Thursday, December 10, 2009

People... People... LOL!

Haha... You put me in a very awkward situation. You know I am here at the T's almost alone and are expecting long... funny... bachelor stories again. Well, I hate to break the devastating news to you all, but the T's left us plenty of food, and I don't have to do any watering this time. Hooray!!

I do have a few stories to tell, but I also have considerable homework to complete before I can be all finished for the year! So... you can stop moping now and patiently await my next blog post. hehe... :) In the meantime, I am going to work on studying for my Accounting and Algebra finals. Ta.. Ta.. for now!


Amy said...

*sniff, sniff* :(

Rachel C said...

Mhmmm...waiting for the next post...:( Study hard for your finals; you'll do good! :D