Monday, May 4, 2009

Temporary Abandonment

Hey anyone and everyone who reads this blog. I would like to announce my resignation on blogs, facebook, Google Talk, Skype, AIM, WLM, Gmail, Digsby, and all other forms of impersonal communication until further notice! jk

Or at least until Thursday night when I have my grand party to celebrate the end of mostly meaningless monotony! So until the balloons pop, the ice cream scoop dips and the chocolate snaps, so long my friends. It was nice knowing you! :)

In case you are wondering, nothing you say or do can bring me out of my shell until the previously specified time.

By the way Les, your time is coming...


Lesley said...

Awww...*sniff*, however will we bear the loss!? ;)

I confess I'm a little time is coming? What's that supposed to mean?! Or are you going to be so cruel as to make me wait until Thursday for your answer?

Ash said...

What is happening Thursday? I think i'm lost... (which seems to be where i am most of the time)

Unknown said...

A party?? I'll be there! ;)

Lesley said...

Especially if it includes chocolate and ice cream.;)

Amy said...

What's going on here Seth?? Are you OK? Maybe you should go in for a check-up.
NO ANYTHING "techie" until THURSDAY!?! WOW! That's amazing! :) JK

What's going on Thursday....? I really want to know!

Amy said...

I bet your computer just dinged and you are really tempted to look at what someone just said....:)

Amy said...

Ha! Ha! It just dinged again! LOL This is funny:)

Lesley said...

Poor Seth! Perhaps he'll be just as tormented by his dinging computer as I am by wondering just what he meant by that comment!

Ash said...

ding, ding, ding.... :)

Seth said...

Oh you guys... it was absolute torture! I turned off my "dings" so that I could concentrate, but that didn't stop all the emails coming in like mad. (Les commented, Ash commented, Les commented again,) haha...

I did "win" though. I did not open the emails or open my blog until tonight.

Speaking of tonight, I noticed that one of you hoovers got on just before we celebrated with delicious Parfaits with peanut butter topping, peanut butter chips, M & M's, chocolate sauce, snickers, and dark chocolate! Hehe... It was soooo good. (Mouth watering yet?)

Most of the party was courtesy of K, but I donated the chocolate and snickers. You totally missed out! (Big thanks to K!)

I can finally tear down the decorations in my room! :)

haha... Amy you already know, K told you. I don't know if Ash knows though. To get Ash, up to speed, its the end of school for this semester, and this few days was finals week! Most of my classes were seriously meaningless as evidenced by my long post a week ago tomorrow. Thankfully, today marks the end of my meaningless prerequisites, so I just HAD to celebrate!

As to Les's plea to know the meaning of (your time is coming) well she will have to have to muster more patience! *evil laugh*

Ashley Hoover said...

Well, congratulations on finishing the semester Seth!! I have to say I didn't think you'd make it, I mean the no email/blog thing. ;)

I bet you are all having a chocolate overload hangover today, haha!!! In that case no, I'm not jealous but it does sound good. :)

Good job K! You're too nice. :)

Les said...

Way to go Seth!!! I guessed that's what the party was about. Sounds like you all had fun! And yes, my mouth was watering! Like a true gentleman you provided the'll go far in this world if you keep that up!;)

So, you're going to help me develop patience. You know, I have plenty of siblings to do that. Oh well, it is a virtue after all, and one I do need pratice at times!:) As long as you promise to reveal the meaning sometime...soon!?!? *resigned sigh*

Seth said...

Thanks Ash and Les! hehe... When I began my blog/email fast, I wasn't sure I would make it either. But I can be determined.

Yikes, I can tell that my last comment was written when I was really tired and had a headache. The grammar was dreadful! *sigh*

K is too nice. I haven't done anything to deserve such kindness. ;)

haha... I may go far with being the chocolate provider, but there is a limit. :)

I hope your siblings taught you patience real well, because the timeline is rather uncertain right now. I might know more soon though...

Lesley said...

Uncertain huh...hmmm. I'm intrigued! Just how soon is "soon"?:)

There wouldn't be any members of the OMS that could help me out here by any chance? I haven't the slightest clue what Seth is alluding to here! Should that worry me?:)

Seth said...

Perhaps it would provide some comfort if I said that it isn't anything "too drastic". :) And maybe not.

As far as I know, unless mind reading is an OMS skill, they are pretty much in the dark.

Amy said...

I'm known for knowing things...but this time I don't know a thing! LOL

Seth said...


Lesley said...

Bummer Amy! I guess this is score one for Seth. That ought to give him delightful satisfaction.

Seth said...

It did, but now I bet that "delightful satisfaction" is now in your hands, or at least closer. :D

Unknown said...

Okay, I know what this is all about... lol (Chalk it up to the OMS founder to keep tabs on everything!)

Seth is trying to get to the bottom of something... perhaps the best OMS prank yet in return for_______ (well... ya'll know WHAT for!).

Okay. Remember when Les was deathly terrified of someone showing up on a certain blog post- and someone (sis) posted as that person (a.k.a "You-Know-Who") and then a certain Mr. Anonymous3 posted in a very confusing way... and so Les called me and I ran down to ask Seth and he totally ignored our tearful pleas, saying "It's much more fun to talk to ___________ right now" (He knows what he said ;). Soooo.... that was enough for a royal revenge. I mean, seriously! Les almost had a heart attack! And that would have been a very sad ending to a beloved OMS member (and sadly, Mr. Anonymous3 refused to come to her rescue). Thus ensued a little teasing... and that's the end of the story. Hope ya'll have a nice day now! :) (And if you need help getting out of this confusion, just go eat some chocolate- it'll clear up your brain a little!)

Make sense brother, dear?? Sorry to have to let it all out now... t'was rather fun until L-U-K-E read his big sis's text messages. =P =P

The moral of the story: never mess with the OMS! Haha. =D

Ashley Hoover said...

um, K, I think I'm more confused now than I was before... but then again, I usually am. ;)

The friends of the would-have-been late Les said...

Just be glad you don’t have her eulogy hanging on your conscience Seth, after she nearly died from a heart attack and you did nothing to help!

In Memory of Lesley:

She was such a sweet, caring young lady, adored by all she met. She loved people and made friends easily. She was a shoulder to cry on and an ear to hear their problems. She had a tender & sensitive heart that loved to look for the good in people. Lesley loved children and was delighted to have many that called her “friend”. A lover of music, she filled the world with song and tried to pass this love along to her students. She also loved sunny days and her smile spread a ray of sunlight wherever she went. Lesley delighted in the “little” things in life – coffee, chocolate, moonlight walks in the rain, lemonade on a summer day, curling up with a book in the winter & a weakness for teddy bears among other things. She is survived by her parents and 10 siblings. She will be greatly missed by many. What we have lost on earth, Heaven has gained – an angel.

And with so saying, dies our revenge.

Unknown said...

awww... ;)

Seth said...

The OMS knowing everything! Ha! Yes, they do know things, but though K's story was accurate, her reasoning was seriously flawed and mostly inaccurate. :)

Confused, eh Ash. And then you go and write an eulogy for your sis. ;) Yes, *nods head* you are very confused.

Very nice eulogy by the way, and thanks for the story K, it was very entertaining to say the least. Although I knew most of it, just not as emphatically as your portrayal. Poor Les....

Ash said...

I didn't post that!! Would have been great though... too bad I didn't think of it!!

Unknown said...

Uhh, there wasn't any reasoning in that story- so how could it be flawed and inaccurate?? lol ;)
That's okay, we know you have reason to be mad at us. Just had to rescue the situation before poor Les got interrogated!
We would reconcile with chocolate, but that probably wouldn't be as favorable as peanut butter. =D

Unknown said...

I do have to add, that you happen to be the easiest client the OMS (Omnipresent Matchmaking Service) has ever dealt with. I mean, you handed your qualifications in before we even asked for them- and dropped a name before we even tried to look one up! ;)

Okay, now off for a storm chase!! Wish you could be here Seth... it's going to be a good one! =)

Seth said...

hmm... the reasoning dear sister was your automatic assumption that I am out to get back at Les and or Ash. tisk tisk... In your opinion it seems, everything I do is inherently evil, or unjust. ;) Rather narrow opinion, if you ask me.

Reconciling would thus be completely unnecessary without a correct basis.

My qualifications sis? If you would recall, you were the first to hand in your qualifications. I just basically agreed with them. :)

And by dropping a name, I have made the OMS's job actually more difficult as evidenced by your shocked expressions.

By the way, Michael said that it was just him, Ben, and Luke storm chasing! You must have stayed in Red cloud.

Unknown said...

I never said you were out to get Les! I didn't even say WHO was going to interrogate her. ;) Your reasoning on my opinion of you is quite flawed and inaccurate! lol

What shocked expressions did you see? You aren't even around any of us right now! Haha...

Okay, okay... I'm done teasing. :)

P.S. Should we (the OMS) apologize for teasing you, or should we beg an apology for all the times you've insulted our reasoning. Haha.

We really are sorry if it made you mad. Pleeeeease forgive??

Seth said...

You made two implications whether or not they were purposeful I don't know. You implied way back before the eulogy that "Seth is trying to get to the bottom of something... in return for" And then later you said that you saved Les from an interrogation, that seemingly referred to my call with her.

Those are the facts. :)

By the way, I will admit that my last comment wasn't too kind K, and for that I apologize. I pretty much insulted the OMS's intelligence. :( I wasn't really mad persay, but you did succeed in frustrating me with your teasing. Congrats! :D Yes, I do forgive and forget any "pain" it may have caused.

Please forgive me too???

You know what shocked expression I am referring to, I was present when it happened. By the way, it was the OMS (Which OMS, I have no idea, Perhaps the Omnigenous Meddling Society lol jk) who recommended this course of action to me.

And one more thing, you are correct when you didn't mention the interrogator's identity. When I called Les and named my reason for my request, I was being totally honest. I will not be the interrogator.

If you have any more questions sis, then please call me. Blogs are very impersonal by nature. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, you are much too serious!! But that's okay. We forgive you too. (Well, at least I do... ;)


P.S. My story back there really was just to try and put you to rest, because you seemed rather agitated about something- and because of a panicked phone call from a fellow OMS'er. Honestly, I'm only pretending to know heads or tails of whatever all this is about! =P (I think I join Ash permanently in the "stay out of it" party... It's much too complicated for my understanding!)

Ash said...

Welcome Kristin! I think you'll find it to be a refreashing change of pace. ;)

I am still very much confused with the whole thing but I'm okay with that.

I offer my sincerest apologies too Seth if I did anything while trying to stay out of it that offened you. I mean it.

Maybe we should pick a new discussion topic? :)

Les said...

Wow! I can see I've missed a lot.(well sort of missed it) I only presume to understand half of that above conversation but I do think Seth that I owe you an apology. After a few instances I myself experienced(which I won't go into right now), I vowed never to play the whole matching game. I'm afraid I failed there, though not intentionally. And I hope I didn't offend during our Skype conversation...I was just trying to sort out truth from hearsay. Though one comment I made was a little onery. I'm truly sorry.

Hope we're still friends and I promise no more teasing!(on THAT subject at least;)) It's really none of our business and we'll stay out of it. Perhaps a peace offering of pb cookies is called for here K.?

So topic?

Oh, and how was that cookie you ate for me?;)

Les said...

May I say though, that I don't think we'd be in quite this big of a mess had not Mr. E talked of things of which he did not know.

Seth said...

Yes, Kristin. I am definitely over the top serious too much of the time. Just give me a slap on the back next time and say "lighten up Seth!" Dana had to do that sometimes, but she is rarely present anymore.

Now that we have apologies all around, I forgive you all, and thanks for your understanding.

By the way Les, in our Skype conversation, I also want to apologize for making my "plans" sound like steps to your doom. hehe... It was also very wrong of me to go behind your back to acquire your cell number. Please forgive me!

Hey Les or Ash, would it be alright to borrow your copy of "Come What May"? If yes, than if you don't get this before 10:00 tomorrow morning then please call me because I will be running errands in town. If no, than no more communication is necessary. :)

ash said...

Hey Seth! Yeah, you can borrow it. We'll be in and out and all over today so if we are gone I'll put it outside the front door and you can just take it. Otherwise just ring the bell. :)

Seth said...

Alright, sounds good. Now I just have to find directions... hehe... Will any of your family be at the homeschool graduation ceremony on Friday? I could return it then.

Ash said...

Hey Seth! I hope you got it okay. I see it's gone so you must have. :)
Is there a graduation Friday? I thought it was Saturday... I'm not sure... I think we are maybe going to try to go but haven't really talked with the family about plans. I'll see what I can find out and let you know.

Seth said...

Oops, no its Saturday afternoon. :) All day I have been telling people the wrong day... grr... For some reason Friday is stuck in my head.

Yes, I did get it, I have been in Lincoln since 10:30 this morning, and I just got back. Thanks very much!

Seth said...

Wow, I really enjoyed the film. It interweaves Godly principles of "dating" and sanctity of marriage with a powerful story that brought tears to my eyes.

It really highlighted the importance of emphasizing the slippery slope of relativism. :)

ash said...

Yeah, I thought it was good. It's nice to have some films with meaningful stories unlike so much of what is out there.

Lesley said...

So, Seth, just out of curiosity....was I ever informed of what "your time is coming" meant?

Nice talking with you yesterday btw. I enjoyed getting to know you a little bettter.:) Hope you had a safe trip back to T's.

Seth said...

Its interesting that you should ask Les. That answer would actually be hard to determine. I am leaning more towards the affirmative, but not completely. :)

Yeah, I enjoyed your "monopolization" of my time immensely. *laughing...* Yet, I always have regrets. No matter who I talk to, I typically end up banging my head for my either my forgetfulness or outright foolishness.

This time, I was going to introduce you to Emily, because she was going to be a wedding planner but has been veered towards midwifery.

And other things... grr... Maybe next time. :D

Lesley said...

Well, perhaps you are right. In pondering your answer I think that maybe, perhaps, there just might be a slight possiblity that I know what you meant by that.(how's that for a complete sentence?;)) However, it is also quite probable that I don't. Did I spell that right...that word looks funny.

LOL Seth! I suppose I did "monopolize" your time! However, since that is in quotations, is that your own thought or did someone else comment on that?:)

It would've been nice to meet Emily. However, don't feel too bad about it. I don't know her so I didn't know she was there to introduced to.:)

Oh, and BTW, I honestly don't think 'foolishness' is a word that discribes you. There are other words a person could use to describe you but I don't think 'foolish' is one of them. But then....I don't know you all that well.;)

Seth said...

I think you do know what I am referring to. *big smile* Now that we collectively understand the meaning of "your time is coming," the controversy has ended. hehe... (Yes, I like your sentence structure)

I always try to put someone else's words in quotes, and this time "monopolize" was your quote! But the quotations also indicated uncertainty. It could also be accurate if the perpetrator and the victim were flipped around. :)

Yeah, Emily was the girl that told me goodbye while talking with you. If you can remember that. Yeah, *bangs head* she was standing right there, and I didn't say anything. grr...

I hope I don't insult you with the next couple sentences. :) This is my opinion. Very strong words would accurately describe everyone on earth. (Prepare yourself! haha...) We are all foolish idiots compared with our Creator! Any brains that we think we have, we could not have utilized without His intervention. So to answer your question, I am a wretched fool that is completely undeserving of adoption into His family.

Lesley said...

Funny....I don't remember using the word "monopolize" during our conversation. I guess I did though if you say so.:) Now that could be scary...I don't even know what I said to you!!!:0

Okay, I remember Emily. She seemed like a nice girl. I have to admit though I thought she was your cousin or something.:)

Don't worry about insulting me....that's hard to do. Now worring or scaring me is a different story, but I don't insult easily. And I would have to agree with your statement. (though, I didn't phrase my previous comment as a question:)) I thought you meant foolish in another way. However, when defined as you have done, I would have to say that is a pretty good description of myself.

Seth said...

That could be scary. That is one trap some people fall into. They talk incessantly and thus find it difficult to repeat and/or distinguish what they said from what they think they said. Whether that includes you, I don't know.

hehe... No, she is not my cousin. But we are good friends. Emily is a very nice girl whom I first met through graduation last year.

Yes, you are correct. You did not word it as a question. But your tentativeness deserved a clear answer. So I gave it. haha... :)

I am thankful for always being imperfect, because this realization should always humble us and point to the only One who was perfect.

Seth said...

haha... I find it hilarious that this post has surpassed all the other posts with 111 page views! The runner up is my "someone may be in trouble" post at a measly fifty eight.

Lesley said...

Well, you know, your blog is an interesting's no wonder so many people visit! 'Course, it could just be the same handful visiting multiple times...;)

I wouldn't think that would include me...but perhaps others may have a different opinion.

And thanks for the clear answer. Usually that's what I need.;)

Seth said...

hmm... Well certain people have visited my blog a total of 134 times since April 20th! With the the most visits in one day (17) being on May 11th. hehe... I bet you can't guess who that may be!

I don't think that description includes you, but I barely know you. Ash might have a more accurate opinion. :)

Yep, no problem. I like clear answers too, which is why I get frustrated when people constantly beat around the same bush.

Lesley said...

Ah yes...May 11th....I remember it well! I'm going to hazard a guess that moi is the culprit there.:)

Perhaps we should ask sis for her two cents worth on whether it's an accurate description.

I'll remember that about time I want to know something I'll ask you right out. Which may be in the not too distant future....

Seth said...

Oh no never... I think you criminalized the wrong person. haha... jk

Yeah, it would be nice to get Ashley's input every once in awhile. She seems to be a foreigner these days. lol

Yeah, although I will say that fact about me is almost all inclusive for guys in general. Allow me to quote from a list of sayings entitled "Guys Rules for Girls." Number 1, (lol, inside joke)

"Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! JUST SAY IT!"

hehe... I think you will agree.

It seems like it may be my turn to worry about inquires "in the not to distant future." hehe... I can't wait!

Lesley said...

LOL! I'd love to see the rest of your "Guys Rules for Girls"!!! Trust me, girls have a list for guys too!;) I would agree with that rule btw.;)

Well, don't worry too much. We are, after all, told to be "anxious for nothing.";)

ash said...

Well... I'd comment except that you are both way beyond me at this point having talked more through various means that I'm in the dark on a lot I think. Which I am totally fine with. :)

What exactly do you want my opinion on?

Lesley said...

Whether this describes me:

That could be scary. That is one trap some people fall into. They talk incessantly and thus find it difficult to repeat and/or distinguish what they said from what they think they said. Whether that includes you, I don't know.

Ashley Hoover said...

Um, maybe only during "blonde" moments. :) As a general rule I don't think so but I've never really paid much attention I guess.

What happened to K & A?

Lesley said...

Hey! I'm coconut! Not blonde!

Ashley Hoover said...


Seth said...

Coconut. Please... I only see in 16 colors remember? haha... Lets see if I can name all the hair colors I know and can recognize. I am warning you. It will be very pityful.

Blonde, white, grey, black, brunette, red, brown, golden, and hmm... I'm stumped. To me all hair colors fall into these 8 variations.

Yes there are highlights too, both natural and unnatural.

When it comes to inside and outside colors, don't ask me! At least until I have been given a thorough education. ;)

Lesley said...

*Laughing*:) You greatly amuse me Seth!

You did well on the hair colors though you forgot auburn, strawberry, sandy, salt and pepper, charcoal...:) But all in all, not bad for a guy.

Highlights don't count in hair color...unless they're natural. Anything else is wishful thinking.

Inside colors are harder to determine sometimes. Just like the outside, people sometimes try to hide their true colors.

Seth said...

Likewise Les... *grin*

Thanks for the compliment. I always thought of myself as a blonde, but then K and Ben said I was brown. So I think I will go with the in-between sandy color.

Ahh... so Kayla has natural highlights, but I have seen women with unnatural hideously colored highlights.

Since I am a guy, inside hair colors are especially difficult. Its not common practice for us to go around closely examining ladies hair. :)

Your last sentence Les has many applications, spiritual, physical and emotional.