Sunday, December 13, 2009

Maybe not what you were expecting...

This blog post is in response to some very desperate people. With very frequent visits, and even some early morning visits, I am inclined to think someone is expecting an update. lol! *Not pointing the finger at anyone in particular* hehe...

I hope you aren't expecting an hour by hour synopsis of my "bachelor" days. That would most certainly bore you and cause snoring all around. To prevent that racket and have mercy on your poor listeners, I am only going to touch on the high points of my few days, mostly alone, here at the T's. :)

To begin, I am going to start with some Tillotson observations. The first is about the mice. Those are some very spoiled mice! They are served elegant foods that apparently are not fit for human consumption. They were given an exquisite bag of Chex Mix with Hershey's M and M's. What if I want M and M's and chex mix!! hehe... Ahh... the life of the Tillotson mice. It is one that would make all the mice at the store very envious.

The T's kindly left a pitcher of orange juice for us in the fridge. But the question remains, did they leave it as a temptation for us? Was it carefully measured beforehand to determine exactly how much should be consumed in their absence with the usual prescribed dose? hmm... If you haven't been present for a T breakfast, than you should know that juice is militarily rationed each day for each individual. Those who dare allot themselves more are hung at dusk for the first violation and burned at the stake for the second. ;)

The T's left in a great hurry Wednesday morning. This is evidenced by their forgetfulness. About half an hour after they left I get a call from Mrs. T asking if they had left behind a box. I run upstairs and find that the food they very carefully prepared for the trip had been completely forgotten. haha...

In Vanessa's words. "Well, that's just too bad for them".

I responded, "It means more food for us."

They had left granola bars, several boxes of  crackers and a huge bag of peach filled rolls. They were delicious! hehe... Thanks T's!

While I was twiddling the hours away, I found a neat program for my Blackberry that solves an important problem. Before, people would send me text messages but I wouldn't always receive them. It was really weird. Now, I found a program that will record all incoming and outgoing text messages to a secure website that groups them into conversations very similar to the GMAIL conversation concept. I have been very impressed with its performance thus far.

This also helps archive and store unlimited text messages somewhere  besides my phone. Needless to say, I was pretty excited. Now, I just need to find a way to import my old text messages into the system. hmm... That will have to wait until after the school semester ends and the craziness of this week subsides.

Anyway, I digress. Back to the observations. During K's absence, she received two packages from a very curious location. It puts her contentment into serious question and makes me wonder why I am not receiving packages from this place. lol (jk K) This mysterious center is suspiciously called "The Fulfillment Center." hmm... So, if you ever need fulfillment, consult the pros at the fulfillment center. :)

Except for some snow shoveling and a few aches and pains, that is all the excitement from the first three days. hehe...

I went to Lincoln Friday afternoon for about a day. I went to a Christmas party for my Lincoln church (Zion PCA) that night and then watched a movie with my dad until 1 A.M. I was in charge of the movie rental selection, and decided to try Home Alone 2. It was very predictable, and according to my uncle, "It was not worth staying up till 1 to watch". I would readily agree to that statement. It wasn't dreadful and actually humorous at times, but definitely not worth renting.

The next day we Christmasized the house and went to another Christmas party in the morning at Roca's very own Table Rock Bank. haha... For those of you that haven't been to the bustling town of Roca wouldn't understand the humor. Allow me to explain. Roca is a village of about 220 people and five years ago had only the post office and a bar. Since then we have a community center, an auto body shop, a coffee shop and a bank! We are moving up in the world. :) hehe...

The main reason for my trip to Lincoln was fulfilled that afternoon. Since my sister is getting married this Friday, going on a honey moon to Puerto Rico, and spending Christmas with his family in Chicago, we decided to celebrate Christmas with them before the wedding and departure. (Phew!!) Sorry for the long sentence. lol

Some of the gifts I received were a giant magnetic dish, several knives, a sheet metal cutter, an amazing t-shirt, and an ingenious sticky pad for my cell phone in my car. I also received a 6 in 1 combo key with several functions and a really neat picture from Grandpa. haha...

Click on the picture to enlarge. :)

After being warned that bad weather was coming, I left fairly quickly and slowly made my way back to Kearney. Soon after I got on the interstate, my left eye was watering quite a bit. It was very difficult keeping them open and paying attention to the road. So, I cranked up the Christmas music and joyously sang with the songs that I knew. That kept we awake for awhile, then traffic was getting heavier and required more lane switching. By the time I had passed Grand Island, my eyes were fine and my voice couldn't take another verse of "Joy to the World". haha...

I had gained considerably more goodies and snacks from my trip to Lincoln and ate a very healthy meal of cajun chex mix, caramel popcorn, springilies, (spelling??) and various chocolate candies. My mom and Mrs. T would be proud! Vanessa and I made a nice, cozy fire and I prepared for Sunday's discipleship hour (Sunday school) class.

After an eight week introduction on the Sacraments in Sunday school, we are finally delving into each sacrament much more deeply. This morning we began tackling the sacrament of circumcision. While some people may consider this a very controversial subject and even touchy, I believe that these subjects should not be excluded from teaching. If it were, we would be teaching the children to run from controversy instead of facing it head on!

Well, I have only two more days of school before Christmas break begins. YAY!! I am really excited. Three finals, and I will be free from Algebra and free from Accounting. Yippee!! I am planning on getting plenty of sleep tonight and then waking up soon after the transition from P.M to A.M. and studying for them. Gotta love college life! I now have plenty of snacks to keep me occupied for many moons. hehe... :)

I have one final thing to add to this blog post, and that is a curious note that appeared on the front door this afternoon. I thought it was funny and deserved to be included.


Rachel C said...

hehe...thanks!:P Not that I'm THAT desperate...And to those of you wondering...*Yes, I am that person who Seth is 'not' pointing a finger at* hehe...

Btw, that was hilarious, thank you, but what's up with that note? Funny, but kind of random...:D

Amy said...

Well, Rachel... I can't let you take all of the blame. I was also another person he "wasn't pointing a finger at." haha!

Thanks, Seth! It was FUNNY!

*wink* :)

Unknown said...

Now Rachel, don't be greedy now and steal all the blame. Amy here won't hear of it. You must release your iron grip and allow Amy to have a small slice. haha... :)

Yeah, I still don't know the story behind that note. We haven't had a chance to ask Vanessa whether she put it there or not. Will prolly ask tonight.

Your welcome to both of you. I had fun writing it. :D

Rachel C said... can share some of the blame, Amy. ;D

Unknown said...

Yes, Vanessa did put it up on the door. Very funny!!

Unknown said...

Ha Ha... Wow! Do I have some stories to tell from the the last few days. I doubt I will get it written before I return to Kearney on Monday though. Sry!

May be able to add some pictures later too. :)

Amy said...

Please do! :)

Rachel C said...

Yeah, Seth! :)

Unknown said...

Sorry Amy, Rachel, Luke and any other people that prefer to remain anonymous. ;) I will write the weeks events as soon as the top three on my priority list - work, food, and sleep have been sufficiently satisfied.

I am back in Kearney now for those of you that are still wondering. I didn't return on Monday because I was and still am sick with a cold and Michael didn't have any work to keep me occupied. :(

Rachel C said...

Well, I hope you feel better soon! I actually (mostly) caught up on my sleep today. Hopefully you can do the same...colds can be really miserable. :(

Unknown said...

Thanks Rachel. My cold has mostly subsided. The worst is behind me. I am just a little stuffed up yet. It has been a crazy last couple of days. haha... Let me give you the cliff notes version.

A computer that had weird problems ended up needing several critical components. I replaced those and got the main drivers installed with a little hassle. Then, the customer desperately wanted his computer back last night, so I drove out to Cozad and dropped it off.

After plugging it in, several devices didn't work and his TV didn't work. By midnight last night, mostly everything was working except for a scanner and his blackberry.

The roads had gotten rather treacherous and the customer insisted I stay there for the night. So, after a 6 hour night sleep in a nice, warm, and comfortable bed, I was back to work again.

Oh, did I forget the PJ's and supper. They also fed me supper last night and gave me some PJ's for the night. They were soo generous!!

I felt like I was apart of their family. After a nice breakfast of Bacon, eggs, and toast, I worked on the computer some more. Finally a little after noon, everything was working mostly satisfactory. YAY!!

On the way back to Kearney, I counted 11 vehicles off the road in a 50 mile stretch of the interstate, including at least one fatality near Cozad. I am thankful I didn't attempt driving the night before.

So, here I am again trying to prepare for the Tillotson's vacation. I doubt enough prepared food will be around this time. ;)

Up next... Wedding, prior, and post stories. :D said...

Haha, I finally have a chance to read your blog. Of course, it's all old news by now. You're new post you're working on still isn't up yet... :) said...

Um...the woopra (or whatever you call it) chat thing didn't work... LOL

Unknown said...

No, it isn't up yet. But it is in the final stages of being completed. I am writing about the last day. It will be done later tonight.

It may be old news, but most of it you prolly don't know. ;) Gotta keep a better eye on your employees!