Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Someone may be in trouble :)

hmm... for some very odd reason the name Amy and Co. has mysteriously appeared in my analytics software. I did not add it. There are only two possible explanations.

1. My analytics software received a major brain upgrade and knows when the OMS is all together in Red Cloud.

2. Or, someone has hacked my computer and/or the analytics online viewer and tagged themselves as a visitor.

So which is it my friends??


Unknown said...

How would we know???

Seth said...

I have no idea who managed to do it, but I do know that it was not me. The strangest part about the whole ordeal is that Amy and Co. are only tagged once and it is not recurring.

And that one time happened to be when you all were together. I am not blaming anyone in particular, I am just following the evidence, and thought I would ask.

Lesley said...

Whoa! Someone could get it(though I can't say you didn't have it coming;)). For the record, I know nothing about it and I think I can see little halos above the rest of the OMS. Whether they're slightly crooked though, is yet to be determined.;)

Seth said...

Really little Halos? Do these Halo's illuminate the culprit?

hehe... I don't know who is more anxious to know who my mysterious visitor is now, me or Amy. K, A, and E have all denied any knowledge of the event. So I don't know who it could have been.

Ashley Hoover said...

It wasn't me!! I wouldn't know how to do that if my life depended on it. :) I got lost just in your description... we had more important things to do than hack your computer anyway. :)

Seth said...

I know it wasn't you Ashley. For some reason you don't strike me as the type to play mean jokes on people. But I could be wrong considering all of my impressions come from online sources.

Lesley said...

Haha Seth! You should hear some of her stories from school and perhaps you'd change your mind a little!;)

Seth said...

haha... Well maybe you will have to tell me sometime. You can tell how clueless I am. :D

Seth said...

By the way Les, I am sure you noticed that in our last Skype conversation I avoided your questions regarding the identity of that one person who certain people say I am "destined" to marry.

I did that because I knew that if the OMS wanted to know, they could find out through various channels, if you all do not know already. :) Besides its good to give the OMS a challenge sometimes.

Les said...

Well, I did notice...but wasn't going to push the matter.:)

You didn't happen to ask if Luke knows anything about this did you?

Seth said...

Well, for the record, it really doesn't matter whether you know or not.

And yes, I did ask Amy whether Luke had the chance, and she said that he did, but it would be very unlikely since internet access is scarce down there.

Veracity said...

Les and Ashley we need to talk!!!... and I would greatly love it if you would add me to your blog readers list. I am unable to do it at this time on this end. :(

Les said...

Umm...just who are you Veracity? Revealing your identity would make it easier to talk.:)

Les said...

Oh! Is that you Catherine! Yes girl, we DO need to talk!!:)

Seth said...

Ahh... sounds like "someone is in big trouble!"

Just you wait Les and Ash, Veracity's wrath will be terrifying to behold. :D

Seth said...

haha... you only found out through her very revealing profile.

Ash said...

I've missed some I see... As for playing jokes... you might be surprised, however they are not usually mean. :)

I'm not sure yet just who's in trouble... seems fitting though with the title and all.

Lesley said...

Haha! Yes, someone may be in trouble but I don't think Veracity's wrath is aimed at us. Watch out Mr. - I shall keep his identity hidden....you don't want to catch it!;)

Yeah right! Revealing indeed! I had to read through a post from last fall to find out who's blog it was! Catherine my dear, you really ought to do something about that. Or else at least talk about yourself in the third person more.;)

Lesley said...

Oh, and for the record, I don't think Veracity would ever be very upset with us...dear sweet sis that she is.:)

Seth said...

To Ash: A joke's level of meanness depends more on the victim than the perpetrator. So in this case, perhaps Les would be a more reliable source.

I am so confused, I have no idea who is not in trouble now. :) I leave blogger for a couple days, and become totally lost. :)

To Les: I am sure I don't know who this Mr. person you are referring to. ;) Does his name end with an h?

haha... You know Les, I noticed that you were on her profile page for quite awhile. And you really made it harder than it had to be. The name of the profile was annegirl, and who do we know with that email address?

Yes you are right, she hasn't written anything on her blog for several light years. Its still jewish views about Christ.

She would never be mad at her poor brother either... te he he... lol No, far from it. Catherine is above such childish thoughts. :)

Lesley said...

Well, I actually don't have Catherine's e-mail address(not at all sure how that happened as Sis has it), so the annegirl didn't help me much. Though, I had a pretty good guess that's who it was. But, not wanting to look like an idiot and get it wrong I went looking for more evidence.;)

Oh, and no, the Mr. anon. name does not end in h. It's actually an e. See if you can figure that one out.:)

Seth said...

I apologize. I guess when I read her profile, her movie choices really gave it away too.

hmm... I will have to think about the Mr. puzzle. Now we both have a mystery to solve!

Lesley said...

True...the movie choices did help quite a bit!

Hehe! Score one for Les! For now anyway...you just may figure it out....

Seth said...

hehe... I may eventually. I guess that if Catherine wants me to know, she will tell me.

Les said...

I was right...Mr. E is in trouble. Seems appropriate since Mr. E is generally disliked in Jane Austen novels.;)

Have fun figuring it out...let me know if you ever finish the puzzle.