Saturday, April 4, 2009


It all started down at the office. After talking to Catherine and John for a few minutes, I left and went to Wal-mart to grab a few necessities in preparation for the impending blizzard.

After getting out of the car, I took a few steps and found difficulty walking! Adjacent to my car, a older lady was getting out of her vehicle, and I think she noticed me struggling along. My legs felt wobbly, my stomach was tied up in knots, and my lower back felt strained. A stranger on the street would have mistaken me for being highly intoxicated. It was that bad!

As far as I know it was not something that I ate or drank. I had Ben here step on my back. But neither helped very much... I seem to be doing much better today, but bending too much still is awkward and painful. It should be all over soon.


Unknown said...

I hope so!

Anonymous said...

maybe it's old age??

Seth said...

Thankfully I am all better now. yay!

Anonymous said...

so much for not using your name... :)

Seth said...

My first name is fine because there are a million Seth's in the world. lol

I find it rather interesting that everyone except me remains anonymous. That makes it more fun though.