Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Finally! It's a new blog post!

I know my blog has been largely inactive for the last few weeks. So, here is my attempt to liven it up again. Breath some new life into it you know. I hope this long blog post will compensate for the many days...

I have just two more weeks of school for the semester! Yippee!!! I am really excited, can you tell? :) Then it will be party time! Speaking of parties, my elder sister is getting married during my last week of school and it will be a HUGE celebration. I will just dedicate at least a piece of cake towards my celebration. hehe...

Speaking of the wedding, this past week I was measured for a tuxedo. It's one of those special suits that are not a suit yet bear a very close resemblance. (What the exact differences are, I don't know.) That was fun! But, it has it's disadvantages. One important one is that I can't get fat or skinny before that date. Otherwise it will be a tight squeeze or I will be swimming. hmm... Anyone that knows me understands that getting considerably more plump would be quite an accomplishment considering I resemble a stick and yet maintain a good sized appetite. lol

Thanksgiving was a good time for all. I was disappointed my cousins from out west near Cozad were not able to make it, but we still had a wonderful meal with my grandparents and one set of cousins at our house. After the meal, it is our family tradition to play football. Well... not quite directly following the meal. Most people require time for digestion.

I was made differently for some reason. I can vigorously exercise directly after a meal without having any ill effects. Tis very strange. Maybe it's those hollow legs my parents kept saying I had. hehe... :) Well anyway, we playing a rousing game of two-hand-touch football for a couple hours until the 'older' players were fatigued. I was not one of them, I could have played for at least another hour or two. Oh well... all good things must come to an end eventually. I did manage to successfully break my belt while making a sliding tackle that unfortunately didn't save the touchdown. grr... So now I am in the market for another black belt.

Friday started a lot earlier than usual and saw Kayla and I black friday shopping. I made a priority list the night before and decided finding a new computer monitor for mom was the highest. We arrived at Office Max at about 6:15 a.m. There was a line of about 15 people waiting patiently for the clock to chime 7 o-clock.

I was very impressed with Kayla's performance. I didn't give her enough credit and thought that she would complain while waiting outside in the cold for 45 minutes, but no, she did very well and didn't complain once! She actually enjoyed herself. We talked with other people waiting in line and found out Toys R US opened their doors at midnight and Old Navy had a line all the way to Michael's at 2:15 that morning. We weren't that crazy!!

Later that day I watched my first Husker game of the season. Yes, I am a Nebraska reject and rarely even wear the right colors on game days. hehe... I thought we did fairly well against Colorado but shrink thinking about the game against Texas this Saturday. I don't quite think we will be slaughtered, but once our defense is tired, our team is pretty much sunk. If we can't run and pass well against CO, then Texas will be a nightmare.

Saturday I helped Dad with one of his rental properties. The previous owners had trashed the place and left behind mostly junk but some usable assets. The neighbors claimed they were drug addicts and didn't leave the house ever, but used welfare for their livelihood. They must have been raking in our tax dollars because according to my uncle, they managed to scrape up enough money to purchase at least a 50 inch television. It was not a loan, my uncle saw the original receipt. Sounds rather freaky too me.

Anyway, we tore out all the stained carpet in the basement and somehow managed to drag a '96 pontiac out of the garage with two flat tires and one tire that barely held air. After struggling pushing it 3 inches, my dad found a chain to hook onto our truck. The first couple tries securing the chain failed, but after finding a bolt and an old rusty lock, we were able to successfully pull it out. Later, dad would fill out the necessary forms so that the police can haul it away.

After finishing at the house, I delivered some leftover thanksgiving food to my uncle and cousins and began the long trek back to Kearney. I arrived shortly before 5 that day. Michael and the gang had already decorated the treehouse the night before and the office that same day. They did an outstanding job!!

Well, now I would like to provide a brief school update.

The week before thanksgiving I was given the second of two monsters in my Principles of Accounting class. They call it simply principles of accounting, yet it seems to cover a broad range of topics. The monster involved journaling at least 25 transactions, calculating inventory, setting up trial balance sheets, income statements, and balance sheets. After struggling with it for several hours, I enlisted the help of some fellow students and together, 15 hours later, we had just about subdued the formidable foe. I didn't do quite as well with this monster and scored three points less. But I was still happy with a 96.

Around the same time, my College Algebra course was finally covering some new material that I had never seen before. We were studying logarithms and their properties. Fun stuff! hehe... That took a long time. For the next week I found myself dutifully taking notes during class yet not having a clue what we were doing or why were were doing it. Rance helped me out and explained the why and part of the how. He is such a great help, yet his assistance always comes with extra fascinating baggage. This time I learned about two kinds of infinity and the origin of calculus. hehe... funny story.

It turns out that calculus was actually developed by two people in completely different geographic areas. Isaac Newton was actually the first and he discovered calculus on the week he was sick with the flu. hehe... I just thought that was funny. The moral of the story, is that next time you want to discover something incredible wait until you have influenza. haha...

According to Rance, there are actually nine infinities currently known to man and they all are larger than the one before it. If you can wrap your mind around that concept, you are doing well.

Well, sadly, I need to end this blog post and get something more productive done. Just as a warning, the last two weeks of school may contain very sporadic blogging but I will try to keep you all updated with any major happenings. But for now, I will TTYL!! :)


Amy said...

Wow, Seth! Long time no post! :) Nice to see some action...

Rachel C said...

YAY, Seth, a new post! :) I was getting kinda tired of trying to 'revive' your blog. haha...jk. =)

Unknown said...

Thanks Amy! Yes, it was about time! I needed to post something new. Did you get my txt after your complaint??

hehe... Rachel. Yep, your efforts were greatly appreciated. It seems K's blog is a little dead too. Hmm... The wind seems to have been taken out of the blogging sales.

I will do my part to keep them lively places. hehe... Anyone with me??

Rachel C said...

Sure, why not? :D

Unknown said...

hehe Rachel. Did I scare you with my chat request saying "Who are you?" Sorry if I startled you. :)

Rachel C said...

Wait, that was YOU!! haha...it's all good. :)

Unknown said...

Yes it was me. If I would have known it was poor 'innocent' Rachel, I would have been more courteous. hehe... I was trying to figure out who visited my blog frequently using Firefox and a Mac. hehe...

I have you in my system now though. So now every time you visit my blog and I have my analytics software running, I will get a cute little notification that Rachel C is on my blog. hehe...

The Dairyman's Wife said...

LOL...love the way you talked about the formidable foes and monsters :-) I well remember nasty college tests. I had one professor that called them Cranium Twisters and would write that on all the tests.

I'll talk to you at the wedding and hope the last of your exams go well.
Rebekah Rubingh

Unknown said...

Haha... Rebekah! Glad you found my blog. When I first saw that "College Girlz Daze" had commented, I was wondering what crazy girl had found my blog. hehe... :)

I see you have several blogs but only two of them are still operated. hmm... I like your title of the blog "Milkmaid Memories". Very fitting!

hehe... I am guessing you read or Grandma sent you the email I sent her earlier.

Yep, I will look forward to seeing you at another wedding! hehe... Except this one you are not the bride and J won't have to frantically run after you.

Teddy said...

SETH you haven`t posted about your sisters weddng yet... when are you going to do it?????