Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Confusing fantasy with reality

While I have been back in Lincoln, I have enjoyed using some excess time reading. Lately, I have been reading The Great Divorce, by C.S. Lewis. This book has reminded me of my foolishness. :)

There are times when I mistake the lapse of time, when God seemingly is doing nothing, with fantasy. I look around and occasionally believe a more deist approach to the world around me.

When CS Lewis is in "hell", he encounters a young man who is a deist. Upon being beckoned by a "shining one" to enter heaven he refuses because God is not real to him. God is only a spirit, and heaven is a place where intellectual inquires are unnecessary. Both seem very unpleasant to the man, and he would rather endure the pain of hell.

This sample from the book shows how dangerous my thinking can become. It also shows a vary narrow view of God's providence. God is working all around us and even through us. To slip into this thinking would be allowing Satan to gain a foothold.

The spiritual war is raging constantly in one sense, and yet God has already won in another sense. Either way, Praise God that we are already on the winning side!

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