Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Its TEA party day!

Today is the day when we celebrate the political decisions of our most honorable Barak Hussein Obama. It is a time when we remember the Boston Tea Party by sacrificing our future and our children's future for a noble cause. During the first few weeks of the Obama administration we applauded his profligate spending and are now gathering in protest of his recent tax cuts.

As the United States looms toward socialism, many people will promise to devote their lives toward this end and usher in a new generation of socialistic charismatics. The time will come when Americans will gratefully hand their children over to the public schools to begin the indoctrination initiation. Once the Federal government promises free health care for all, the lines will be endless. Morality will be defined by the government and religions will be nationally controlled.

All natural resources will be owned and distributed through the federal bureaucracy. The media will trumpet America to the whole world as an independent country worthy of respect, and portray our military as a formidable force. Striving to be entrepreneurs will end and apathy will reign supreme.

Yes, my friends. This is where America is headed, and as for me, it will not come without a fight. There is a spiritual as well as a physical war going on, and we, as Christians, cannot abandon the cause.


Les said...

When will America wake up and realize just where it's heading?! It so obvious but very scary that most Americans are so totally blind to it. Perhaps when they wake up one day and realize they can't even breathe without the government's permission they will understand. But by will be too late.

Seth said...

That's a very good question. At least today 2,014 cities participated in the protest against higher taxed and deficit spending, but I am afraid that this will do very little until Americans impact Washington and the economy.

We should go on a strike and only participate in the informal economy, which can't be taxed, until they hear and respond. The worst that could happen is what Truman did when the massive railroad strike occurred. hehe... He threatened to draft all the strikers!

Lesley said...

Yes, well, Obama has already threatened to re-instate the draft and I, for one, would fight that! Being a girl, I have no desire to head off to war. While I so appreciate everything our troops do for us and am forever indebted to them, I'm not too keen on the idea that re-instating the draft would send daughters, wives and mothers into the middle of harms way. Perhaps I'm just old-fashioned, but I thought it was the duty of man to protect women...not place them in danger.

Seth said...

I hadn't heard that report yet. Perhaps it is one of those unofficial news reports. I would agree that reinstating the draft for all Americans would be disastrous. I am definitely not in favor. We have already seen the consequences of women in the military and I would rather not have them escalate.

To society at large your view is very old-fashioned. Women are equal to men and treating them differently is called discrimination based on prejudice. But I disagree with society, the duty of man is to protect women.

As my youth pastor once put it. Men who are asked whether they would take a bullet for their wife are quick to answer affirmatively. But when asks whether they would do the dishes or change diapers for their wives, the response takes much deliberation and isn't always as favorable.

Lesley said...

I first heard about it in an article in World magazine. I haven't heard anything recently so perhaps the idea has been put on the back burner or hopefully forgotten!

Seth said...

I hope it has been forever forgotten. But guess what? Socialized health care and a huge abortion financial supporter for our secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is considered a "worthy substitute." But don't worry, she will only be in charge of 821 billion dollars of our tax dollars. That's just pocket change.

And did you hear that FBI Agents were stationed at every major TEA party in America to keep the "right wing extremists" under surveilance? The order was even initiated by the department of Homeland security. Yay!

Lesley said...

Oh brother! What will they come up with next? They really had FBI agents there?!?!?! No doubt funded by our tax dollars. I don't think I'd mind having to pay taxes if I got to choose how the government spent it. Oh wait, why not let me keep it and choose for myself how to spend there's a radical idea!;)

Seth said...

Of course! We should know our tax dollars were contributing to this nations downfall. Its only a matter of how long God chooses to allow us to flounder in our own wickedness. If it were me, I would say leave the economy alone and don't bail out anyone! Whatever happened to learning from the consequences of their mistakes? Consequences have just been eliminated from the equation.

The reason you can't keep it is because they are afraid you might spend it wisely and support entrepreneurship! To them, such radical ideas would be unthinkable and even disastrous.