Friday, May 15, 2009

Answering the Pro-choice activists Part 1

Last night, I had the chance to watch a movie entitled "Come What May" by the Advent Film Group at Patrick Henry College.

The movie brought to light a very important argument.

Don Hogan, the father of Caleb, was asked a question requesting the biological perspective on life. He answers that the answer is so simple a ten year old can understand it. He then asks Caleb to name a time when a baby is alive. Caleb chooses to say "At birth." He then asks whether the baby is alive the day before that, and so forth.

This puts the questionnaire in a dilemma. It forces him to accept one of two conclusions. Either there is some quality in the birthing process that transforms non-life to life, or the baby was alive before birth. The first conclusion is obviously ridiculous and can be easily disproven through scientific facts.

By this point, more than likely, the person that you are talking with has said at least once that they agree with you, but do not want to force their opinions on someone else.

This is where the slippery slope of relativism comes into play. Tolerance is relativism in disguise. Your job is to unveil their tolerance and take it to its logical conclusion.

In this case, questions of morality should be the next step. There is no one that will follow tolerance or relativism to its conclusion. They will quickly jump-ship. To do this, we must find how far we need to take them to realize the existence of rights and wrongs. Some questions might be, Should we be tolerant of Hitler? Are wars intolerant? And if neither of these questions work, then prove the futility of relativism and involve them by asking the following question. Are you going to be tolerant of my belief to use you as target practice before dear hunting season?

No one in their right mind would say yes to that question, and thus proves that they do have a standard of morals and are being intolerant towards my beliefs.

Now taking this discussion back to abortion will have to wait until next time.

But before I do that, one more point should be made. People who stick to morals but are still Pro-choice can be shown their logistical inconsistencies through a great method called SLED. :) More on that later...

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