzed into the Learning Center and announced to the poor, confused, advisor that she had performed her job well. hehe... At first, she was befuddled and didn’t understand why my father would have called her seconds before I came bursting into her office. 

She half expected my father to come right behind me in a fit of rage and even thought of sending an email to the registrar office in Grand Island informing them that a furious father would be contacting them soon. lol!

But, after reassuring her that everything was fine, we laughed heartedly together.

This weekend I drove to see my family near Lincoln and have been having a great time! Thursday night we surprised my dad with my presence and even had Dana and Joe come without him knowing. We celebrated his birthday with a special home made meal of dad's choice. 

The first course was Jello salad. The main course consisted of hash browns, barbecue chicken, and corn. For dessert, Dad chose home made chocolate ice cream. All was very scrumptious!

Today, I performed my usual computer maintenance checkups. I also went sledding with Kayla and played ball tag in the dark with Mom and Kayla. It was meant to be Kayla's 30 minute PE time for the day. That was fun! But poor mom, she had a difficult time keeping up with Kayla and myself. Kayla's 11th birthday is coming up really soon. My... is she growing up fast!

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Dad and I have a men's bible study at Zion early, then we are moving a church family, and then after lunch I am going to climb the wall at the UNL Recreation center with Joe. Yay! :)

Well, that was my excitement for the week. These are the consequences when my teachers don't give me enough homework. Pretty brutal I know. 

I had better get some sleep tonight and stop blogging. haha... Goodnight! :)

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