Sunday, December 27, 2009

God had a different plan...

Upon leaving again we just happened to be following Dan, one of the best men, driving Dana's car with all the presents stashed in the back seat. As we neared 27th and Hwy 2, Dana's car died and the three men got out and pushed it across 27th onto a side street. After we had passed, Dan got the engine running again and just managed to get through the 27th and Hwy 2 intersection when the car again stalled. With some effort, he parked it at Arby's, locked it, and had someone else pick them up to go to the reception.

We continued driving to the reception at Chez Hay downtown. I am going to stop here and say that I don't like driving downtown Lincoln especially with all the one way streets. I usually try to avoid them like the plague. On the way to the reception I successfully drove the wrong way on two one way streets. It was enough to give my grandparents quite a fright. I praise God again here because the second one way street I turned onto had oncoming cars in all four lanes, and God provided a little business parking lot just at the right time to get reoriented. After a sigh of relief, and a quick prayer of thankfulness, we were on the road again.

By this time I was quite fearful and parked a couple blocks away from the reception to avoid those awful one way streets. :P Consequently, we arrived at the reception a little late and found out they had been waiting on my Grandpa to say the prayer before the meal. It was very nice being at the head table and being the first to dig into the delicious delicacies. I had learned my lesson from previous weddings, that you had better load your plate the first time, otherwise you will be waiting a long time for seconds!

After the meal, the best man and maid of honor gave their speeches and then the toasts. The head table was given champagne to drink but I just used water because I am not yet 21. Which was probably a very wise decision considering what happened later that night. hehe... My Uncle then gave Joe a little quiz. He first asked Joe what I like to eat in between meals. Joe's answer was food. Then Uncle Bryan played a very old track of Dad asking me what I like to eat in between meals. My answer, "magazines..." Haha... I was very young, don't worry. ;) Two more tracks and questions were asked about Dana but I will refrain from embarrassing her further.

After everyone had finally shuffled through and gotten their food, the cake was cut and served. Then the dancing began! Yay!! Dana and Joe did their first Dance together as husband and wife and then the dance floor was open to everyone and anyone. I enjoy dancing, but know very little. I first danced a song with Dana, and she taught me some. Later, I danced with the bridesmaid Renae for a couple songs. It was pathetic. I only learned two swing moves that night and the repetition was soo boring for both of us! She deserved a far better dancing companion then clumsy little me. :)

After talking with some friends and various relatives, Dana noticed that Joe had been dancing with just about every other girl there and requested he dance with her again. It was pretty funny... lol After that final dance, Dana was getting wearied and told us that she was tired of people and desperately wanted to leave. So, around 10:15 that night, the two guests of honor left together for their honeymoon. More on their honeymoon in a moment.

Grandma suggested that I go fetch the van to load up the rest of the presents. So I found the van again and began driving back to the reception. After parking in front of the building, I was told it would be more convenient to park around the side of the building. So, I proceeded to drive around the block. About halfway, I see flashing red and blue lights behind me. I pulled over and waited for the cop to approach me. That night cops were everywhere checking for drunk or drugged drivers. I suspect that was what he thought about me. It sure was a good thing I didn't drink any of that champagne!

He walked up to me and asks the usual question. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I honestly said "No, Sir" He says that I didn't have my headlights on. I look at my dash and notice that my dash lights are on but the headlights were not. Story time! I then explain to the cop that this is not my vehicle and that I was just driving back to a wedding reception to retrieve the presents. He must have bought my story because he then asks me for my drivers license, proof of insurance, and vehicle registration.

I calmly handed him my drivers license and rummage through my grandparent's glove compartment. Shuffling through the papers, the cop saw the insurance first and I handed it to him but I couldn't, for the life of me, find the vehicle registration. Since it was registered in Michigan, I had no idea what it should look like. After fumbling around with the papers some more, the cop said that he would go look it up on his computer and then return.

I waited what seemed like an eternity and contacted my Dad and uncle to inform them what had happened. Finally he came back and announced that the vehicle was properly registered and handed me a warning about the headlights and vehicle registration. I was soo thankful for that very generous cop! I think my tuxedo helped give credence to my story. hehe... Although it may have been exciting taking a breathalizer test or a BAC test.

I finally got to the correct location and we loaded the presents into the van. My Aunt told me not to feel bad because she had been pulled over in Grandpa's van for the exact same reason. I really think vehicle manufactures should prevent the dash lights from being on without the headlights. That is the way my car works and is far more user friendly.

Then I made my way back to the dance floor and requested from the maid of honor that she teach me some more swing. I found out I don't even know the basics, so that was where we started. My lesson was short-lived however, because the music stopped and we were being kicked out of the restaurant. Sigh Maybe I can learn how to dance another time. ;)

That night, we drove home and made plans to fix Dana's car. The next day was going to be quite the adventure!!

Next up... More vehicle adventures

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