Saturday, April 11, 2009

Do I really deserve this?

Upon my return from celebrating Noodles and Prunes with my family, I walked in my room and couldn't stop laughing for five minutes or more. Apparently some girls decided that my room was bland and desperately needed redecoration. Even though I have done very little to deserve this, here are a few pictures of the damage.

Okay, so you don't believe me. Maybe I have done a little something to deserve this ill treatment...


Les said...

Well, just what is is you could've done to deserve such treatment?:)

I do like the colors though...very Springish.;)

Seth said...

I haven't the slightest idea Les. Perhaps an authority should chime in and inform us.

Seth said...

The colors are quite nice. My favorite is the pink lamp with the cute bow tie at the top. Whoever did that deserves a prize.

Unknown said...

Ooohhh, Ahhhhh, Be-YOU-ti-ful!!! ;)

Les said...

That lamp is cute! Is that also a purple bow on the lion's head. Nice touch!

I like your sign btw, though I don't think it's true of the OMS.;)

Unknown said...

Most impressive. We used to be in business ya know... and the damage we could do in 5 minutes flat was--- welllll....just plain IMPRESSIVE!

Seth said...

Yeah Les, the sign needs to me modified for the OMS. It should say, "Worry about what the OMS thinks; they do it too often"

You are very observant. Yes, that is a purple bow, but I can barely see that in the picture above!

I asked K about the damage, and the first thing that came out of her mouth was that "it wasn't her idea." hehe... It was actually E's. And most of it was done with K gone purchasing apples. Apparently the whole operation took less than 30 minutes, which is quite impressive, if you ask me.

Seth said...

Yeah K. Although why the OMS would want to wreak mass havoc on their poor victims is beyond me. Unless their old age demands public acceptance through defacement. Than I would understand. :D

Amy said...

Ok here is the list:
~Hacking into the OMS website.
~Pulling a horrible joke on K.

Now, really that wasn't the worst we've ever done to a room. *smile*
You should be very grateful we only did what we did!!!

BTW: Who eats noodles and prunes anyway?? That sounds horrible!

Amy said...

Hey Kristin, we forgot the carrots!!! *snaps*

Seth said...

Wow Amy, your list is rather short. But I don't mind if you withhold charges and go easy on me. Tnx!

And what is the worst the OMS has done?!?

Noodles and Prunes has been a family tradition for more than a century. It started in Germany before my family migrated to America.

I usually skip out on the prunes ... and hit the desert table. :)

Lesley said...

Seth! You acted all sweet and innocent! What horrible trick did you pull on K??? You neglected to mention that part!

Well, as far as it not being K's idea, I believe that but you, sir, had better be on your guard! K. is often in the middle of things that are not her idea! (cyia dorm comes to mind here K.) So, consider yourself forewarned.

E. I wonder about your mind sometimes girl! You can be fantastically wicked sometimes!;)

Seth said...

Les, I purposely neglected that part because I was sure you knew. hehe... I would also like to know "which" horrible trick A is referring to.

I have already had a MAJOR trick played on me, why should I worry? lol

Yeah... I don't know about E either. She is pretty quiet and I know her less than A.

Unknown said...

Yeah, no kidding Les!! THAT was the craziest thing ever, and I was hardly given a choice.... =P Never again, I say. ;)

Uhh, I'm not sure even E would agree with you Seth. LOL *quiet??* Hmmm.... only when she's trying to be on her best behavior-haha. ;)

Lesley said...

Well Seth, I don't know which trick is being referred to here. Unless it has to do with listening in on a conversation but I thought they already punished you for that. Perhaps you're just the unfortune type that can do no good in the eyes of the OMS. At least they'll be gone for the weekend so you should be safe. No wait, E. is staying behind....perhaps you're not safe after all!

Seth said...

Yeah, I am at a loss too. There are too many little instances that they could be referring to, it would be foolhardy to try and guess.

BTW, when did I listen in on a conversation that wasn't blatantly obvious? I don't know when this was either, or the punishment I received. My memory must be failing me already in my "old age."

Perhaps for most of the weekend I will be safe. Although I heard that two of the OMS is visiting on Saturday for a few minutes, so maybe not. :(

Eliza said...

I am so not quiet in the least!!! LOL
I'm glad you liked my streamer art. I was rather proud of that myself;)

Seth said...

haha... Eliza has chimed in now. Good for you! Yeah, I actually still have the most impressive streamer art still around my room.

K says that you are only quiet when under your "best behavior." Whatever that means. Its weird then, because you seem so calm and gentle whenever I see you, but I guess that must be a complete deception.

Les said... really must not see Eliza very often! I don't see her that often but even I am not deceived!:)

Anonymous said...

It's a very cute look Seth... are you expecting someone special?

Unknown said...

Uh, just one member of the OMS is here for the weekend... unless you think I'm a visitor (an unwelcome one, I'm sure ;).

Anonymous said...

Are you implying that the OMS is special?? :)

Seth said...

Why thank you Ash for the compliment. I thought that it was nice of them too. And they did it all for free! You can't beat that.

Since the OMS knows all, they must have planned this special visitor and decorated my room in preparation.

K only visits when she either needs help or when she is the laundry lady for Benjamin.

uh huh... k. Very unwelcome. I detest your presence so much that I would have to drag myself to assist a fellow sister in need :)

Lesley said...

LOL!! I must say Seth that it has been such fun getting to know you better! You definitely add a whole new dimension and personality around here. Did your sisters ever give you such a hard time? If so, then I guess you were just being prepared for what would come. If not, then I pity'll never get married after such abuse!:)

Ashley Hoover said...

*sigh* you can never stay anonomous with incredibly computer literate people... :)

Seth said...

To Les:

I will say likewise. I have really enjoyed myself. Dana did give me a hard time quite a bit up until the early teens. Then we hated each other and did some extremely mean things. Somewhere in the mid teens, we reconciled and became very close. After she left for college our relationship gradually became more distant.

Kayla, on the other hand, already attempts to give me a hard time, but being the kind brother I am, I usually turn it against her. :) One day, she will learn and will get the last laugh, but not yet.

Seth said...

To Ash:

I had the mysterious anonymous visitor narrowed down to your house but I didn't know whether it was Les trying again or if it was you giving it your best shot. I had more of an inclination that it was you, but another opinion confirmed my suspicion. :)

I was actually getting frustrated with Sitemeter and its limitations; so I found a better solution to track my visitors.

Lesley said...

Yep! Back home. Had an....interesting time. For various reasons that K may or may not fill you in on.:)

Seth said...

hehe... I have heard a little. I heard about how late you girls stayed up last night talking and how K just couldn't go to sleep until the bomb went off. And I heard that you Les lit the fuse.

ash said...

somehow I managed to miss the bomb entirely I think... I always happens that way.
Oh, and it just amuses me greatly to know that it is dinging away over there. :)

Lesley said...

Ding, Ding, Ding. Hehehe!:)

Ummm...if "the bomb" means a certain topic we discussed about a certain someone then yes, I lit that fuse. K & A were very gracious to let me light it but it was a result of recent circumstances so perhaps the fuse had been lit for a just a took a while for the bomb to go off. Let's just say that person's emotional bank account was empty.:) I can generally tolerate a lot from people so it takes quite a bit to set me off but when I blow...not good!:)

'Course, if "the bomb" means something totally different then perhaps I've just filled you in on even more! And if that's the case then perhaps you should clarify what "the bomb" is for my benefit.:)

Seth said...

No, you were absolutely correct with your observations. That was the bomb I was referring to. I just hope that this person wasn't seriously offended. :)

BTW, sorry for abandoning you. I noticed that you checked this blog several times this week and I had written nothing. hehe... We should try skype again, perhaps I won't have class right away. I am anxiously awaiting the end of the semester. Two more weeks... Yay!

Lesley said...

That's okay....I usually check blogs frequently as I have no other life. JK.:)

As far as offending this person...well I don't think that's possible. :)

Seth said...

hehe... Well I would agree with that statement. To make things easier, if u want, I can add your email address to the notification list so that you don't have to subscribe to every single blog post. :)

It's nice to be difficult to offend. :) I didn't used to be that way, but that has also changed. The credit goes first to God and then to Dana. Someone has to do something truly mean to provoke me to anger or offend me. Perhaps that is why I can hang out with the OMS and not be injured! :)

Angelica said...

Nice room, Seth! How long did it take them??? I didn't read through all the comments :).

BTW,I think this is the first post I read...

Unknown said...

Wow Angelica! You started reading my blog in April! That was a long time ago.

Ahh... Sometimes the comments are better than the actual post. I guess its because multiple perspectives are given. hehe...

Angelica said...

Yeah, but I didn't have time to read through them all right then :). I just did... They are fairly enlightening :D.

Lesley said...

Haha! Found it! Wow...and I never knew!:)

It was funny reading back through these much has happened since then!;)

Rachel C said...

Yay! I found another one, Angelica! That's #2. Did I hear that there are three?

Wow! I didn't read the post but those comments...hmmm... :)