Sunday, February 28, 2010

The sad death of anonymous comments...

Well, my blog was getting far too much comment spam from anonymous users. I had two choices, one, prevent anonymous users from commenting; or two, force everyone to type in a word verification. I elected for the former because I hold a strong disdain for those word verifications and don't want my blog viewers to suffer. :) hehe...

So, I am sorry, but you may no longer comment anonymously on my blog until further notice. Gone are the days when each anonymous comment was a fun guessing game. *crying* :(


Unknown said...

Yeah, I had to do that too... :)

Teddy said...

i was thinking of doing that..:)

Rachel C said...

Awww..sad day! :( I know what you mean, though. :)

Amy said...

THIS... from the guy who pulled the worse "anonymous comment joke" EVER!?! :D

Unknown said...

Hmm... I wonder which "anonymous" comment is being labeled the worst here. :) Don't worry Amy, April 1st is coming around again. hehe...

Rachel C said...
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A choice between heart-breaking loss and constant annoyance. I'm sure you made the right choice.

I wouldn't be annoyed by the verifications (I don't comment enough), nor do I mourn the loss of anonymity.