Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rattling problem diagnosed, God please HELP!

So, you all know about that constant rattling noise on my car, well I just found out that its my tire about to blow! Isn't that fun! I get to drive all the way back to Kearney depending on God to keep my car moving smoothly. We swapped the rear and front tires on the passenger side to gain maximum usage out of the tire, but seriously only the hand of God can keep me moving. Anyone want a ride? :)


Amy said...

Oh, you boys would do something like that wouldn't you!?! Just STAY PUT for goodness sakes!! Max use of your tires??? LOL If your tire is about to blow...I would take that as a slight indication that you've use up your "max usage." Just stay where you are and take a ride in the big van...;)
*k, a, and e, rolls eyes*

Seth said...

Yay! Four hours and ten minutes later, I am back in Kearney safely. Because the tire belt had been broken, and the tire inner metal was visable, I had to drive extremely slow back to Kearney. My maximum speed was 40! Praise God!

The big van left before K's (little sis) concert had even started, and I just couldn't leave without going.

Amy said...

Well, thank the Lord you arrived home without any major problems....but I wouldn't try that again any time soon. :)