Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Someone may be in trouble :)

hmm... for some very odd reason the name Amy and Co. has mysteriously appeared in my analytics software. I did not add it. There are only two possible explanations.

1. My analytics software received a major brain upgrade and knows when the OMS is all together in Red Cloud.

2. Or, someone has hacked my computer and/or the analytics online viewer and tagged themselves as a visitor.

So which is it my friends??

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rattling problem diagnosed, God please HELP!

So, you all know about that constant rattling noise on my car, well I just found out that its my tire about to blow! Isn't that fun! I get to drive all the way back to Kearney depending on God to keep my car moving smoothly. We swapped the rear and front tires on the passenger side to gain maximum usage out of the tire, but seriously only the hand of God can keep me moving. Anyone want a ride? :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

If I think I am busy now

This week has been rather crazy, with college and preparing for the TCS Grand Opening. BTW, a date has been set for the entire week of memorial day! I am headed home this weekend to attend my cousins membership confirmation ceremony, and my little sisters choir performance. On wednesday, my boss and me found out the hard way that our macintosh knowledge is very limited. Operations that could be done rather rapidly on a PC take much research to find mac equivalents. So I contacted my grandfather, who owns 4 mac computers, and asked if we could learn more. So my boss and I will be beefing up our mac on Saturday.

In other news, K drove my car one day to bible study, and correctly identified a problem with my car. In her words, "It sounds like the wheel is about to fall off." So I am also going to have that problem diagnosed by a good friend of the family.

With May craziness approaching, its hard to imagine being more busy than now!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Its TEA party day!

Today is the day when we celebrate the political decisions of our most honorable Barak Hussein Obama. It is a time when we remember the Boston Tea Party by sacrificing our future and our children's future for a noble cause. During the first few weeks of the Obama administration we applauded his profligate spending and are now gathering in protest of his recent tax cuts.

As the United States looms toward socialism, many people will promise to devote their lives toward this end and usher in a new generation of socialistic charismatics. The time will come when Americans will gratefully hand their children over to the public schools to begin the indoctrination initiation. Once the Federal government promises free health care for all, the lines will be endless. Morality will be defined by the government and religions will be nationally controlled.

All natural resources will be owned and distributed through the federal bureaucracy. The media will trumpet America to the whole world as an independent country worthy of respect, and portray our military as a formidable force. Striving to be entrepreneurs will end and apathy will reign supreme.

Yes, my friends. This is where America is headed, and as for me, it will not come without a fight. There is a spiritual as well as a physical war going on, and we, as Christians, cannot abandon the cause.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Do I really deserve this?

Upon my return from celebrating Noodles and Prunes with my family, I walked in my room and couldn't stop laughing for five minutes or more. Apparently some girls decided that my room was bland and desperately needed redecoration. Even though I have done very little to deserve this, here are a few pictures of the damage.

Okay, so you don't believe me. Maybe I have done a little something to deserve this ill treatment...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A little humor to spice up your day

The following is a joke I heard once.

There were two men going to heaven. One was a priest and the other was a lawyer. At the city gate, the gatekeeper calls out to them and invites them into heaven. While they were walking along, the priest says that he is a humble man and only requests a humble dwelling to lay his head. The gatekeeper nods his head and shows the priest to his home. After looking it over, the priest continues walking with the gatekeeper and the lawyer. The gatekeeper enters an elaborately decorated mansion and announces that this was the lawyers house. The priest, by this time, was getting a little jealous and asks the gatekeeper why the lawyer had been given such a spacious dwelling. The gatekeeper responds by saying that well "its because you are the 36th priest, and he is the first lawyer."

And the second one was sent to me by email.

There was a priest that was on his deathbed. As his last wish, he calls for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to be with him when he dies. So Nancy and Harry comply with his wish, and rush to his side. Wondering why he had summoned them and not someone else, they bid the priest explain himself. As the last breaths escaped him, he said that he did his best to pattern his life after Christ and thus greatly desired to die with two lying, thieves on his left and right side.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


It all started down at the office. After talking to Catherine and John for a few minutes, I left and went to Wal-mart to grab a few necessities in preparation for the impending blizzard.

After getting out of the car, I took a few steps and found difficulty walking! Adjacent to my car, a older lady was getting out of her vehicle, and I think she noticed me struggling along. My legs felt wobbly, my stomach was tied up in knots, and my lower back felt strained. A stranger on the street would have mistaken me for being highly intoxicated. It was that bad!

As far as I know it was not something that I ate or drank. I had Ben here step on my back. But neither helped very much... I seem to be doing much better today, but bending too much still is awkward and painful. It should be all over soon.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day!

I am rather exhausted today from staying up late crafting a harmless virus for the tillotsons here. I must say it was rather enjoyable. BSOD's and automatic log off scripts run on command truly made my day! You should try it sometime... Comment if you want the recipe. :)

In other news, Google has a new feature for GMAIL. It is called Autopilot. It will automatically scan your incoming messages and send a reply based on your pre-defined preferences. Details here.

Google has been real busy the last several hours and has even produced the world's first Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity. This is a high tech machine that possesses artificial intelligence.

But this what Google would say to be "harmless" has some plans up its sleeve.