Saturday, December 5, 2009

An interesting turn of events...

Several months ago I received a jury registration via snail mail. After registering, I was given several dates when I  may be required to make an appearance. After consulting the T's, none of them have actually done jury duty yet. Mr. T has received notices but hasn't ever had to actually come.

The way it works is that I am required to call an automated system that checks my number in their database and notifies me if I am due to appear. My first opportunity was a couple weeks ago. I was working on school one Monday morning and had completely forgotten that I may have to appear that day. By God's grace, I remembered almost an hour late and hastily called the automated system. I was relieved that I hadn't shirked my duty and wasn't required to appear that morning.

They recommend calling in on the Friday prior to the scheduled date. Yesterday, I called again expecting a second rejection. But to my surprise, I am required to appear on Monday morning by 9 A.M. sharp! hehe...

This could be very interesting. I have only been to one court trial in my life. That was many years ago when my mother had jury duty. I remember very little from that experience.

While this is a neat opportunity, it also detracts from school time and I may even miss a class! I hope and pray that I am not detained too long and can still attend my class. I am quite sure I successfully bombed my logarithm test yesterday, so missing another Algebra class could put me even farther behind. Anyway, I ask for your prayers. Thanks!

In preparation for Monday, I am going to attempt to complete one of my classes today for the year. I completed the last assignment last night, I just have a couple chapters to read, and several quizzes to take and one final test. God has given me sufficient rest lately, and I pray that I will use my time wisely and effectively.


Rachel C said...

Have fun with jury duty. :) I'll be praying!

Unknown said...

Thanks Rachel! I will be praying for your Algebra test too on Monday. :) Study hard!!

Unknown said...

Yay! PTL!!I didn't have to do jury duty today. That means I can attend class.

Let me know how your Algebra test went today Rachel!

Rachel C said...

Honestly, Seth, I'm not sure. I'm hoping I did alright, though. Most of the problems weren't hard, but there were a few I wasn't completely positive we'll see. :)

That's great...I've heard jury duty isn't very fun. :D

Rachel C said...

Are you going to write the 150th comment, or are you waiting for someone else to? :)

Unknown said...

Oooh... I hope you did well! Yes, I will write the 150th comment as soon as I have something worthy to say that completes such a memorable blog post. ;) haha...

Rachel C said...

haha...okay! ;)

Unknown said...

So Rachel do you know how your Algebra test went?? I was speechless when I found out my score. I was expecting a grade in the 60's or 70's but I actually got an 85!! :)

You were right.

I have no idea how that accident happened. I am attributing it to the hand of God! I seriously have no idea what I did and definitely couldn't repeat my Algebra work. God works in wondrous, mysterious ways!

Rachel C said...

Yes, I got my test back today! I was kinda amazed...I got a 98.5!!! Almost all of the problems I didn't think I did very well on, I got right! Although my test was a ton easier than yours (it's only Algebra 2 :), I agree that God works in wondrous, mysterious ways. Have fun studying for your finals! :D

Unknown said...

Yay Rachel!! I am soo excited for you. You did an incredible job! Only with God's help of course. ;)

Thanks for the finals well wishes. hehe... I will do my best!

Some of my Algebra tests have been pretty elementary. I am positive you could have easily passed some of the earlier ones in the book. It covers the same material as Algebra 2, just at a slightly more difficult level.

I actually never took Algebra 2 in highschool. I failed Algebra 1 once and almost twice. I am very thankful that I took it twice though in highschool. It has really helped provide a solid foundation for the Algebra in college.

You have "finals" in your classes too right? When will those be due?

I am counting down the days... 5 days, 13 hours, 55 minutes, and 25 seconds before school is finished for me. YAY!!

Rachel C said...

Well so far Alg. 2 is pretty much the same as Alg. 1, so taking Algebra 1 twice did probably about the same for you as taking Algebra 2 would have. (Have I confused you yet??:D) You know what's kind of funny? In my dad's high school (at the time at least), math wasn't even required to graduate. I guess you could take Algebra classes, but it really didn't matter...Isn't that weird?!

In my school, not all of the classes have "finals." I know in Biology, instead of an official semester test, we just have to have done what's due for our science fair projects...I'm kinda scared for that-I'm no where near ready for it yet! :o Next week (either Tues. or Wed.) I have like an eight page Spanish final. Not really looking forward to that... And so far the only other test I know of is a final in English. Ugh!

Haha...I don't know when I get out that precisely, but yay for you! :)

Btw, math's not really my best subject, so I kinda doubt I would have been able to pass your beginning tests. ;) hehe...another little random fact. :D

Unknown said...

Haha... Well, with them being pretty much the same, perhaps I didn't miss much. hehe... You will find that I am not easily confused with something written. I have gotten a lot of practice. hehe...

That is funny. So your parents never took Algebra then. Just as a question to gain another random fact, what does your father do for a living?

What did you decide to do your science fair project on anyway? I hope you are all ready now!

It sounds like you do have finals in some of your classes. That spanish and English final do sound enjoyable. lol jk But you can do it!!

Math is definitely not my best subject. I enjoy some aspects of it. Logarithms isn't one of them. lol

Yay!! I just took my Algebra final today. I am all finished with Algebra for awhile! Yippee!!

Rachel C said...

Even though math wasn't required to graduate at my dad's high school (which is really strange!), my dad actually took at least 2 years of math. Now my mom, on the other hand, took calculus in high school (she had Alg. 1 in 8th grade)...she's really good at math. If I ever have a math question, she's the one I ask. :D (Math was required at the school she went to-which is the norm!:)'s time for Rachel's random facts. ;) My dad's a pastor, which is actually the reason why we ended up in Nebraska.:)

Yay for tests...oh the joy. haha, jk. :) My Spanish final is tomorrow...thankfully, my teacher is letting us use our notes.

hehe...with the help of my science teacher, I was able to turn in my "part 1" that was due today..."part 2" is due Thursday. If you want to get somewhat of an idea of what I'm doing, you can find it on K's blog. ;)

Unknown said...

Well good for your father then. That is admirable to take classes that you didn't need to graduate. Your mother does sound like an excellent source for math answers.

Question: Did you ever homeschool? If so, why did you homeschool and why the switch back to public school?

If the above question is prying too much into your life or is very personal than please don't answer it. Just wondering...

I found out your dad was a pastor tonight actually. K mentioned it. hehe... Another question. Are you related to Paul Ceader the leader of the E-free denomination?

Yes, tests are always fun. I took a test today that was kinda frightening. It was only a 25 question test but was worth 200 points. Ouch!!

I will pray that your Spanish final goes well. Notes will be a huge help. I took two years of Spanish in high school and have retained very little. Mostly random vocabulary. I think I can still count to 100 in Spanish. haha...

Glad you were able to turn in your part 1 today, hope part 2 goes just as well.

Well, I think I am going to end this newspaper. Farewell!! :)

P.S. Looking forward to more RR facts. ;)

Rachel C said... know the answers already. :) So yeah...that's about it.