Sunday, December 27, 2009

Smile Pretty for Tonight we die! :)

I believe the pictures were done the proper way. Joe was not allowed to see his bride in her gorgeous dress until the proper time. Pictures of the groomsmen and the bridesmaids were taken and numerous pictures were taken of Dana alone. Some family photos were taken on both sides, and even a few with just Dana and me. :) In all, I think my uncle said he took approximately 1200 photos!! Some of those I hope will ornament this awfully long blog post.

After pictures were finally done. Dana requested that some pictures were taken of her in the snow. YAY! She looked even more gorgeous with the snowy white background. Then we all prepared for the big event. The little flowers (crisauges??) were permanently attached to us guys and we all lined up for the march down the aisle. After the grandparents and parents were all seated, we calmly walked slowly up to the front.

I learned so much about weddings throughout this experience. I didn't know that the mother of the bride was the one that stood up first as the father leads the bride down the aisle. I also didn't know that the best man is traditionally responsible for cleaning the car the bride and groom will take later. Nor did I know that the best man and maid of honor are witnesses and required to sign the marriage license after the ceremony.

Dad said his lines correctly this time and the rest of the wedding went mostly without any excitement. The only thing out of the ordinary was that the best man accidentally gave the officiator the wrong ring. But, the mistake was too inconspicuous for anyone to notice.

After the wedding, Dana and Joe formed the receiving line and were very patient as 200+ people came and said their congratulations. Next, it was time for the birdseed toss! Guests were given a handful and I positioned myself next to the car to get one of the last tosses. hehe... That was fun tossing birdseed at my own sister! One of those once in a lifetime experiences.

I had been told that Dana didn't need me anymore at the church and began driving my grandparents to the reception. About halfway there, we receive a call that we are desperately needed at the church. So we turned around, had a few more pictures taken and rearranged the worship hall for Sunday services. So far, mostly everything had gone according to plan and was very well organized. Well... that all was about to change. :)

Next up... Vehicle excitement and reception!

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